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Listening to the anger of the purple robe youth. A silhouette of more than 20 geniuses, facing each other for a while: “That … let’s go together. The tigers can’t stand the wolf too much … I think this brat can’t stop us no matter how powerful. If you disobey the Young Master, then dead end. “

“it is good!”

After reaching an agreement, the 21-day talented young man simultaneously launched a mighty offensive.

Among them, 7 people are Low Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm, 2 people are High Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm, and 2 people are Basic Rank King Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm! “Took out the offensive together, the scope is vast, and the formidable power is terrifying. It has the meaning of sweeping Six Directions and calming Eight Desolates.”

“Ka cha! Ka cha!”

The noisy and tyrannical, deafening thunder obscures all sounds and rays of light.

The 2 Thunder Light Divine Spears in Qin Tian’s hands are pulling the endless “Goro Goro no Mi thunderbolt energy”. With fierce taboos and impeccable arcs, forcibly breaking down the offensive of the 21-genius young man, inch by inch.

This is not over yet.

Qin Tian spread his arms flat, loudly roared; “Goro Goro no Mi, 100,000,000 Volt, Mamaragan!”

“weng! weng! weng! ”

Densely packed, thousands upon tens of thousands, the thunderbolt rays of light, like the rain and the sky, are undulating and intriguing.

Hong long !

A storm mixed with Chanthunder’s ability swept all directions.

Except for the talented young man of 2 Basic Rank King Grade Source Source Seizing Heaven Realm, he vomited blood and suffered bruises all over the body.

The remaining 17 Low Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm genius, 2 High Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm Heaven’s Proud, no one survived, broken bones!


“The devil … this guy is not human.”

riddled with scars, struggling on whilst at death’s door 2 “Basic Rank King Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm” genius youth, trembling trembling, raised fear in the depth of one’s soul from the white clothed youth in front .

“Waste! What a waste!”

Holding the folding fan, the young purple robe who put on airs slapped the fan for 2 days. Then, he personally launched the horse and attacked Qin Tian: “smash to bits! Let this Young Master shoot erased you, it is your Supreme honor!”

“Not always!”

Qin Tian said to himself: “72 Transformations Body Locking Technique!” Imprison! ‘

Time, stopped flowing!

All the pictures in the lobby of Emperor List Divine Palace are completely motionless. It’s like someone has plunged this side of the World into a swamp abyss.

“Rank 5 Tenseigan to open.” Qin Tian cast a Eyes Power following the trend; “Tenseigan Super Great Annihilation!”

Hong long long !

Subvert Heaven and Earth, destroy the 6-fold “Tenseigan Eyes Power”, rivers and rivers, layer upon layer hit on the chest of “purple robe youth”.


With a scream, the youth of purple robe flew out of several hundred meters away.

“No! How could … there would be no such thing, I … I’m Divine Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm.”

This smashed, trifling “Low Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm”.

Ding! Ding!

“Notice to the host” to open Monster Form

congratulations to the host for receiving 100,000 Times battle strength power

“Notice to the host” to open Rank 5 Super Saiyan Blue Form

congratulations to the host for receiving 120,000 Times battle strength power

“Notice to the host” to open Merged Hollow Form, get the skill “Cero”

“Notice to the host” to open Ten Tails Jinchuriki Form, acquire the skill “Ten Tails Beast Ball”

“Notice to the host” to open Undefeated War Dragon Bloodline

“Notice to the host” uses Pegasus Cloth

[Pegasus Cloth, one of the armor of Anime Saint Seiya. After the host wears, the battle strength is greatly improved, and the “Super Pegasus Meteor Fist” skill is acquired during the period]

Long hair rushed to the crown, stained with magnificent sparkling and translucent, bright bewitching dark blue rays of light.

Outside is Pegasus Cloth, which is perfect in Wuxi, brilliant and immortal.

Enforcement with a layer upon layer “Monster System Form capability”. Qin Tian’s battle strength level also climbed to Peak Peak!

Every action carries an unrivaled Divine Power that is open eyes in surprise and unbelievable!


“You.” The purple robe youth who has not been recovered from Qin Tian’s frontal “strike” before he suddenly saw Qin Tian’s shape and appearance, looked dull and panic-stricken; “You! You are not Human Race!” Demon reincarnation! Everyone, this guy is Demon reincarnation! Kill me with me, eliminate demons protect the dao! “


Hearing this, each and everyone stood not far away to see the lively genius, it was nothing to laugh at.

Qin Tian is even more sneering: “Dog thing! It’s about to die, but also boast shamelessly.”

Say, how do you want to die, I will complete you!

… you are the dead!

9th Revolution Basic Rank Divine Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm 99th Step cultivation base, completely to open.

Purple robe youth, fan folding fan, recites silently Magic Art: “Earth Rank 9th Revolution Source Technique, Thousand Layer Slash!”

hu chi! hu chi!

ghosts and gods afraid and sob, the storm raged.

In the stormy winds of Heaven and Earth, a path of rays of light, a dazzling sharp edge, sharp fluctuations, and instant kill of the Source Seizing Heaven Realm powerhouse in the Holy Grade segment.

“Super Pegasus Meteor Fist!”

Without saying a word, Qin Tian punched in a muffled voice.

Pentium roar, Divine noble Pegasus Divine Beast illusory shadow, torn up the “Earth Rank 9th Revolution Source Technique, Thousand Layer Slash” to offset 1/3.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Tian mobilized a ferocious and brutal energy, and once again issued 2 absolute destruction destruction skills: “Super Saiyan Blue Dragon Fist Explosion! Super Saiyan Blue Kamehameha!”

Ao! Ao!

Dragon Fist Explosion filled with the sound of dragon roar long roar. might not be resisted, penetrate Super Kamehameha of Profound Yellow sun and moon.

In front of these 2 “strong and powerful” skills Divine Ability. Purple robe Youth’s “Earth Rank 9th Revolution Source Technique Divine Ability”, completely scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, no longer exists.

Abnormal !

9th Revolution Basic Rank Low Grade Source Seizing Heaven Realm, just so scary.

I can’t believe that if Brat is among the “Source Piercing Earth Realm”, can it look like disdain unrivaled?


Marvel at the admirers, countless. Of course, in this Emperor List Divine Palace hall, there are still many geniuses who have become jealous of Qin Tian; “Heaven is unfair! Why is this brat the battle strength is extraordinary unrivaled, and you are mediocre …”


“No! I don’t believe it, I can’t kill you!”

The red-robed, irrational purple robe youth, desperate, rushed to the dark blue long hair youth.

“72 Transformations Body Locking Technique.”

Qin Tian’s fighting style is as usual.

First use 72 Transformations Body Locking Technique, Imprison live each other.

Give him a note of Qi Swallowing Mountains and Rivers, breaking the strong offensive of Eight Desolates.

“pu chi.”

The youth of the purple robe who was unable to move within the imprisonment was attacked by Qin Tian stake all on one throw. Without a doubt, he hit the ground and spit out blood.

The Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Dongfang Xi, Nangong Diewu, Nangong Mei’er … The women, with calm eyes, are not surprised.

The exceeding rank challenge is not surprising to that guy.


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