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Emperor List Great War space, one of the four sides surrounding the Savage Mountain vein, in front of the magnificent ancient valley.

White clothed, a handsome young man, with an indifferent smile drawn from the corner of his mouth: “The man has gold under his knees! His head can be broken, blood can shed, how can he kneel easily? I didn’t put you in the way?”


Shiver coldly, with a pale face, and a young man who is kneeling on the ground, Source Great Sage Realm Heaven’s Proud, his eyes darkened and passed out.

“Damn, as for?” Qin Tian was embarrassed, blankly looked, said: “I really didn’t touch him.”

“Haha.” Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady smiled and said: “It seems that after the” breeding “Primal Chaos Azure Lotus in front of the big mountain, you have already made a name for yourself and shocked everyone. This guy may I was so scared that I fainted … otherwise I would kill him in the past and get some points. “

don’t don’t don’t.

Source Great Sage Realm Heaven’s Proud, the young man who passed out, jumped up, where he passed out, clearly pretended.

Qin Tian face Pang Tieqing: “Your acting skills are really good. But, what do you do in this way?”

“What’s the picture?” Source Great Sage Realm Heaven’s Proud youth, wants to cry but doesn’t have tears: “big brother, I’m afraid you kill me.”

… It’s disgraceful.

Several 10000 Human Race Heaven’s Proud, rigid irony and scorching satire at the scene: “Return to Source Great Sage Realm cultivation base, I really don’t know how he got to this step.”

Speaking on the mouth, the 10000 Human Race Heaven’s Proud on the scene, the fear of Qin Tian, ​​is not inferior to that of the youth of Source Great Sage Realm Heaven’s Proud. “Instead of them, they face Qin Tian at close range, maybe they will come up with the trick of pretending to be dizzy.”


Sir Qin Tian, ​​who is really famous, sees today “there are no vacant men under the prestigious name”.

It sounded lukewarm, and there were some unpleasant voices in my heart, and I was late.

“Are you?” Qin Tian turned the head went: “The person who came was a man. It’s about 30 years old, no white face, long hair is wearing a crown.”

A 7 Star long robe, looks confusing, sparkling, sparkling and translucent. This is not an ordinary piece of clothing … Judging from the strong fluctuations, it should be a top grade Source Magic Treasure.

7 Star long robe youth, 2 eyes deep, smile kind. It looks like an excellent person to get along with, but the cold and severe solemn killing aura that occasionally crosses behind his eyes makes people feel alarmed.

“Myself, Gongsun Chen.”

“Gongsun Chen?” Qin Tian laughed for one, deliberately turned around and said: ‘Never heard! ‘

Replaced by the general young and arrogant, proud and arrogant, arrogant’s Heaven’s Proud genius, this time, I’m afraid it is 30 zhang.

But Gongsun Chen always maintains a hypocritical and amiable smile, said: “I am just a generation of attempt nothing and accomplish nothing, Sir Qin Tian has not heard my name, that is what it should be.”

I ’m not like Ray Qin Tian ’s rays of light 10000 zhang. I ’m alone. To rebuke Heaven and Earth, I can deter 100,000 Human Race geniuses. And kill is close to the peerless Ominous Beast of Source Heavenspan Realm.

“Overwhelming.” Qin Tian expressionless, said: “What the hell are you doing?”

“Sir Qin Tian doesn’t want to know, why are there so many geniuses gathered here? Then let me tell you.”

Gongsun Chen cleared his throat and recounted said: “In this valley. There is a Myriad Years Profound Tortoise!”

“Profound Tortoise?” Qin Tian suddenly realized: “Source Profound Tortoise belongs to the descendant of Source Divine Beast Black Tortoise. The quality of bloodline can be called” Intermediate Source Divine Beast bloodline “.

It is said that 1000 years king 8 myriad years turtle. “Source Profound Tortoise” of myriad years life essence can be said to be treasure all over the body! tortoise blood, nourishing yin and nourishing yang, strengthening blood and qi. Tortoise Core, improve cultivation base, strengthen skeleton! Tortoise meat is also a rare delicacy. It has a very important effect on all directions of the body, as well as the cultivation base. “

Capturing the expression of Qin Tian ’s heart, Gongsun Chen took advantage of the trend to reminded: “The strength of Myriad Years Profound Tortoise can be compared with Super Grade Source Piercing Earth Realm powerhouse mention on equal terms.”

Dissatisfied with Sir Qin Tian, ​​me, it is King Grade Source Piercing Earth Realm, which is far from this Source Profound Tortoise … At this moment, Sir Qin Tian is here, I believe that you must be able to kill it with no difficulty Head Profound Tortoise Divine Beast.

“Comparable, Super Grade Source Piercing Earth Realm powerhouse. I’m a good boy, this is about to be rare beast Suan Ni … In this Emperor List Great War space, it is also regarded as the premier, top-ranked Ominous Beast Overlord. Right. “

Qin Tian is silent, and secretly consider said: “Just rely on my current” 9th Revolution Basic Rank Divine Grade Source Great Sage Realm 99th Step “cultivation base. Exceeding rank to kill Source Seizing Heaven Realm around King Grade, that ’s a side dish. One plate. I want to kill the Source Divine Beast of Super Grade Source Piercing Earth Realm unless Sir Queen controls my body again. “

But that kind of probability is almost zero: “Queen Shen Fei got” Primal Chaos Azure Lotus Child “. I am using this treasure divine object, reconstruct Divine Body. Impossible because of a Source Profound Tortoise, I delayed myself to refine” Divine Body ” “The progress of the process.”

“Sir Qin Tian? What are you thinking?”

Looking at the youth thoughts being far away, Gongsun Chen was suspicious.

“Oh.” Qin Tian shrugged, said: “If I could be alone and kill the Myriad Years Profound Tortoise, this is my spoils of war. You kindly tell me that there is a Myriad Years Profound in the valley. Tortoise, do n’t tell me, you ’re not interested in this Myriad Years Profound Tortoise. “

ha ha ha.

Sir Qin Tian is quick and quick, so I won’t hide it.

Gongsun Chen, straight to the point, said: “The inner core of Myriad Years Profound Tortoise is the most central treasure! Sir Qin Tian killed this evil creature, naturally, occupying the inner core, no one dared to contaminate. But that Myriad Years Profound Tortoise ’s blood and flesh, as well as my cultivation base and physique, have huge essence. ”


This guy is trying to get me to kill Myriad Years Profound Tortoise. He’s taking advantage of it, and he will drop in some “tortoise meat, tortoise blood”.

But unfortunately, this guy’s wishful thinking is short. Where do I deal with this day and age “Myriad Years Profound Tortoise”?

Qin Tian sighed, said: “Do not hide from you, that day I can kill the rare beast Suan Ni at the powerhouse comparable to the” Low Grade Source Heavenspan Realm “powerhouse, relying on a secret technique with a lot of drawbacks. As a last resort, I will not use that Secret Technique. “

Therefore, if I want to hunt this Myriad Years Profound Tortoise, it is absolutely impossible for me to make it alone. I still want everyone present, work with a common purpose.

“Secret Technique?” Gongsun Chen, his heart sinking: “What kind of Secret Technique can make a Source Great Sage Realm Level. Have battle strength against Super Ominous Beast? If you are … With that Secret Technique, no Just … invincible? “

ha ha ha.

“What a secret technique?” It’s just your nonsense that’s all. “

The noise exploded.

Wearing a dark and grisly armor, his head was shining, and a young man with a large Iron Hammer stepped on the ground, and the fierce god walked out.


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