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Beauty is in the front, beautiful and alluring is impossible.

Zhu Xiu was on the side, each and everyone stared wide-eyed, holding their breath.

Qin Tian thought about what the woman wanted to do, while holding up the right hand, and the girl ’s jade hand, politely held: “Qin Tian ——”

“Young Master Qin Tian.” The arrogance between the eyebrows, about one inch, Chi Xue ’s clear and agile eyes, as if flowing a limpid autumn water, said: “You were still Immortal Grade Source Sovereign Realm cultivation base a moment ago. It ’s the Low Grade Source Emperor Realm cultivation base, and it ’s smoky into the Scarlet Dragon Great Mountain 2000th step area. I ’m curious, will you continue to move forward.

This one.

Qin Tian smiled: “On top of the Scarlet Dragon Great Mountain, I heard that the scenery there is good, and I really want to take a look.”

hiss! hiss! hiss!

Including a few 100 Source Great Saint Realm powerhouse, all took a breath and talked about other cultivators present.

The top of Scarlet Dragon Great Mountain … Dare that brat dare to say it.

Look at style? Hehe, people on Scarlet Dragon Planet who want to go to the top of Scarlet Dragon Great Mountain to see the scenery “go to the sea”, but who successfully climbed to the top of Scarlet Dragon Great Mountain, this day and age, there is only one Saintess of Divine Light Race .

According to rumors, Divine Light Race Saintess is peerless grace and elegance, peerless matchless Heaven’s Proud Daughter, and the “Scarlet Dragon Race Number One Heaven’s Proud Daughter Chi Xue” standing in front of Qin Tian at the moment is all overshadowed.

That brat could it be thinking that he can keep pace with Divine Light Race Saintess?


“Ha ha ha.”

Black hair flicked slightly, Chi Xue laughed ethereally.

“Young Lady feels funny?” Qin Tian was asked.

“No good laugh, your joke, no good laugh at all, so I laugh.” Chi Xue turned around and said.

… Understood, Young Lady Chi Xue thinks I am a lunatic. I am talking about it here and I ca n’t reach the top of Scarlet Dragon Great Mountain, right?

Qin Tian spoke very straightforwardly.

Chi Xue pill eye squinted: “Aren’t you right, how many times have you come to Scarlet Dragon Great Mountain?”

“For the first time.” Qin Tian told the truth.

The first time you come to Scarlet Dragon Great Mountain, you can walk to the top of Scarlet Dragon Great Mountain?

Chi Xue looked up and looked at the mysterious Vault of Heaven, said: “You don’t look like a madman! That’s a madman.”

“Crazy or lunatic.” Qin Tian came to Xingzhi: “Come on a gamble.”

I see Young Lady Chi Xue. When I arrived at Scarlet Dragon Great Mountain, I showed a strong will to press forward. I must have vigorously rushed to the top of Scarlet Dragon Great Mountain and wanted to be with the Divine Light Race Saintess. Based on Scarlet Dragon Continent, and I also want to reach the top of Scarlet Dragon Great Mountain, the goal, coincidentally, can come to a gamble, right to be a game.

“Hawson’s strong observation power, my intentions, are not bad for his analysis.” Chi Xue small head lightly nods: ‘What do you want to bet! ‘,

Just bet I can go to the top of Scarlet Dragon Great Mountain.

Qin Tian said: “If I go to the top of Scarlet Dragon Great Mountain, you will give me 100,000 Source Divine Stone.”

I ca n’t reach the top of Scarlet Dragon Great Mountain and give you 1,000,000 Source Divine Stone!

“100,000 Source Divine Stone, is not a small number, but this Young Lady can still get it.”

Chi Xue said: “But I see you! Don’t say 1,000,000 Source Divine Stone, 100,000 Source Divine Stone, you don’t have any.”

“Ha ha ha, I see it for you.” Qin Tian touched the back of the head and smiled.

“Then are you playing me?” Chi Xue said, within the body there was a heaven shaking murderous aura, ready to come out.

Ordinary Source Emperor feels the Slaughter Aura of this tip of the iceberg, and is going to shiver coldly.

Qin Tian ignored it and smiled and said: “I lost, I will give you 1,000,000 Source Divine Stone or 100,000,000 Source Divine Stone, is that the difference?”

“What do you mean?” Chi Xue didn’t stare.

“Because I won’t lose!” Qin Tian’s tone is still so playful, but there is a convincing Demon Power surging: “Since I won’t lose, then I flicker you, how much I lost to you Source Divine Stone, are n’t they all random. “


Chi Xue for the first time looked at the white clothed show, ordinary and mediocre with serious and equal eyes, a young man with mysterious mysterious charm: “Okay, this bet, I took it! You lost, I do n’t want you 1,000,000, You ca n’t get 100,000,000 Source Divine Stone, I want the butterfly Divine Beast in your hand! If you agree, we are high-five as oath! “

“OK.” Qin Tian agreed.

Pa pa ! Pa pa !

Immediately, 2 people solemnly, high-five as oath, bet on the contract! Violators, heaven punishes earth extinguishes, under 18 Layers Hell!

“Sister Chi Xue ~~” Chi Yun’er, with a Scarlet Dragon Race powerhouse, walked up: “Sister Chi Xue, betting with this kind of guy, it doesn’t make much sense. I want the butterfly Divine Beast, just grab it.”

“I said, you little girl, talking so savage! Bandit robbers will only snatch directly. Are you a bandit?” Qin Tian played interesting.

“You … you bastard, you are the bandit!” Chi Yun’er fly into a rage out of humiliation.

“Fine.” Chi Xue pulled Chi Yun’er away and pointed to the top of Scarlet Dragon Great Mountain, said: “Qin Tian, ​​let’s start now!”

Start right from the start.

Qin Tian and Chi Xue walked side by side to the “2001st” step.

with rapt attention locked aura, dispelling miscellaneous thoughts, Qin Tian within the body, bones roaring, qi and blood rolling!

Present the best and most perfect state, seem like a cheetah ready to start!

… a scene that is rarely seen.

Dignified Scarlet Dragon Race Number One Heaven’s Proud Daughter, and a brazen hairless brat.

Let’s wait and see.

What’s so beautiful, Young Lady Chi Xue can still lose to a little-known brat?

Yeah, Young Lady Chi Xue won!


“Hear it, no one is optimistic about you, so you still …” Chi Xue taunted.


Qin Tian rushed out, 2001st steps! 2002nd steps! 2010th step!

In the blink of an eye, we reached the 2020th stage.

Chi Xue blankly looked: “You bastard, dare to run first! I caught you and broke your bones!”


2030th stairs.

Qin Tian flashed by and said with a smile: “I ran first, that’s because the Young Lady has too much to say.”


A man and a woman, chasing after running.

Jiang Yue’er, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, and Dongfang Xi are also gasping for breath, and the sweat is dripping onto the 2000th step area.

Little Girl, aura is even, her face is ruddy, nothing is wrong at all, said: “Big Brother, what are you doing with that woman?”

“Hmph, what can I do.” Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady said indignantly: “It must be a hook.”

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Dongfang Xi gasped, said: “Speaking of bad things behind, aren’t you afraid that someone will sue you.”

Who dares! Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady shouted. ,

Jiang Yue’er turned the head.

Dongfang Xi sneered: “Little Girl ~~ How about you, will you be black?”

“Hehe.” Little Girl smiled and didn’t answer.


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