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Source Great World, with spirit pill and marvelous medicine, as well as destroying Earth extinguishing Heaven, endless Source Technique, and various, mysterious Source Magic Treasure.

The value of one Earth Rank Source Divine Armament is comparable to 100 pieces, 1000 pieces Profound Rank 9th Revolution Source Divine Armament Magic Treasure!

“Hehe ~~ This is not Earth Rank Divine Armament.” Guo Family Patriarch, measuring mysterious and simple long sword in his hand, said: “This thing is clearly Azure Divine Sword! In the complete period, it is indeed Earth Rank Divine Armament, but internal. The spirituality was broken up and fell into the ranks of Profound Rank Source Divine Armament, but if spare no effort urged the formidable power of this sword, a few points of Earth Rank Source Divine Armament could still erupt! Break through the defense of the monster butterfly Silkworm cocoons are absolutely no problem. “

“Patriarch Guo is really hidden.” Ximen Family Patriarch said with a strange air.

“At present, let’s stop saying more useless words.”

Guo Family Patriarch, with rapt attention locked aura, put the power of Source Great Saint cultivation base into “Azure Divine Sword”.

North Mountain Range Azure Sect Sect Master, Ximen Family Patriarch, followed by injecting power into “Azure Divine Sword”.

weng weng weng.

“Azure Divine Sword”, which absorbs the power of 3 Source Great Saint Realm powerhouse, seems like a full-fledged flood beast, roaring repeatedly, sword glow 10000 zhang, breakthrough Vault of Heaven.


A few items, Guo Family Patriarch, knead out a mark.

Suddenly, Azure Divine Sword emerged from the wind and turned into a huge sword glow of 1000 meters, fiercely chopped on the cocoon ball.

“Ka … ka cha cha.”

Gu Ruo Jin Tang, indestructible silkworm cocoon sphere, was sharply torn by the “Azure Divine Sword” and was slowly torn apart.

“I’m still going to do it.” Nangong Family Patriarch said, not assured.

“Not in a hurry.” Qin Tian shook his head and secretly considered: “The other party took out Killing Move, but Little Butterfly hasn’t used Killing Move yet.”

Everchanging Butterfly’s innate talent Divine Ability, Illusion! This is a super horrible Illusion Technique that can distort reality and replace reality!


Cocoon sphere, all split up and in pieces.

Little Butterfly flew upside down, the color Butterfly Flame outside him, dim and scattered.

“Ha ha ha! Evil creature, don’t put your hands down, but when to stay!” Ximen Family Patriarch laughed rampantly.

Bad things, I kill you first!

Little Butterfly’s eyes glowed red light.

There is a word that cannot be portrayed, and naked eye is also a mysterious force that cannot be touched. It is silent and extends to the Ximen Family Patriarch.

… ah, this … what is this?

The screaming panic was born.

Fleshy body of Ximen Family Patriarch becomes transparent and unreal.

He also felt that his consciousness and soul were withering away.

But he was not attacked at all.

“Appeared! The Illusion Technique of Everchanging Butterfly, Illusion.” Qin Tian tsk tsk was surprised: “Illusion Technique can kill people, can shake the earth and earth! To the bottom of the root, it is essentially false! But Everchanging Butterfly can use Illusion Technique It is too taboo to distort reality and create realistic death, rather than death on spirit willpower. “

A gust of wind blew over, and the Ximen Family Patriarch of the Source Great Saint Realm cultivation base, disappeared without a trace.

As if in the world, no one had existed like him.

There is absolute silence.

Guo Family Patriarch, North Mountain Range Azure Sect Sect Master, looked at each other in blank dismay, and they saw each other’s deep rolling terror in their hearts.

“Dad, how did the Ximen Family Patriarch die?” Nangong Mei’er, Nangong Diewu, accidentally asked.

Can’t see it.

Nangong Family Patriarch shook his head.

“It’s your turn.” Little Butterfly has already locked 2 people in “North Mountain Range Azure Sect Sect Master, Guo Family Patriarch”.

Illusion “Illusion Technique”, covering two people’s flesh and blood, three immortal souls and seven mortal souls.

They didn’t even check it out themselves. They just witnessed the exact same picture before the disappearance of the Ximen Family Patriarch. Their flesh and blood, their vague illusions, their spirits and wills, disappeared sharply and ceased to exist.

Little room, after Ximen Family Patriarch, Guo Family Patriarch, North Mountain Range Azure Sect Sect Master, come to nothing.

Everyone present was dull.

“I’m exhausted … I ran out of Illusion Technique again.” Little Butterfly fluttered his wings tiredly, and flew back into the cuff of the youth: “Qin Tian …… I’m going to rest.”

“Mimi sleeps a lot, and you have to rely on Little Butterfly Queen ~” Qin Tian’s voice abused.

Run, Patriarch is dead!

The cultivators who followed Guo Family Guo Family, Ximen Family Patriarch, and North Mountain Range Azure Sect Sect Master, all came together.

Nangong Family Patriarch, did not order a chase, but it was also in a flash room, instructed: “Several Elders, Thou divided troops into 3 roads, to occupy the site resources of Xiamen Family, Guo Family, North Mountain Range Azure Sect, and by the way notify Nine Heavens All influence, Planet Family Patriarch, Azure Sect Sect Master, Guo Family Patriarch on Planet have been died! “

“As you bid.” A few Nangong Family Elders, after a brief discussion, immediately set off.


“Patriarch Nangong.” Qin Tian said positively: “Nine Heavens Planet, I can’t stay.”


Nangong Family Patriarch, for a moment, thought he had heard it wrong: “The crisis has been resolved, and we have to go, what is the reason.”

“In Abandoned Land, I almost missed the Scarlet Dragon Race Young Master.” Qin Tian straight to the point said: “Unfortunately, I ran for that guy.”

He hated me for getting into my bones. Once I found out, I was at Nine Heavens Planet, Nangong Family … hehe, no need for consequences. I said it.

“Scarlet Dragon Race, Source Ancient Race! Dominates hundreds of Nine Heavens Planet-like planets, the influence is powerful, beyond imagination.”

Nangong Family Patriarch, bitterly ridiculed: “You brat, who really dares to offend … The combined influence of the entire Nine Heavens Planet is no match for the power of the Scarlet Dragon Race” tip of the iceberg “. You are right, Nine Heavens Planet, you ca n’t stay any longer, but where are you going to go? Crossing the universe starry sky, this can only be done with Source Great Saint Realm cultivation base. “

Qin Tian has been silent for a long time: “There are no other methods, can you let me move freely in the starry sky universe before Source Great Saint Realm cultivation base?”

“If there is a Source Star Warship,” Nangong Family Patriarch said: “Only Nine Heavens Planet, as far as I know, there is no” Source Star Warship “.”

Sir Queen ~~

Reluctantly, Qin Tian turned to Queen Shen Fei: “Sir Queen, please give me an idea.”

“Stupid!” Queen Shen Fei hate iron for not becoming steel, said: “You are thinking carefully!”

“I have nothing to miss.” Qin Tian is decadent.

“The starry sky of Source Great World, the reason why it must be crossed to the source great Saint Realm cultivation base, is because the gravity environment in the universe starry sky, as well as the countless meteorites vortex, can be with no difficulty kill Source Emperor, Source King, in other words, you only need to find one thing that protects you from being squeezed by the meteorite storm and gravity environment, and you can freely move in the Universe. “

“Solid!” Qin Tian first thought of these two words: “Divine Palace?”


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