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Dong! dong! dong!

A family of peaceful and peaceful Imperial Family, overnight, Heaven and Earth turning upside down, walking away from the sand.

Huang Race Great Elder, with 6 Huang Race Elder and Ice Flame Race Elder, battled together.

The Ice Flame Race Patriarch is locked to the Imperial Family Patriarch, and there is no chance of escape.

step on space and stand, radiate a shawl, batteryd and exhausted Ice Flame Race Patriarch, gritted his teeth, hysterically roared said: “Huang Race Patriarch! You and the monster snake and rat nest, embarrassed! Really disgusting!”

“Hehe, the matter has come to this point, is it useful for you to say these sounding words?” Huang Race Patriarch, with 2 hands together, seems to be in summon. What is it: “If Ice Flame Race Patriarch is not at first, it is so domineering. Gesture, this Patriarch will not go to this step with you, alas, in short, today you must have died in my Huang Race. “

Before the great hall, Qin Tian stood up and prepared to use the “72 Transformations Body Locking Technique” to prepare the Illusion Technique with Little Butterfly at any time. However, he can use more than 72 Transformations Body Locking Technique to cooperate with Little Butterfly. Using 72 Transformations Body Locking Technique with Huang Race Patriarch, just look at this Huang Race Patriarch, can you fully get the upper hand, if you directly win the ticket, then you can just sit back and watch for a while.

“Hong long! Hong long!”

In the distance, an ancient divine stone tower flew through the sky.

Sacred object of Huang Race of common origins, Huang Race Pagoda!

Huang Race Patriarch, the cultivation base is vast, standing on Huang Race Pagoda, looking down on Ice Flame Race Patriarch: “pay with your life!”


How do I … how can I die in your Huang Race! This Patriarch will definitely escape, waiting for the opportunity to revenge your Huang Race!

The Ice Flame Race Patriarch roared, showing horror power: ‘Ice Flame Art, Ice Flame Ocean. ‘

This move, the Ice Flame Race Young Master has also been used, but unfortunately the scale and momentum, compared to the Ice Flame Race Patriarch exhibition, to weaken 1000 Times!

A dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, not to mention the battle strength of Ice Flame Race Patriarch, which only fell by 20%. It was replaced by Qin Tian, ​​and 10000 were no match for him.



The tall, ancient, heavy, and majestic Huang Race Pagoda is like a Sea Calming Divine Needle with a depression on “Ice Flame Ocean”.

The turbulent majestic Ice Flame Ocean, no matter how it rolls, can’t stand the wind and waves.

In the end, Ice Flame Race Patriarch did his utmost to condense the “Ice Flame Ocean”, scattered fragments, and shattered them to death.

“Very good.” Huang Race Patriarch is quite satisfied with this result: “At the peak period, he and Ice Flame Race Patriarch are indistinguishable.”

At this moment, Ice Flame Race has been hit first, and the battle strength is damaged … I have Huang Race sacred object, assisted by Huang Race Pagoda, erased Ice Flame Race Patriarch.

Hu hu.

Emotional confusion caused Ice Flame Race Patriarch to pant and bullfight, twirling and top-heavy.

“Huang Race Pagoda, depression Heaven and Earth! Heaven and Earth bowed!”

The cultivation base energy of the whole body is poured into Huang Race Pagoda.

Huang Race Patriarch, moved the chapter, is in a spurt of energy, and suppresses the Ice Flame Race Patriarch to prevent future troubles.


That’s … let’s Patriarch, and Ice Flame Race Patriarch!

How did they fight?

Patriarch moved out all the Huang Race Pagoda, it seems to have broken off with Ice Flame Race, and reached the point of being irreconcilable.

More and more Huang Race members, all directions skimming, pointing fingers, discuss spiritedly.

Lu Xiaoyou, immersed in shock: “She counted 1000 and calculated 10000, but did not count. Qin Tian’s 3 words and 2 words caused Huang Race Patriarch to fight with Ice Flame Race Patriarch … Look at Qin Tian again and stay out of the matter. , Standing there indifferently, as if Ice Flame Race came to the door, he was fighting against Huang Race, and had nothing to do with him. “

“It’s … very powerful and wise.” Pats scorched his face, and Lu Xiaoyou found that he was a little like the other.


Under the Huang Race Pagoda, Ice Flame Race Patriarch, vomiting blood, his face is ashes, and his mouth is still chattering, screaming vaguely: “I! I will not let you go Huang Race!”

“Distance.” Several Ice Flame Race Elders, when they saw Patriarch, were almost suppressed, and they were in a mess. They gave Huang Race Elder the opportunity to suppress the Ice Flame Race Elders. and Death on the brink.

“I see, it’s almost time to shoot.” Qin Tian said: ‘Little Butterfly, ready! ‘

“En.” The colorful butterfly resting on the shoulders of the youth, spirited, flapping its wings, outlines the familiar, dreamy Illusion Technique energy.

72 Transformations Body Locking Technique!

Qin Tian’s eyes were decisive, cast Body Locking Technique, imprisoned the “Huang Race Pagoda”, the precarious Ice Flame Race Patriarch.

As for Little Butterfly, it is a tacit release of the “Illusion Technique energy” that he has bred.

“Peng long.”

Resistance to the suppression of Huang Race Pagoda has given Ice Flame Race Patriarch more than enough power.

After being hit by the energy of Little Butterfly’s Illusion Technique, one can imagine what kind of tragic ending.

He screamed like a pig, and flesh and blood dissipated and collapsed.

“Good job!” Huang Race Patriarch applauded and increased the “Suppression formidable power” of “Huang Race Pagoda”.


Hua la la !

Ice Flame Race Patriarch, completely turned into fine powder nihility, die died.

“Patriarch … dead!”

riddled with scars, Ice Flame Race Great Elder entangled with Huang Race Great Elder, fear and trepidation in the face of a disaster: “Do n’t … do n’t fight, I ’m willing to take refuge in your Huang Race! This Elder ’s strength is not weak, It can bring huge essence to Huang Race. “

Receiving Little Butterfly income within the body to cultivate and recuperate, it continuously releases Illusion Technique energy 2 times in a row, tired to the extreme, Qin Tian is also very distressed.

“Oh? I trust Huang Race?” On Huang Race Pagoda, Huang Race Patriarch, looking thoughtful: “Ice Flame Race Great Elder is indeed a powerhouse! Being able to absorb him is really a huge benefit for Huang Race.”

Realizing that Huang Race Patriarch was moving, Ice Flame Race Patriarch to be wild with joy: “I can swear poison! Never betray Huang Race.”

“Hehe, I think it’s best to kill this person.” Qin Tian’s voice resounded: “When he has nowhere to go, he can betray Ice Flame Race, acknowledge allegiance Huang Race. Future day You Huang Race is in danger, he also You can turn to enemies. Besides, he is not a member of Huang Race. Huang Race killed Ice Flame Race Patriarch. There is no resentment in his heart. Say, will anyone believe it? Let him stay in Huang Race, which is equal to a Time bomb. “

“You! Little Bastard, it’s you again … Huang Race Patriarch, don’t listen to him bullshit, I really trust you Huang Race!” Ice Flame Race Great Elder, eyes spitting fire, staring at white clothed youth, can’t wait Swallow each other live, remove 8 generations.

“Well, Little Friend Qin Tian makes sense.” Huang Race Patriarch urged Huang Race Pagoda to fly: “Ice Flame Race Great Elder, I’m really sorry, you still go to hell and reunite with Ice Flame Race Patriarch. “

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