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… kowtow?

A glance at the dozen geniuses behind the Heavenly Wolf Race Young Master, Qin Tian’s mouth touched the evil arc, his eyes were awe-inspiring: “Plain and unexplained, I and you never know each other, why do you want him kowtow?”

“Just because this Young Master is stronger than you!” The shortly ugly Heavenly Wolf Race Young Master, loudly shouted, highlights the cultivation base “9th Revolution King Rank Divine Grade Source Sage Realm 99th Step Peak.”

Condescending, looking down at Qin Tian, ​​Heavenly Wolf Race Young Master, confident, proudly said: “You know how great it is! This world is so cruel, the fittest, weak are prey to the strong! Looking at your cultivation base, you can still barely Looking into it, it ’s a pity that there is a big gap with this Young Master! If you do n’t want this Young Master to be furious, he will kill you, hehe … hurry down kneel down for me! By the way, these young women, this Young The Master smiled politely, and I will help you take good care of them. “

“Idiot.” Listening to the rampant words of Heavenly Wolf Race Young Master, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Dongfang Xi, Jiang Yue’er, Nangong Diewu … 7 girls, all snort disdainfully, turned over big white eyes.

“Emotionally, this guy is exactly like the idiot I encountered before, and I don’t know the cruel invincible of Qin Tian at all!”

If Heavenly Wolf Race Young Master knows that Qin Tian is not a few days ago, he has 2 fists erased more than 100 Source Sage Realm geniuses. He should kneel at the moment, it should be him.


“In a few moments, ran away.”

Looking at completely motionless, staring at his white clothed youth with cold eyes, Heavenly Wolf Race Young Master, I feel uncomfortable: “Damn brat! Come on, dig out his eyes, I do n’t think he can see me! Also Not calm! “

“Holly ~~ Young Master, please.” 2 Heavenly Wolf Race genius, stepped out: “Realm cultivation base is exactly the same as Qin Tian. 9th Revolution King Rank King Grade Source Sage Realm 99th Step.”

Noting these pictures, more than 1000 geniuses on the scene cast their sights: “That brat is in trouble.”

I think he is quite serene, there must be some trump card Killing Move, so fearless.


“Hah!” Overnight, 2 Heavenly Wolf Race genius, majestic source Energy broke out.

“Ao! Ao Ao!”

The tyrannical destruction, the powerful and powerful Source Energy, brought together 2 hiding the sky and covering the earth, the bloodthirsty Heavenly Wolf giant beast.

“This is your own courting death! I kill you, out of self-defense.”

In vain he smiled brilliantly, a row of white teeth.

Qin Tian’s palm lifted, the sound of thunder, shaking the world.

“Goro Goro no Mi: 100,000,000 Volt, Julungul!”

“Goro Goro no Mi: 100,000,000 Volt, Hino!”

“Goro Goro no Mi: 100,000,000 Volt, Kiten!”

Endless, flamboyant and dazzling, pure and flawless “Devil Fruit, Goro Goro no Mi energy”, in the blink of an eye, shape 3 huge monsters bathed in the thunderbolt of the cannon.


Thunder Dragon perched in the middle, dancing claws and spreading teeth, prestige overbearing. Blow up and decay, tearing and destroying the 2 Heavenly Wolf giant beast illusory shadow.

Then, able to support both heaven and earth, the unstoppable Thunder Beast! Sharp and fast Thunder Bird! 2 The giant beast cast by Power of Thunderbolt hit fiercely on the chest of 2 Heavenly Wolf Race genius.


Do not do this…….

9th Revolution King Rank King Grade Source Sage Realm 99th Step cultivation base of 2 “Heavenly Wolf Race” genius, flying ash and extinguished smoke, corpse does not exist.

Raised his hand, instant kill 2 same rank cultivator.

One stone stirred up 1000 waves.

The more than 1000 geniuses wandering outside the valley, “looked at each other with respect to the unknown, white clothed black hair, and thin and thin young man!”

Heavenly Wolf Race Young Master, I ca n’t believe it, I thought I was dazzling.

Be sure that Qin Tian instant kill 2 Heavenly Wolf Race genius, Heavenly Wolf Race Young Master, with a dark and distorted face: “smash to bits! I think you are eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder! I am Heavenly Wolf Race, you too Dare to kill! “

“Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Six Directions and Eight Desolates, but there are people I dare not kill? 2 Cricket ants, clown, kill! Just kill! What do you want me to do?” Black hair, slowly flicking, Qin Tian Meiyu cold and severe, domineering side leaks, sound clang clang strongly repel asked.


Heavenly Wolf Race Young Master, speechless, crushed, clenched his fists: “Courage! Arrogant! Don’t let you pay the price, this Young Master will never give up! What are you stunned to do, go together! Kill him!”

“As you bid.”

9 Heavenly Wolf Race genius, sou sou surrounded white clothed youth.

7 King Rank King Grade Source Sage Realm Peak, 2 Saint Grade Source Sage Realm Level.

“Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, Super Great Puni!” Qin Tian did not shoot, Devil Fruit’s “Nikyu Nikyu no Mi” ability, spontaneously broke out!

Hong long long ! Hong long long !

Subvert Heaven and Earth, majestic look of disdain’s Power of Rebound, let 9 Heavenly Wolf Race genius, wailing wailing, spit blood and flew into the distance.

… he, that invincible power that came?

Heavenly Wolf Zong Young Master, complexion ashen pale, fear began to appear in his heart.

“Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, Tsuppari Pad Ho.”

Through Devil Fruit Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, Qin Tian compresses within the body energy, the energy substance covered between Heaven and Earth.

Peak destroys the shining Pad Ho, born out of the sky, densely packed.

“dong! dong! dong! ”

A series of Nikyu Nikyu no Mi Pad Ho, in addition to leaving irreparable signs of destruction on the earth, 9 Heavenly Wolf Race genius, also soul flies away and scatters, body dies and Dao disappears.


From beginning to end, the tea time is not there, and it becomes the Heavenly Wolf Race Young Master of general without an army. It is frightened, and it stumbles: “You … you are crazy! Those who are enemies with me Heavenly Wolf Race will not Good ending! “

“I want to correct you 2 o’clock.”

looked towards the dead, looking down at Heavenly Wolf Race Young Master, Qin Tian said word by word: “First, it ’s not me who wants to kill you! It ’s stupid you jumped out of me! 2nd, here is Emperor List Great War Space is not you Heavenly Wolf Race! I kill you, why fear Heavenly Wolf Race? Take a step back and say that your Patriarch of Heavenly Wolf Race stands here, and I dare to kill you! “

“I … I fight with you!”

Heavenly Wolf Race Young Master, hysterical.

9th Revolution King Rank Divine Grade Source Sage Realm 99th Step cultivation base.

“Heavenly Wolf Nibbling Sun!”

“Ao Ao! Ao Ao!”

Pure golden furry, fierce violent, vivid and lifelike, magnificent Heavenly Wolf Divine Beast illusory shadow, squeezed out of the void.

This is the Trump card Killing Move of Heavenly Wolf Race Young Master, which can threaten Immortal Grade Source Sage Realm powerhouse.

But he was really stupid to get home.

Qin Tian looked at the majestic, overbearing Heavenly Wolf Divine Beast illusory shadow without blinking: “Eight-Headed Serpent Jutsu! Open!”

hu chi!

White mist, occupying the sky outside the valley mouth.

The “Eight Headed Serpent Divine Beast” with 8 heads emerged from the shocking, snow-white body, covered with barbs.

This is not energy gathering, but flesh and blood, genuine “Eight Headed Serpent Divine Beast!”

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