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Along with Qin Tian’s unrivaled battle strength, he killed the “black robe evil youth”. The atmosphere of Emperor List Great War is also pushed to the climax fiery stage.

Although few battles can compete with the elegant manner of rays of light “mention on equal terms” that Qin Tian has pulled up, there are really a lot of people who show up.

Take the moment at this moment. The 2 strong opponents engraved in Qin Tian’s mind: “In addition to the deep and unmeasurable blue robe handsome young man, and the mediocre 5 official, 9 Feet tall, burly and grim, as if the young man’s Proud poured out from the iron water. There are 2 People come into their own eyes and can bring themselves a lot of pressure threats. “

One man and one woman.

The man has a thin yellow muscle, hits a broad gown, and his arms are wrapped around his chest.

Her shot was very mysterious and obscure, and she defeated her opponent with a strength that was above the opponent’s line.

And that woman, about 23 years old, is beautiful and has delicate skin.

Lithe and graceful outside the exquisite figure, wrapped in a scarlet red long skirt, extremely gorgeous and attractive, attracting attention.

This woman’s weapon is a frost long spear, waving with a freeze of 10,000 li, unstoppable might.


“Cry! Cry!”

High and loud, the long cry of pierce gold and split stone roared on the Emperor List arena.

Looking along Qin Tian’s sight: “The first thing that catches your eyes is a long hair shawl, bright eyes, brows and arrogance, a young man with a flame long robe! Endless, layer upon layer Stacked burning flames, surging to cover Beyond his body. Interspersed with each other, flickering and beating inside, outlined a covering heaven concealing sun, ten thousand meters, a magnificent flame giant eagle Ominous Beast., “

This guy’s strength is more terrifying than the black robe of Qin Tian kill. “9th Revolution King Rank Saint Grade Source Piercing Earth Realm 99th Step!”

In contrast, his opponent appears insignificant, ordinary and mediocre.

A young man with a tall figure and a pale complexion stood upright. The cultivation base aura judgment issued is just a “9th Revolution Basic Rank Saint Grade Source Piercing Earth Realm 99th Step”. If you can’t show outstanding invincible, unhindered raging battle strength, I am afraid it is difficult to defeat your opponent.

“Hey ~” A kick on the foot. The proud long robe youth fell on top of the flame giant eagle Ominous Beast, aloof and remote overlooking the gray robe youth, said: “Do n’t say I bullied you with the cultivation base! Give you a chance to surrender and admit defeat, and walk down the Emperor List. arena! You can also struggle on whilst at death’s door alive, or else … you will skeleton doesn’t exist and be burned to ashes by me! “

“Don’t talk too early.”

“Whoever smiles in the end is not necessarily the case.” The gray robe young man with a deep and bright face and a firm and indifferent face, two palms folded together, knead out thousands upon tens of thousands, countless spirits of rays of light. “This densely packed, obscure fluctuations make people to be dazzled spirit lines of light, as if Celestial Maiden Scattering Flowers, with regularity scattered in all directions.”

“You are …” covering heaven concealing sun, Qi Flame’s gigantic flame above the eagle’s head. The arrogant Heaven’s Proud youth is unknown so: “brat! All in all, you refuse to take the initiative to admit defeat, are you?”


gray robe youth not say a word, the tricks are changing.

From his inch-by-inch flesh and blood, a vast and magnificent Source Energy flows out.

This huge and pure Power of Source is poured into the rays of light scattered in all directions.

After a while, a path of spirit lines of light seems to be activated, and the hazy lines spitting out are closely connected together.

“Array?” Under Emperor List arena, Qin Tian pupil shrink, was taken aback: “It’s interesting. I haven’t seen anyone show the power of Array Road for a long time.”

“bang! bang! bang!”

Deafening, deafening, and endless.

The gray robe youth is like a semi-circle, covering a large Array light barrier with a range of 10,000 li.

The spiritual rays of light outside him, also turned into a 1000 meters high, the power range destroys the extreme raising heaven giant.

each The surface of the giant’s body is intertwined with dense and bright, mysterious and obscure Array stripes!

It can be seen that these giants are all created by “Array Might”.

“You … are you Array Master?”

Blazing giant eagle overhead’s Proud Heaven’s Proud youth, blankly looked.

In Source Great World, there are many ways to cultivate. Some people are refining medicine pill and become a respected “medicine refining teacher” who all directions influence. Some people are thinking about Array, their own strength is weak, but a Array took out, you can slaughter the powerhouse that is many times higher than your cultivation base! “Anyway, no matter which way it is, as long as there are attainments to build trees, it should not be underestimated!”

“Yes. I am Array Master.”

Based on the gray robe youth in heaven shaking mysterious Array, he admitted frankly: “Okay. Don’t talk nonsense, you want me to walk down the Emperor List arena, then I have to let you exit this arena area.”

“Ha ha ha.”

After gritting his teeth, the proud Young’s Proud grinned: “Not bad breath! What’s wrong with the Array Master? When I break your shit Array, you’re in my eyes the fish on the board, let me slaughter the mole crickets!”


gray robe The young man’s eyes narrowed, and he waved casually.

“Dong! Dong!” The mountains and rivers are ups and downs, Heaven and Earth scooping.

2 Giant, get out of the Array light barrier.

Objectively speaking, the raising heaven giant shaped by the Power of Array, each showing the explosive edge, can be comparable to Saint Grade Source Piercing Earth Realm Level, which is really amazing Array mysterious!

Damn it !

“Tear him to me!” The proud Young Heaven’s Proud gave the order.

“Cry! Cry!” The flaming giant eagle grasped his grasp and swooped up.

Hong long !

Hong long !

Wave 4 splashes and rises and falls.

Efficient skill 2 The giant who came out of the “mysterious Array” was torn into fragment slag by the violent hot giant eagle.

“How about hmph !? Want to use a Array to compete with me, that’s your whims!”

The arrogant Heaven’s Proud is proud of the youth.

“This guy … is really sick of his brain.” Gray robe youth snort disdainfully.

Along with this, the gray robe youth took all on one throw, and the intent was concurrent: “One respect, 2 … 100 to 1000, the same Array giant, stepping out from the Array light barrier of rays of light obscure, surging forward with great momentum. . “

After this, the proud Young’s Proud youth can no longer laugh: “A giant Array can be comparable to Saint Grade Source Piercing Earth Realm. More than 1000 Array giants have been attacked by the former servants … he must also have unimaginable pressure!”

“Good.” Qin Tian each minding their own business said said: “No matter where you go. Martial Dao cultivation base is the core, but these side branches, it is also 1000 autumn each, with to stand out from the masses , Extraordinary extraordinary rays of light. “

An unprecedented battle kicked off.

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