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After summon appeared 14 Monster System summon characters.

Qin Tian itself is also in the endless thunderbolt that shines and destroys and destroys, said: “Relax, I kill you alone, enough. Their mission is kill other Heavenly Dragon Race geniuses.”

More than 100 Heavenly Dragon Race geniuses are all just Source Sage Realm cultivation base. When I heard Qin Tian’s words, I trembling tremblingly; “Young Master …… What’s the matter?”


Heavenly Dragon Race Young Master, do n’t get angry; “You guys hold me in a group! Hold back for a while. This brat, this Young Master 3 moves 2 style, you can kill him!”

“I’m afraid it won’t be as you wish!” Qin Tian’s expression was stern, and the energy of Devil Fruit Goro Goro no Mi once again peaked out.

Goro Goro no Mi, 100,000,000 Volt, Kiten!

Goro Goro no Mi, 100,000,000 Volt, Hino!

Goro Goro no Mi, 100,000,000 Volt, Julungul!

“Roar! Roar!”

Roaring violently, deafening.

3 are covered with shining thunderbolt rays of light, representing the giant giant beast of pure destruction, slowly walking out of the shining lightning of hiding the sky and covering the earth!

“The energy carried by each thunderbolt giant beast can shake the Low Grade Source Great Sage Realm powerhouse.”

Based on Qin Tian behind the 3 thunderbolt giant beast, it seems to be a thunder Great God, most Highest and most Holy, irresistible!

“Light of grain of rice!” Heavenly Dragon Race Young Master, curl one’s lip, swooped down.


Divine Dragon long halberd in his hand, gently waved, immediately set off 10000 zhang waves, like a long rainbow, tearing Eight Desolates!

3 thunderbolt giant beast, too late to resist, is all split up and in pieces.

… haha! Young Master formidable.

Seeing this scene, more than 100 Heavenly Dragon Race geniuses regained their self-confidence: “I thought this wave of brat could turn up.”

Hehe, our Young Master, that is King Grade Source Great Sage Realm, this brat is then battle strength surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries, and we must end with hatred.

The act recklessly guy, who can’t be the enemy, must provoke our Young Master! the evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear.


But it’s just a small trial of the Niu Dao, to see you bashful.

Qin Tian’s eyes are unbearable: “start!”

“As you bid!” 14 Monster System Summon Role, turned into a path of rays of light, rushed to more than 100 geniuses of Heavenly Dragon Race.


“Hah! ”

The thick armor, the ugly appearance, brutal and bloodthirsty.

System Summon Role, Marshal Canopy Zhu Bajie, waved Nine-Toothed Rake, wide open and wide, swept 1000 autumn, being invincible!

“Ah! Ah!”

In an instant, there were dozens of Heavenly Dragon Race geniuses who died tragically under the “Marshal Canopy” Nine-Toothed Rake.

This is just the beginning of a prologue.

Back born Angel wings, high curve, wearing azure holy cloth, beautiful mysterious Ultimate Body Digimon Treasure Divine Angewomon, 2 jade hands folded across the chest: “Divine Light Beam!”

Hua la la.

1000 filaments and 10000 strands, countless divine beam, shatter void, shone on dozens of Heavenly Dragon Race geniuses.

However, the Heavenly Dragon Race genius locked by “Divine Light Beam” seems to be covered in sunlight, quickly melted into nothingness, and no longer exists.

“Gentle Fist, Twin Lion Fists!”

Long dark hair, an ethereal and beautiful, pure and natural clear and beautiful cheeks.

The summon character Hyuuga Hinata, 2 fists in hand, Chakra emerges, condense vivid and lifelike, roaring piercing lion head.

throws a punch, splitting heaven and earth apart, might which cannot be resisted!


The genius brought by himself, only a few moments of skill, most of the casualties.

One can imagine how annoyed Heavenly Dragon Race Young Master turned around and rushed to the nearest system Summon Role “War God Xingtian”, “shameful, pay me with your life!”

“72 Transformations Body Locking Technique!”

“Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, Tsuppari Pad Ho!”

Needless to say, Qin Tian will not let Heavenly Dragon Race Young Master succeed.

First, I locked this World with “72 Transformations Body Locking Technique”.

Then again, a lot of Nikyu Nikyu no Mi Pad Ho, like rain, pa pa blasted on the back of Heavenly Dragon Race Young Master.


72 Transformations Body Locking Technique’s imprisonment is only in a flash for a moment, but at this moment, the attacked Heavenly Dragon Race Young Master has already fluttered out of the air.

“Golden Energy Ball! Golden Energy Ball!”

The body is gleaming, like the golden “Golden Form King Frieza”, the evil is rampant, laughing, throwing annihilation essence skills.

“Paper Person of God Technique!”

“One Qi Becomes Three Purities !”

“Five Colored Sealing Technique!”

Punishing Heaven Dry Battle Ax Dance!

“Pikachu ~~ 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt.”

…… The skills of the system Summon Role are continuously rolling and overwhelming.

More than 100 Heavenly Dragon Race, the genius of Source Sage Realm Level, Perfection ended, the whole army was wiped out.

Chi Xue, dumbstruck, not knowing what to do surrounded by Monster System summon characters: “You … you are.”

“Ah! Damn it!”

Heavenly Dragon Race Young Master, hysterical, raging like thunder: “You dog thing, killed my clansman! I want you a debt of blood must be paid in blood!”

“No need is so angry! Because you will soon get together with them under the fountain.” Qin tone cold and detached, turned around and said: “I gave you the choice, you chose a single wooden bridge, not take the sunshine , I can’t complain about my fierceness! “

“You said that their death was all my fault?” The forehead jumped with blue muscles and the handsomely twisted Heavenly Dragon Race Young Master, trying his best to inspire the Realm cultivation base: “9th Revolution High Rank King Grade Source Great Sage Realm 99th Step! “

Isn’t it your fault, you know it in your heart.

Qin Tian finished speaking, within the body exudes great magnificence, spirit defying look of disdain Spirit Power.

Source World, Four Words Incantation, First, Break!

Source World, Four Words Incantation, Second, Extinguish!

Source World, Four Words Incantation, Third, Death!

3 Mount Meru Divine Immortal like a big mountain, Constant Antiquity’s long-lived “Incantation word trace” surfaced and fell from an altitude.

“72 Transformations Body Locking Technique.”

What Qin Tian wants is in a spurt of energy, which gives the Heavenly Dragon Race Young Master the greatest damage.

Therefore, it will not give the opponent a little breathing opportunity.

Within the Body Locking Technique, the completely motionless Dragon Sect Young Master reacted, and the flesh and blood body was abruptly pressed by the 3 “Incantation word trace” to the depth of the underground rock layer.

“No … what Monster Art are you using!”

Stranded beast’s struggle-like struggle, the explosion of the Heavenly Dragon Race Young Master, let the Three Great Incantation word trace, on the verge of collapse.

hu chi!

After the Heavenly Dragon Race Young Master, he worked hard and tore up the crushing of 3 Incantation word trace. He was greeted by a sharp and terrifying “Thunder Light Divine Spear!”

clang clang! dong dong dong!

Grabbing Divine Dragon long halberd in a hurry, swept out.

This did not allow the Thunder Light Divine Spear to penetrate his own flesh and blood, but the embarrassment of the Heavenly Dragon Race Young Master was never weakened.

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