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“Roar! Roar!”

With a dragon head, a tiger body, and a ten thousand meters in size, the giant beast pulls the vast Emperor List arena into a construction aura.

Looking at this momentum, the thin young man holding the azure Iron Bow could not help feeling heavy.

Heaven’s Proud, a tall young man, has a rampant smile: “brat! See how you stop me from this move!”

“Azure Light Piercing Sun!”

Unremitting efforts to integrate the cultivation base into “azure Iron Bow”.

Immediately afterwards, the thin young man filled his big bow.

A dazzling 10000 zhang glow, a sharp, unbeatable arrow of 1000 autumn, Short Lived, presented under the hazy broken Vault of Heaven.


The moment of anticipation is coming.

Two Great Peak Super Geniuses’ “Killing Move” confrontation … This is rarely seen.

Under the stage, each and everyone Super Genius, the atmosphere dare not come out, for fear of missing any detail picture.

Qin Tian seemed to be quiet and leisurely, sitting on the ground casually.



The extreme look of disdain’s “Azure Light Piercing Sun” arrow, the first to break the void and rush towards the target.

“Hah!” The tall young man shouted and roared. “Dragon Tiger giant beast entrenched outside the body greets the invincible” arrow flowing light “.,”

Ka cha !

Hua la la !

The two kinds of Killing Move offensive touched together, of course, set off a storm that was beyond description and beyond imagination.

At the same time, the “Azure Light Piercing Sun Arrow” broke through the bamboo, tearing the huge monster in front a little bit.

in a spurt of energy declines again, 3 exhausts.

When “Azure Light Piercing Sun Arrow” blows away, and the Dragon Tiger giant beast 2/3 is cleaved, the sharp fluctuations begin to slowly fade away and disappear.

hong long.

After all, arrows flowing light, Dragon Tiger giant beast, perish together, come to nothing.

“Pu chi.” The tall young man Heaven’s Proud, the thin young man, has vomited blood backwards.

……have equal shares?

I see no way, when you get on stage, you must score the winner!

As the so-called 2 tigers fight, there must be a wound. How can they be regarded as “evenly divided” when they haven’t reached the point of exhaustion and exhaustion?


“Erase the blood from my mouth.” Tall young man Heaven’s Proud took out a healing medicine pill and took a breath, he laughed and said: “Ask for defeat! Make Laozi anxious, I took out the last Killing Move … At that time, I couldn’t hold my hand if I wanted to spare you. “


“Until the last minute, it’s not necessarily who wins or loses.” The thin young man gritted his teeth and vomited a mouthful of blood on the rusty “azure Iron Bow”.

Zi zi zi.

“Azure Iron Bow”, which absorbed the blood of thin young people, began to bloom rays of light. The whole body is also sparkling and translucent, perfect with no blemish.

“En? What crooked gate and devil’s path are you?” The tall young man vaguely disturbed and asked.

“Blood stains, Azure Light Piercing Sun!”

Ignore the opponent. Thin young people each minding their own business opened “azure Iron Bow”,

“Weng weng weng.” The arrow flowing light was born this time. Compared with the previous arrow flowing light, it shows the destruction, destruction, sharp fluctuations, and it is necessary to overbearing 100 Times!

At the tip of the arrow flowing light, there is also a bright red drop, blood light like ghosts.

“I don’t see Yellow River, I don’t give up … Laozi fights with you too! At worst perish together.” The tall young man crossed his mind and closed his eyes. On the front chest and back, the muscles are bulged, and under the skin, a series of blood vessels shuttle shuttle, clearly visible.

“Dragon and Tiger Sacred Fist! Dragon and Tiger Extinguishing World!”


“Azure Light Piercing Sun Arrow” smeared with bloody divine glow tears the Vault of Heaven.

Two Great Peak Super Geniuses’ “Ultimate trump card” came in close contact.


A few hundred Super Genius under Emperor List arena, after hearing a loud noise, a dazzling glare in front of them. The picture that came into view again was a bit terrible.

A tall, muscular young man, lying in the pool of blood with drenched with blood. His opponent’s thin young man, scattered fragments of one arm, azure Iron Bow also fell into the distance, ashamed, aura weak.

2 people really do not agree with anyone, a pin against an awl, both sides suffer, and they are on the verge of death.


“It hurts … it hurts Laozi.” There was blood in his mouth, and the tall young man tried his best to stand up from the pool of blood on the verge of collapse. Looked at the thin young man in the end compared to his own birds of a feather. There was a weak voice, said: “brat! You have no energy. Come and admit defeat, my fist does not recognize people.”

“Funny guy ~” Qin Tian laughed: “What do you look like, and still threaten opponents there.”

as predicted. The thin young man was not threatened by the words of the tall young man, rolled his eyes, turned around and said: “You have great fists? Then come here! I see how you hit me.”


Awkward, silent, deadlocked.

Tall young people with torn skin and gaping flesh all over the body are having difficulty walking. How can they step forward and wave their fists to give each other a blow?

In comparison, thin young people have lost their battle strength.

2 You look at me, I look at you, big eyes staring at small eyes, no one will admit defeat. Then you can only compete with perseverance, to see who can stand to the end in this heavy hit situation, and who can’t hold it first and fall to the ground.

One minute and one second, it seemed torn and long.

Probably more than half an hour. Both the thin and the young and the tall and young reached their limits. Their eyes turned black, their hands and feet became soft, and the uncontrollable ones fell down.

“Peng sound.” The tall young man was the first to lie on the ground.


One-knee kneels, the thin young man smiled: “I won.”


The two-man clash has to be said to be very exciting.

Because the distance to the “Championship” track is getting closer and closer, the atmosphere at the scene is getting stronger and stronger, pushing it to Peak.

Following the “Tall Heaven’s Proud Youth, Thin Youth”, he was a man with a look of blue and red rays of light and a bunch of beards, about 30 years old.

The opponent is an outstanding brutal young man holding a big blade. “5th Revolution Basic Rank King Grade Source Heavenspan Realm 99th Step cultivation base. It’s not much different from that tall Heaven’s Proud youth, thin youth.”

“Heaven Destroying Blade Technique.”

There is no communication. After standing firm on the Emperor List arena, the outstanding brutal youth of “5th Revolution Basic Rank King Grade Source Heavenspan Realm 99th Step” directly throws Killing Move.

Hong long !

Hong long long !

A path of several hundred meters. A huge blade glow, the former servant succeeds, becoming 100 to 1000. Enough to make middle rank, High Rank King Grade Source Heavenspan Realm cultivator also a strategic withdrawal.

“Light of grain of rice, overreaches oneself.” The man with azure red face touched a pinch of beard in the corner of his mouth, cuffs fluttered, flew out a fingernail size, back scales, hazy wings, mysterious speed insect.

The seemingly small insect, when the number reaches a certain scale, it is an endless frenzy!

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