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Long Yommortal, Eternal’s long-standing Emperor List Great War space.

more then 1,000,000 Source Divine Beast, Source Magic Beast with cruel blood and different appearances, gathered under the same sky.

In addition, there are several 100,000 Human Race geniuses, handsome and dignified, divine imposing, and ugly, terrifying peoples mind and soul, and many beautiful as a Celestial Immortal, which is beyond expectation, refusing to be beyond a thousand li peerless Heaven’s Proud Daughter.

“Ao Ao! Ao Ao!” The deadlock was shattered by the gruesome Ominous Beast growl.

It’s a Source Extreme Divine Beast with aura extreme, wearing armor and head like a dragon.

This beast is enough to match King Grade Source Great Sage Realm powerhouse! But seeing it move a huge physique, cautiously, trembling with fear on the mysterious mountain that breeds “Primal Chaos Azure Lotus Child”.

“Hua la la.” As if a movement was sensed, the thick clouds at the foot of the mountain dissipated actively, exposing a long stairs leading to the mysterious passage directly to the top of the mountain.

After waiting for Source Divine Beast which is comparable to “King Grade Source Great Sage Realm powerhouse”, I walked on this long stairs channel, and in a short time, there was no danger of crisis.

As a result, this Source Divine Beast also has the courage to speed up, swift and decisive, rushing to the top of the mountain: “The sound in the depth of one’s soul keeps telling it that as long as the Nine Colored Lotus Flower is swallowed, it can shedding body, exchanging bones, above all Source Divine Beast! “

hiss! hiss!

A few 100,000 Human Race geniuses, holding their breath, stared wide-eyed: “Even the Source Divine Beast, swallowing this Nine Colored Immortal Lotus, is harmless. At worst, this Source Divine Beast is shredded together, Nine Colored Immortal Lotus can still be obtained. At this moment, it is not the time to swarm up and muddy the water. “


to be wild with joy growled.

The armor body, indestructible Source Divine Beast, has already reached the top of the mountain.

It looked up at the front, within reach of the “Nine Colored Lotus Flower”, the blood in the whole body was boiling, the soul was unprecedentedly excited!

“Looking at this Source Divine Beast, open the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and pounce on the divine object! It’s a clever birth!”

Primal Chaos Azure Lotus Child, just like a child crying, clank and humming, the pure and pure light of the dream, 1000 filaments and 10000 strands, covering the body of the source Divine Beast.

“Ao Ao!” Let the beam of this holy, ancient found mystery shine, Source Divine Beast of King Grade Source Great Sage Realm Level, blood, flesh, muscle and bones, three immortal souls and seven mortal souls, start an inch Annihilation. 4 to 5 breathing skill only, a Source Divine Beast, focal point of ten thousands, turned into nothingness, nothing!


Heaven and Earth divine object, if it is not with no difficulty, it can be occupied.

more then 1,000,000 Source Divine Beast “Magic Beast”, a few 100,000 Human Race geniuses, solemnly heavy.

“hua la la.”

The accident is far more than that.

Killed the “Primal Chaos Azure Lotus Child” of King Grade Source Great Sage Realm “Source Divine Beast”, cleared the flawless lotus body, and shook violently. “A lotus leaf with an infant palm-size and emerald color of 9 has successfully fallen off from the body of” Primal Chaos Azure Lotus Child “. It is shaped like a long rainbow of color, which cuts through the sky and falls at the foot of the mountain!”

In an instant, a pair of vision, left “Primal Chaos Azure Lotus Child” and moved to this Lotus Leaf!

If you say, after seeing the “Primal Chaos Azure Lotus Child” flicking, erased the King Grade Source Great Sage Realm “Source Divine Beast”. More then 1,000,000 Source Magic Beast “Divine Beast”, a few 100,000 Human Race geniuses, and in a short time, they dare not peep close to the “Primal Chaos Azure Lotus Child”.

So at this moment, this Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf is undoubtedly throwing a boulder into the 10000 zhang abyss of calm and composed!

“Brat, Primal Chaos Azure Lotus Child, is a great divine object forged by this God for reconstruct Divine Body, you are out of luck. But now, the” Primal Chaos Azure Lotus Child “has actively given up a lot of Lotus Leaf, but you Walked the lucky dog ​​excrement! Refining this Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf has the benefit of having shedding body and exchanging bones. “Queen Shen Fei, tone teased.

“Uh, obviously it’s a good thing, why are you saying this, I’m not happy at all after hearing it?” Qin Tian grinded his molar.

“You are not happy, that’s what this God is most happy with.” Queen Shen Fei said straightforwardly, not hiding at all.

“Build your own happiness on the suffering of others! Sir Queen, you are too bad.” Qin Tian is speechless.

… Nonsense! Queen Shen Fei angered: “It’s endless! Go and grab the Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf. If you don’t earn this Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf within the body within one hour, Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf will escape into nothingness and anyone will look for it. Not at all! “

“There is still this stubble.” Qin Tian’s eyes are dignified, said: “You stand on the spot, don’t act blindly without thinking.”

“Big Brother, are you going to snatch the Lotus Leaf?” Little Girl, Wu Xie said: ‘hehe, Big Brother, wait a minute, let me take a bite, OK? ‘

“I think a Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf is not enough for you to swallow!” Qin Tian shook the head and stepped out.

At the same time, the calm situation also produced waves. “Source Divine Beast, Source Magic Beast, each and everyone Human Race Heaven’s Proud, maintain the best state, unscrupulous, show the power of cultivation base, moved towards that Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf close!”

not enough to go around, a slaughter, inevitable!

“Roar!” Is the first to “color attractive”, clear and flawless “Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf”, is a large 1000 meters, no feathers all over the body, all are pitch black scales, aura vigorous and sharp flying bird Source Magic Beast!

“Courting death!”

Many Human Race geniuses, simultaneously issued power.

Densely packed, the Divine Ability Secret Law, which is squeezed, is like a river and river, dropping from the sky, submerging the “flying bird Source Magic Beast”, crushing bones, leaving no slag.

“Ao! Ao!”

Although the body shape is not enough, most of them are Source Magic Beast and Source Divine Beast, which are only over 100 meters high, and the amber monkey Source Magic Beast with green and brown fur appears all of a sudden!

At each end, you can talk to Source Great Sage Realm mention on equal terms.

Their mission is to block others, so that the most powerful, golden furry ape monkey, Source Magic Beast, snatched Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf!

“Hehe, a group of beasts, and they know how to cooperate!”

head wearing jade crown, a red flame mark on the eyebrow, a long blade of flame in the hand, have a dignified appearance, a young man who is out of the ordinary, blade slash out, split heaven and earth apart, and affect the vast flames of the sky!

“Hu chi! Roar!” Immediately, Source Magic Beast, flying ash and extinguished smoke.

“Peng long!”

Unexpected pictures are often staged.

On the back grows a pair of wings, the Great Desolate giant elephant with the first rhinoceros horn, a Grand Mountain Peak Pressing, instant kill a piece of ape monkey Source Magic Beast.

… in the end, all the apes and monkeys Source Magic Beast skeleton doesn’t exist.

The green golden fur monkey, Source Magic Beast, failed to get what he wanted, and grabbed Primal Chaos Lotus Leaf.


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