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A mess, with the huge “Chibaku Tensei Meteorite” fragment fragment on the Emperor List arena.

Qin Tian with white clothed, elegant and elegant, looked at Ling Xiaoyue with heavy face in front, pretty face pale, and dishevelled hair. sighed, said: “Yes. I let you lose your heart and convince you. I did use special means to imprison your body shape, but that is not Monster Art, but” 72 Transformations Body Locking Technique “.”


… you coward! If it ’s a man, do n’t use that 7 … 72 Transformations Body Locking Technique, use pure power to fight me! Otherwise, I will not admit losing to you if I become a ghost. Ling Xiaoyue pupil light flashes, the voice is loud and shouted.

“Don’t yell, it’s useless! My patience is limited, and I will give you another chance to admit defeat!” Qin Tian finished, and the outside was rippling, a ten thousand meters, a white scale, 8 head “Eight Headed Serpent Divine Beast” emerged. “This is through Eight Headed Serpent Divine Beast by Naruto S Level Ninjutsu, Eight-Headed Serpent Jutsu, Summon.”

roar! Ao Ao!

Embracing the body, the cruelly destroyed Eight Headed Serpent Divine Beast, long roar endlessly, shaking Heaven and Earth, attacking all directions!

“I … I still have a trump card, it’s useless, so I admit defeat, how to be a person from now on.

Unwilling to stubbornly squeeze the small mouth. Ling Xiaoyue bit her tongue and spit out a blood essence onto Thistles and Thorns Long Whip.

“Zi zi zi.”

Thistles and Thorns Long Whip, which absorbed the girl’s “blood essence”, transformed into a thorny python inferior to Eight Headed Serpent Divine Beast! “It’s not the scales that cover the body, but the countless, sharp cuts that pierce the thorns of the Vault of Heaven.”

Ling Xiaoyue stood on the thorn great python in a leap, staring at the white clothed youth in front, said: “If you can block this move of this Young Lady, I will admit defeat!”

“Good! Who makes you a woman, then I will let you take a step.” Qin Tian nodded, Will Power is integrated into “Eight Headed Serpent Divine Beast”.

ao ao ao!

Eight Headed Serpent Divine Beast, following Qin Tian’s will order. 8 heads, successively to open bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

A ten thousand meters in diameter, “Eight Headed Serpent Energy Ball” wrapped around the bright and tyrannical divine light converged.

“Goro Goro no Mi, 100,000,000 Volt!”

Qin Tian squeezed the endless thunderbolt energy into his hands and injected it into “Eight Headed Serpent Energy Ball”.

In an instant, the “Eight Headed Serpent Energy Ball”, which was extremely violent and destroyed in nature, became more and more out of control, cruel and untamed!


Wait until the “Eight Headed Serpent Energy Ball” tears the Vault of Heaven and shoots out.

All Super Genius at the scene couldn’t help but hold their breath.

It is estimated from the fluctuations spreading out from the overflow alone that the formidable power of this “Energy Ball” can be erased “9th Revolution King Rank Low Grade Source Piercing Earth Realm 99th Step powerhouse.”

But wanting to defeat Ling Xiaoyue who took out the trump card Killing Move in one fell swoop … It seems that it is not realistic. “But no one spoke ridiculously. Everyone understood that the monster monster would never make a meaningless attack.”

“Hah! ”

At the crucial moment, Ling Xiaoyue delicately shouted. Underneath, the thorn god python twisted up and shattered the inch-level “Eight Headed Serpent Energy Ball” of great destruction.

Watching the “Eight Headed Serpent Energy Ball” slowly fall apart. Ling Xiaoyue smiled like a flower: “It seems that this Young Lady is superior in skill. That monster does not need to imprison the Monster Art, and the one who wins must be this Young Lady!”


The next second, the pretty face of the girl froze.

blood reeking qi horrible to see, long cry, blazing golden mark, appear and disappear unpredictably! Ying Xiao attacked Ling Xiaoyue on the back of the head.


Seven Orifices bleeding, dizzy.

Ling Xiaoyue flew out on the ground and was confused.

Before “Heaven Turning Seal ~” Eight Headed Serpent Divine Beast, Qin Tian smiled and said: “Young Lady Xiaoyue, you are too lighthearted. This is still my show mercy, or else … this brick goes down, you are already head Broken, blood and flesh blurred. “

“Hu ~ call.”

After a few breaths, he was awake slightly.

Ling Xiaoyue stood up and wobbled from the ground, saying: “You … you mean! How can you use that kind of evil object … sneak attack me!”

“Evil object? This Heaven Turning Seal is flaming and unmatched, but in the light, where is the evil object?”

While Qin Tian was talking, he controlled Heaven Turning Seal and returned to his hands.

Ling Xiaoyue made it clear this time: “The thing that slapped his head is a moving brick that seems to be wrapped in gold paint. The fluctuations emanating from it are not only overbearing, but also a powerful and foul wind and bloody rain. Simply put, it is this thing … contaminated with countless blood, so there will be such a bloody Baleful Qi on the wall. “

“Okay.” Put Heaven Turning Seal in the bag. Qin Tian seriously said: “Go on, or will I give you a few more bricks?”

you are vicious!

The green mountain will not change, the green water will flow! One day … you will fall into my hands. After cutting teeth, Ling Xiaoyue still had a bit of dizzy and light headed and walked down the Emperor List arena.


Then, it was Qin Tian who returned with victory and stood in front of Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady and Little Girl.

“Hehe, it’s so majestic. I saw it with my own eyes, you and the woman frowned, hooked 3 and 4.” Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady spitted and said in a very weird tone.

It doesn’t matter.

I wanted to frown with others, but the Little Lady, I wish I could swallow my life. Qin Tian waved his hand turned around and said.

You guys find out.

… this time that brat defeated that woman, there was no to open that mysterious Body Transformation form.

Yes. I still remember that after the brat body transformation, the strength increased greatly, the picture of shedding body, exchanging bones.

Maybe you think your opponent is too weak … or maybe, what are the limitations of Body Transformation?


“Peng long.”

Suddenly, the geniuses who were still talking about Qin Tian, ​​each and everyone looked towards Emperor List arena.

Where is a blue robe young man, gentle and fair, with 5 officials and handsome, giving a kind of approachable feeling.

But he … but one trick, instant kill the opponent with 9th Revolution High Rank High Grade Source Piercing Earth Realm cultivation base!

This fierce shock, decisive and fierce, is no worse than the previous “black robe evil youth”.


Qin Tian’s sight fell unconsciously on the blue robe youth’s figure: “The sense of crisis he brought to me is stronger than the black robe evil youth.”

This guy … is a rival! I have the right to compete with this Emperor List Great War champion. But in the end … this Emperor List Great War champion must be me! For that Source Law fragment award, and for the Monster System announced mission, I have no other choice.

da da.

The blue robe youth who killed his opponent easily, without a word, walked down the arena. serene, deep and unmeasurable!

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