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“Roar! Roar!”

The flamboyant and terrifying “Super Saiyan Blue Dragon Fist Explosion” skill, the blooming tabu look of disdain fluctuations, is enough to tear a Wild Great Mountain raze to the ground, enough to tear a river and the sea apart.

Scarlet Flame Violent Bear King, his eyes beating with dignified colors, sharp claw slapped out, greeted on “Super Saiyan Blue Dragon Fist Explosion”. “One stone aroused 1000 waves, a sudden storm, dancing claws, sweeping Eight Desolates! The big valley, on the verge of collapse, seemed to sink into the depths of the vast earth and no longer exist.”

“Super Saiyan Blue Kamehameha!”

The waves, never stop.

Condensing the energy of the whole body up and down, Qin Tian 2 closes his hands and opens his posture.

Soon, compared with Dragon Fist Explosion, Energy Wave, which is more penetrating, was hatched as shatter void.

“Less to despise people! The strength of this King is comparable to the Basic Rank Low Grade Source Great Sage Realm powerhouse, and it will lose you to this hairy brat.” Scarlet Flame Violent Bear King, still playing with Super Saiyan Blue Dragon Fist Explosion contends, can’t dodge and move, then directly open the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, the “Super Saiyan Blue Kamehameha” that is like a long rainbow, splitting Six Directions and Eight Desolates, and swallowed into the stomach without an inch.


Qin Tian was a little shocked by the action of “Scarlet Flame Violent Bear King”: “You’re a belly expert, you dare to eat anything! There is a kind of attack below me, you can give me the stomach!”

Hong long long.

After all, the sharp claw of Scarlet Flame Violent Bear King shattered “Super Saiyan Blue Dragon Fist Explosion.”

At the same time, his unbreakable stomach rolled ups and downs, echoing the sound of pa la.

With his teeth grinning, he moved his brute force, and Scarlet Flame Violent Bear King reduced the struggling “Super Saiyan Blue Kamehameha” to nothing, digested cleanly.


A burp, Scarlet Flame Violent Bear King, laughed proudly: “Stupid Human Race brat, see it! The strength of this King is not yours! Ultimately, this King must shoot you to death!”

“When you are lying in the pool of blood, you will not be so arrogant.” Qin Tian merged his hands, under the pores of flesh and blood, continuously spouting surging energy: “Ten Tails Beast Ball, Hundred Ball!”

a path of dark and swarthy, the shiny Ten Tails Beast Ball, blooming out of thin air.

Counting down, a total of 100 Ten Tails Beast Balls, each Ten Tails Beast Ball swells to the size of a mountain.

Moreover, each Ten Tails Beast Ball represents pure destruction and destruction!

100 pieces of “Ten Tails Beast Ball” were smashed out at the same time, replaced by Basic Rank Low Grade Source Great Sage Realm powerhouse, all must be measured, and they should be afraid of 30%.

鈥?Scarlet Flame Violent Bear King, raised his head, between his fangs and teeth, and a layer upon layer flame came out: “A Flame Ball that is about the same size as Ten Tails Beast Ball, an energy ball that slowly grows into shape.”

Interesting ~~

See if your flame is fierce, or is my “Ten Tails Beast Ball” better?

Qin Tian’s arms spread out, “100 Ten Tails Beast Balls, suddenly tear the shatter void and fly out.”


peng long long!

Wait until 100 Ten Tails Beast Balls are interwoven with the “Flame Energy Ball” condensed by the Scarlet Flame Violent Bear King.

It is conceivable that the taboo storm that subverted Six Paths Reincarnation came into being.

This annihilation essence is a full-blown storm, acting arbitrarily, spreading and swallowing every inch of the valley.

The 7 Scarlet Flame Violent Bear, and many Human Race geniuses, stopped the battle and retreated to the 2nd side, watching the “the dragon wars, the tiger battles.”


After a long time, a deep and unmeasurable destruction pit appeared on the ground.

Dragging a dark blue long hair, ominous might brilliant, and a Human Race young man wearing Sacred Armor, resolutely confronted with the “Scarlet Flame Violent Bear King” that was a hundred meters high, muscle explosion, meet force with force!

“You punch, I claw! You kick, I punch! One person and one bear, traces the most primitive way of fighting.”

It was Dark Sky Black Earth, howling, and flying.

… such horror.

Abnormal is not enough to describe her, it is simply … peerless monster.

The battle strength displayed by this brat is infinitely close to the Basic Rank Low Grade Source Great Sage Realm powerhouse.

In other words, I threw it up, and it was bound to be smashed into meat sauce by the Scarlet Flame Violent Bear King.

Looking at the evenly matched, fierce battle picture, more than 1000 geniuses, discuss spiritedly, amazing. ,


“Blood, the boiling flow of rustling sound.”

“Bones and bones, the long cry of pa la’s zheng.”

The imposing manner became more and more fierce, Qin Tian punched out the offensive of “Scarlet Flame Violent Bear King” with a punch, and the expression smiled long and long: “haha! Happy!”

Wu wu.

On the contrary, Scarlet Flame Violent Bear King is angry and hard to describe the anger: “The Human Race in front of me, the weak and muscular body, each and every move, and the brute force that erupted, no less than himself, Let people … let Xiong helpless! “

“Super Pegasus Meteor Fist.”

In vain, Qin Tian changed the fighting method and came up with the “skill Divine Ability” of the mighty mysterious.

“Bright and radiant, the fist glow is tremendous, reflecting the Pegasus Divine Beast illusory shadow above the sky and covering the earth.”

“Ao ao ao.”

Scarlet Flame Violent Bear King, fast as lightning’s sharp claw.

Densely packed sharp claw marks of rhinoceros, entwined with bright and fiery flames.

“dong dong dong.”

The Pegasus Divine Beast illusory shadow that covered up the large vault of Vault of Heaven, was countless, became a flame claw mark of 100 to 1000, and was torn apart alive. After it exploded, except for a storm, it did not cause Scarlet Flame Violent Bear King. Any harm.


Still not good.

The battle strength of the brat is unparalleled, however, this Scarlet Flame Violent Bear King is not ordinary Scarlet Flame Violent Bear can compare.

They go on fighting like this, and there is no difference … at most both sides suffer.

hehe, both sides suffer good! It is better to burn both jade and stone, we can exterminate the 7 Scarlet Flame Violent Bears and share “Raging Flames Honey.”

If the monster is there, can we still have the probability of being contaminated with “Raging Flames Honey”?


Hearing the geniuses who are not few, I look forward to the words of Qin Tian and “Scarlet Flame Violent Bear King” burn both jade and stone. Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Dongfang Xi, Nangong Diewu, Nangong Mei’er …… A woman who has played a 100% spirit and is particularly vigilant: “If the situation is unfavorable, they will without the slightest hesitation.”

“To open Ultimate One Punch Man Mode.”

2 Fist bombing this evil creature with a grasp of 8 90%.

But that … I’m exhausted and weak for a while, which I don’t want.

Qin Tian rubbed his chin: “Little Bear ~~ I called a few helpers out and bullied you with me, how?”

“Uh.” Scarlet Flame Violent Bear King blankly looked, suddenly angry: “damn it’s Human Race! You want to bully less, this King will not be afraid!”


Qin Tian nodded: “I hope you don’t regret it!”

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