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… the 5th platform emerged.

The silhouette of the genius on it is also over 100,000 people.

Qin Tian was amazed by this: “Emperor List Great War, which can be called Source Great World, Constant Antiquity Immortal, is an amazing event.”

“Nonsense! What do you know.” Crisp and loud, Only I Am Supreme’s female voice suddenly sounded through.

Qin Tian blankly looked, overjoyed: “Sir Queen …… cough cough, are you awake?”

The vastness of Source Great World is far above your imagination.

Queen Shen Fei, as always, with a cold tone, said: “It’s better than the Emperor List Great War, but the world’s attention, far better! Just say Conferring God War, you must have never heard of brat. “

“Conferring God War?” Qin Tian was very interested; “I am ignorant and inexperienced to set off Sir Queen conversant with things past and present. No, you just tell me what kind of event this Conferring God War is.”

“… Want to know?” Queen Shen Fei indifferent smile: “The character who can return from Conferring God War can be the weakest to achieve Quasi God Level … well, I will tell you so much. The stage, the distance You are too far away, 8 poles can’t hit, you still think about it, how to survive on Emperor List Great War. “

Qin Tian is unhappy: “What do you mean! Look down on people? Trifling Emperor List Great War, I can get through with no difficulty! Moreover, 100% of this Emperor List Great War champion belongs to me.”

“It’s a big breath, what guarantee do you take?” Queen Shen Fei deliberately satirized said: “So far, there have been so many of the 100,000 geniuses who have appeared, Source Great Sage Realm Level. It can destroy you. You can’t resist that Little Butterfly for you. “

If I were soft, I was afraid that I would not be able to raise my head in the future.

Holding his fist, Qin Tian played with a tone of voice, said: “Sir Queen, let’s make an appointment. If I get the Emperor List Great War champion position, you will help me do one thing.”

“What matters, you should make it clear first.” Queen Shen Fei, said whilst asking.

“Sir Queen is the Source God of aloof and remote. What can I do to stump you?”

Besides, what I let Sir Queen do is very simple. Qin Tian laughed the evil hope: “At that time, Sir Queen will know.”


After one hour, on the 5th platform, the 6th and 7th platforms squeezed out the void one after another.

More than 200,000 geniuses added to the Emperor List Great War space.

… Heaven, how many people are coming here.

Almost 80 people!

What I care about is how many people can live out of the 80 10000 geniuses when the prelude to the Emperor List Great War begins.

No one knows, no one knows, the previous Emperor List Great War is over, less than 0.1% of the contestants go back alive!

hong long.

After arriving at the 8th and 9th platforms, slowly arrived.

A mysterious majestic voice also followed from mysteriously and inexorably, to nothingness: “Emperor List Great War, contestants, 1,100,000 people! Thou has 2 choices, the first way, immediately give up Emperor List Great War! Abandoners, But be safe and go back to the original place. 2nd road, choose to continue to enter the first link of the Emperor List Great War. “

… me, I give up.

I also give up … This Emperor List Great War is too scary, I will wait for the next time.

The skill of a small cup of tea withdrew from the total talents of Emperor List Great War, reaching 50,000 to 60,000 people.

Qin Tian’s eyes are firm and unshakable: “This dragon wars, the tiger battles, and genius gathering are the joys I yearn for!”

Slaughter and blood are the indispensable factors that shape people’s growth! Several 10000 geniuses who withdrew from the Emperor List Great War were alive and lost their courage. A crack appeared in deep in one’s heart. “This crack, maybe they don’t even know it.”

it is good.

Retirers, 60000 1000 people, continue to participate in the Emperor List Great War, 1,040,000 people.

mysterious voice, said: “I am the controller of the Emperor List Great War. Below, you will face the one-year Emperor List Great War.”

The first to open is Emperor List Great War, the first link, Points Competition!

“What is Points Competition? How is it going?” The interrogators are not a few.

–Quiet Please

illusory’s Emperor List Great War Controller, explained; “Everyone of you will get a point token. In this Emperor List Great War space, there are countless Source Magic Beasts with constant sands … and even , And Source Divine Beast, when you kill these Source Magic Beast, you will get corresponding points. Not only that, kill other geniuses, you can also get points, the more you kill, the more points! Half a year later, Emperor List Great The first part of the War is over, and the genius with a rank top 100,000 points can enter the next round of Emperor List Great War. By the way, Emperor List Great War space is still a rare good fortune treasure, and the chance is countless. “

hiss! hiss!

The first part of this Emperor List Great War is clearly 2 words: “slaughter!”

On the surface, most geniuses will choose to find Source Magic Beast to kill and accumulate points.

In the eyes of a few geniuses of Realm super strong, the main prey, in addition to Source Magic Beast, there are 1000000 geniuses!

“weng weng weng.”

It is not colorful, the simple and dull points token, out of thin air, flashes in the hands of more than 100 geniuses.

“Okay, you can leave the platform under your feet.” Emperor List Great Competition Controller’s advice: “The first part of the Emperor List Great War, the first hour, the slaughter is prohibited! Violators, I will kill them soon! This is also Give a glimmer of survival to some people with poor strength, you can find a teammate, or find a place to hide, avoid the limelight, and then plan. “

“Husband, you speak.”

Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, grabbed the young man’s arm.

“Say what, walk ~” Qin Tian took a breath, took the lead and swept to the horizon.

Lu Xiaoyou, Nangong Diewu, Nangong Mei’er, Dongfang Xi …… daughters, follow behind.

Nine platforms with terrifying range, less than one hour, became silent and desolate, and no one was there.


An hour is just a matter of flick.

Qin Tian’s flying speed is not fast. The rear, densely packed, has more than 1000 cultivators, chasing it intentionally or unintentionally.

More than 500 people, source King Emperor Realm cultivation base, more than 400 people, Source King Realm cultivation base, Source Great Saint Realm Level, almost 100 people.

Brows frowned, Qin Tian changed the direction. Without thinking, these guys followed the direction and chased over.

After this, Qin Tian determined, stopped his body, looked back at 1000 geniuses, and shouted: “Thou thought of me as prey?”

“Hehe, it’s just that’s all that way, how can you say that?” A genius Source Great Saint Realm genius, turned around and said.


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