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The friction with the black robe evil youth is just a small episode in a flash.

……quickly. The black robe is the gloomy face, standing in the distance. Qin Tian will not take the initiative to trash such a guy.

After 2 days and nights of fighting.

Emperor List Divine Palace great hall, immersed in the incomparable blood reeking qi.

The genius who died is more than 4000 people.

Of the less than 5000 geniuses remaining, only 500 have earned enough tokens.

In other words, the fight is the end of 1st round, and the following will continue to be staged.


Calm maintained the skill for a long time. A young genius with a shattered shirt and a sturdy face, shouted: “Laozi is only one point away from the token! It is best if someone voluntarily surrenders it, or I will make him look good!”

“Hehe. Idiot, with so many people present, who can you look good on?” Each and everyone genius, snort disdainfully.

I realized I was ridiculed and ridiculed. A tough young genius, especially angry and furious, his eyes rolled, and fell on a few geniuses: “Don’t hide! Just a few of you, Realm and Laozi are a big difference. I am bullying you, it is not easy. ! “


A few geniuses who let tough young people lock up face to face. One of the weaker geniuses in the cultivation base threw an integral token on his body to the sturdy youth: “So you should be satisfied.”

ha ha ha.

The sturdy young man who collected all the tokens, he laughed up on his face: “Okay! Then this Sir will let you go.”

“pu chi.”

Bloody, sudden, unexpected.

The sturdy young man who was free of thoughts and laughed a second time ago became a blood mist fine powder and no longer existed.

The shooter is a woman.

This is very ruthless, swift and decisive. Surprisingly, it was still a young age, less than 20 years old in appearance, pure and harmless.

Her pretty face hung with a brilliant and smiling face, and collected the ten points tokens that remained after the death of the tough young man.


“Hu.” Sigh of relief, Qin Tian closed his eyes.

What happened next, I am really not interested, just wait for the “Emperor List Great War 4th session to the final” to open.


Silently, the Emperor List Divine Palace lobby to open for a month.

The majestic sound that guided the operation of the Emperor List Great War came as scheduled: “Any genius holding ten tokens in his hand can enter the Emperor List Divine Palace. Start the final match of the Emperor List Great War.”

“For the finals, as the name suggests, it is the geniuses who are going to be on the stage to compete against each other!”

The 900 Heaven’s Proud Generation, mastering ten points tokens, overwhelmed by emotions, successively poured into the interior of the Emperor List Divine Palace.

Through the long and long corridor, the rich and splendid rays of light rushed towards us.

Out of the haze that obscures sight, what penetrates into the field of vision is a magnificent arena called the work of the Gods!

The weather of this arena is vast, magnificent, and divine. Compared with the vast square platform in front of Emperor List Divine Palace, it is even more shocking!

“Om ~~ Om.” 1000 threads of 10000 waves of ripples appeared in the center of the arena, slowly outlining a blur of humanoid light and shadow.

He said: “I am the controller of the Emperor List Great War. It is also until now, which guides you through the existence of the various links of the Emperor List Great War. Now the Emperor List arena you see is the stage you are about to involve.”

Emperor List Great Competition 4th link to the final, the rules are extremely simple.

The tokens in your hands will be in touch with the tokens in the hands of other geniuses. Integral tokens are geniuses that can interact with each other. They can compete on the stage, and they can be ordered until the end, or they can be divided into Life and Death. The last person to stay on this Emperor List arena is the champion of this “Emperor List Great War”.

Only the Emperor List Great War champion will receive a special reward, a Source Law fragment.


Source Law fragment?

Each and everyone Peak genius, looked at each other, speechless.

Rumor has it that Source Great World has the most Supreme Power, and that is Source Law.

The basic condition of each “Source God” is to completely comprehend to control a “Source Law”

Source Law covers a wide range; “There are Flame Source Law, Frost Source Law, Slaughter Source Law, Annihilation Source Law, Earth Source Law, Water Source Law …”

The essence of each Source Law is the same, you can use power, show the glorious power, that is completely different. According to legend, the top of 10000 1000 Source Law, and Ten Great Constant Antiquity Source Laws! destiny … Space-Time, Immortal … life. This Ten Great Constant Antiquity Source Laws, since ancient times, are all mysterious.

If you say 1000 in 10,000, you can only say that this Emperor List Great War champion award, my wife is very attractive!

A “Source Law fragment” can make those Source Divine Race “God Child, Goddess” in Source Great World thrilled.


“Hehe.” Notice the emotional turmoil of many Peak geniuses. Emperor List Great War Controller, said with a smile: “Gossip less. Thou conserve strength and store up energy one hour, adjust the state. After that, the token in your hands will lead you to find your opponent.”

“Smelly Brat !”

Qin Tian, ​​who hangs his head and meditates, his eyes flicker: “Sir Queen? Are you not reconstruct Divine Body? How can you have time to talk to me.”

Don’t you have the means to imprison “time”?

Queen Shen Fei’s tone is very serious, said: “If you want to shake the time. You must comprehend the Space-Time Law in the Ten Great Constant Antiquity Source Laws, I always want to ask, are you comprehend out of Space-Time Law?

“That may be. I am 72 Transformations Body Locking Technique.” Qin Tian waved his hand; “Sir Queen wants to ask this. I seem to have told you before.”

“This God is confirming that you have opinions.” Queen Shen Fei coldly snorted, said: “72 Transformations Body Locking Technique … incredible. Forget it, don’t care about this first. This Source Law fragment, you’d better do your best You can grab it. Refining a Source Law fragment, you can blur one of many Source Laws. “

Although only Source God can fully control the “Power of Source Law”. But 10000 things are not absolute. Those brilliant Source Divine Race Heaven’s Proud have endless cultivation resources since childhood, and enjoy precious materials rare treasure.

It can also receive the guidance of Source God from time to time, and empower it. Therefore, many young talents such as “God Child, Goddess … Saintess, Holy Child” of Source Divine Race have a “Source Law” power. Although it is not a complete Source Law, it can also sweep a cultivator without the power of Source Law.

If you can’t quickly understand a “Power of Source Law”, wait until you enter Source Great World Central Land … but you won’t be so smooth, same rank invincible.

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