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As Huang Race did Elder, with the elite cultivator of the family, quickly annexed and occupied the resource site of “Ice Flame Race” … The news that Huang Race was tightly sealed and locked was also spreading. Suhuo, Ice Flame Race Patriarch, Elder, all things that were found in Huang Race, leaked out, sooner or later.

Fortunately, before the news went away, Huang Race Patriarch ordered Huang Race Elders to receive the resources of Ice Flame Race into the family. From this, even if Ice Flame Race entrenched the site Let the outsiders get it, and there is no loss for Huang Race: “As one of the Nine Great False Source Ancient Races, the Source Divine Stone accumulated in the Ice Flame Race treasure house over the years has 5,000,000 or more! This makes Huang Race send A big fortune, and the 2 Source Divine Stone mine of Ice Flame Race, is also inestimable! “

Source Great World, talent potential is particularly important, but cultivation resources, chance treasure, is even more important! Like a pair of wings, without this pair of wings, you can only go forward step by step, while others can grow wings and swing straight up.


“Is Little Friend Qin Tian here?”

The reserved Huang Race Patriarch, with a bright smile, came to the yard and knocked on the door to shout.

“Please come in–” white clothed black hair, chic and elegant Qin Tian is sitting in the yard, ready to leave Scarlet Dragon Planet tomorrow, return to Nine Heavens Planet, and then participate in “Emperor List Great War” with Nangong Diewu “!


“Little Friend Qin Tian, ​​I sent you a gift, you will love it.”

With permission, the Huang Race family who walked into the courtyard said: “This time, our Huang Race searched 5,000,000 or more Source Divine Stone from the Ice Flame Race treasure house, and there are many Source Precious Materials. People are excited about the 2 continuously, the Source Divine Stone mine that condenses Source Divine Stone. “

“Oh.” Qin Tian didn’t feel anything shocked: “Ice Flame Race, there is no such thing in it, so it is not suitable to be listed as one of the Nine Great False Source Ancient Races.”

“I can erased that Ice Flame Race Patriarch, Little Friend Qin Tian one’s contributions cannot go unnoticed!” Huang Race Patriarch, expression Take it seriously: “I brought you 3,000,000 Source Divine Stone, please also ask Little Friend Qin Tian to accept, 10000000 do n’t shirk.”

“No way?”

Qin Tian heard this, but it was started: “Huang Race Patriarch, you only searched 5,000,000 Source Divine Stones in total, and gave me 3,000,000 Source Divine Stones at once, not very good, Huang Race Patriarchs, do you agree? “

“How could they disagree! It’s not Little Friend Qin Tian’s proposal, my Huang Race is still muddleheaded, how can this rise opportunity.” Huang Race Patriarch, surely said: “Again, this time overturns Ice Flame Race, The biggest gain is not these 5,000,000 Source Divine Stones, but the 2 Source Divine Stone mines. It takes less than 3 years and 5 years. These 2 Source Divine Stone mines can produce 10000000 million Source Divine Stones. “

“Okay.” Qin Tian indifferent smile, put away the 3,000,000 Source Divine Stone brought by Huang Race Patriarch.

… that, Little Friend Qin Tian, ​​I still have something to discuss with you.

Huang Race Patriarch, embarrassed said: “What is your relationship with Great Elder’s granddaughter, Lu Xiaoyou?”

“What could it matter? Friends.” Qin Tian made Huang Race Patriarch unprepared and turned around and said awkwardly.


Little Friend Qin Tian innate talent is absolutely unrivaled genius that is difficult to encounter through all ages.

from ancient times the saying is true that all heroes love beauties, Great Elder’s granddaughter Lu Xiaoyou, although not peerless grace and elegance, is also a good baby girl.

This Patriarch intends to bring you together, I do n’t know Little Friend Qin Tian, ​​what do you think? Huang Race Patriarch, tentatively asked.


Qin Tian was completely stunned: “Dongfang Xi, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, and Lu Xiaoyou walked away.”

If I heard this to the Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, according to her temperament, she wouldn’t have a seizure.

“If Little Friend Qin Tian agrees, from now on, Huang Race can cultivate you at any cost.” Huang Race Patriarch, solemnly vowed.

This is the phase of my innate talent, I want to pull me into his Huang Race.

Qin Tian smiled bitterly and got up, grant a ceremony, said: “Huang Race Patriarch, Lu Xiaoyou has a lively and simple personality, I treat her as a little sister, how can I marry her? Don’t hold your thoughts anymore.”

Looking at the firm eyebrows of the youth, Huang Race Patriarch was disappointed, sighed, said: “… well, there is one more thing.”

The “Emperor List Great War” that is the focus of attention throughout the world is about to open. Xiaoyou, a child, innate talent is okay. It ’s a pity not to see the world.

“I’ll take her to participate in the Emperor List Great War.” Qin Tian heard the voice of Huang Race Patriarch.

“Haha, that would be great.” Huang Race Patriarch, frowning: “Although I didn’t draw this brat to Huang Race, but she was on Emperor List Great War, following Lu Xiaoyou. error.”


“Patriarch, why are you here?”

A silhouette, flying from afar, it was Lu Xiaoyou, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady.

“How about I take you to the Emperor List Great War?” Qin Tian didn’t let Huang Race Patriarch speak, so he asked.

Emperor List Great War?

Lu Xiaoyou froze for a moment, and called said: “Okay! If I were to go alone, I wouldn’t dare to go.”

Depart tomorrow, leave Huang Race, you are ready.

Qin Tian said: “I want to meet a friend, and she will also participate in the Emperor List Great War.”

“It’s a man or a woman.” Lu Xiaoyou, curious asked.

Little Girl asked what to do so much? Qin Tian rolled his eyes.


The next day, sky first glimmers of light, several silhouettes left Huang Race.

Farther and farther away from the ground.

In a blink of an eye, we will arrive at the universe mysterious universe starry sky.

Lu Xiaoyou exclaimed said: “Big Brother Qin Tian … what are you doing?”

“Leave Scarlet Dragon Planet.” Qin Tian smiled: “Relax, I know that only Source Great Saint can have Constant Antiquity Universe. I have my way, you don’t need to worry.”

“Which of your friends is not a Scarlet Dragon Planet person.” Lu Xiaoyou woke up like a dream.

Bang! bang!

Essence, Qi, and Spirit roared, Qin Tian frowned, and flew out of a divine light.

The rays of light expanded in the wind and became a million zhang tall, the work of the Gods, the breathtaking Divine Palace.

Standing in front of the Divine Palace of all ages Immortal, Lu Xiaoyou is extremely quiet and his soul throbs; “Heaven … what is this?”

Divine Palace left by Little Butterfly Mother, from Nine Heavens Planet to Scarlet Dragon Planet, also used this Divine Palace as a travel tool.

Qin Tian waved his hand: “Sister Xiaoyou, don’t be stunned, and I entered this Divine Palace, we can cross the universe.”


After a while, the magnificent Divine Palace, transformed into a long rainbow, disappeared above the Scarlet Dragon Planet.

In the desolate and empty Universe, there are countless meteorite debris floating, and the Universe vortex, Source King encounters these things, they must fly ash and extinguished smoke instantly, but when that large number of meteorites, Universe vortex, touch The Great God God, which moves rapidly, has not even left a trace of friction.


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