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chaos, at the end of incredibly mysterious universe.

Qin Tian, ​​where consciousness wanders here, the clear comprehension color in the corner of the eye, becomes more dazzling: “… destiny, to be everywhere. I can participate in the Emperor List Great War and get a Source Law fragment … Here, Destiny Gear secretly promotes operation. “

“In other words. Everyone is carrying destiny! Whether they can control and control this innate Destiny Power depends on their own good fortune and comprehended.”


Interesting, then I am still here, is it unnecessary?

With the will, Qin Tian’s mind returned to within the body.

Queen Shen Fei’s voice followed: “How is it. Has it failed?”

“Failure? Why do you see it?” Qin Tian asked.

“If you feel a Power of Source Law, this God more or less will be aware of it, but nothing has changed in you.”

Queen Shen Fei has quite a few points of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune meaning: ‘Smelly Brat. Do n’t you want comprehend Ten Great Constant Antiquity Source Laws? Why don’t you talk? aiming too high, unrealistic guy. It was a waste of opportunity to comprehend Source Law. ‘

“Fei Ye ~”

Qin Tian got up and looked at the Source Great World starry sky with no end in sight, said: “destiny arranged for me to appear here. I also arranged for Sir Queen to give you a frigid irony and scorching satire. These are all clear to me. , How can I say I failed? “

“Fate … destiny?” Queen Shen Fei blankly looked: “Don’t tell me. You are comprehend Destiny Law.”

I am very sure of that.

“I also saw the Control Law of Sir Queen countless people yearns for even in dream ~” Ripped mouth laughed, Qin Tian’s wisps of hazy, obscure, twisted, mysterious lines were raised gradually.

1000 threads of 10000 threads, woven together, become a little mark. “Karma Aura wafts out of this mark! Dark, light … control, good fortune …. Even the power of 36 Super Source Laws is continuously flowing from this mark.”

“You … what is this?”

Queen Shen Fei, started.

“Destiny.” Qin Tian smiled and said: “Sir Queen, if you want, I can teach you. If the perception is enough, comprehend out Destiny Law, just around the corner.”

“Don’t cracking a joke.”

you teach me? Queen Shen Fei’s speech speed is chaotic: “Be honest! What the hell is this! I don’t believe you can comprehend out of Destiny Source Law!”

“You don’t believe the truth, and I can’t make up falsehoods. Sir Queen right when I failed, nothing Source Law did comprehend out.”

There should be a sentence. Qin Tian changed the subject and said: “I plan to go to Source Great World Central Land next. Does Sir Queen have any suggestions?”


I do n’t know what Queen Shen Fei is thinking, but after a long time, it was replied: “You are in the north of Source Great World. You should go to the” North God Star “of Source Great World Central Land.”

“North God Star” is a necessary place to enter “Source Great World Central Land” from the Source Great World North area.

When you get there, be a good person and converge. On the North God Star, fish and dragons mixed in together, powerhouse as clouds, although Source God powerhouse is not seen, there is also the existence of Source Quasi God Realm.

“Quasi God Realm. As the name implies, it is one step away from God Realm, without God’s imposing, but above all cultivators!”

Source Heavenspan Realm, Source Creation Realm, Source Ascension Realm, Source Immortal Realm, Source Yin-Yang Realm, Source Quasi God Realm ——

Qin Tian is now “9th Revolution Basic Rank King Grade Source Heavenspan Realm 99th Step”, plus the ability of Monster System Form, in conjunction with “Ten Killing Arrays”, it is possible to kill low grade, High Grade Source Creation Realm Level powerhouse .

But compared with Source Quasi God Realm Stage, it is not a “dimensional” level at all.


“Okay, just listen to Sir Queen, go to North God Star.”

took a deep breath, Qin Tian took Little Girl, Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Dongfang Xi, Jiang Yue’er and embarked on a new journey.

Within a month, the fingertips were instantaneous.

How far away is “North God Star”, Qin Tian is unknown.

In the vast universe, the ghost knows how big it is, and how long it will take to reach North God Star.

clang clang! hong long!

Until this day, the boring road ushered in some glory.

“Huh? Big Brother, look, someone is fighting in the front ~” Pink long hair, the charming little girl, fragrant cheek do n’t swell, spitted and said “How many bullies! So many people bully 2 people, too bad Fair. “

“Pipe down.” Glancing at the excited Little Girl. Qin Tian looked indifferently: “About 100 cultivators are besieging a man and a woman.”

Man, Fengshenruyu, handsome and slender, cultivation base is not weak, 9th Revolution King Rank Super Grade Source Heavenspan Realm 99th Step.

Woman, Huaxin Nianhua, delicate and beautiful, a white dress, 9th Revolution Saint Rank Super Grade Source Heavenspan Realm 99th Step.

It looks like it should be a pair of Dao Companion.

More than 2 cultivators besieging the two of them are all above “Divine Grade Source Heavenspan Realm.”

Standing in the periphery, the middle-aged man who was waiting for the opportunity, with a dark appearance and spiteful eyes, exhaled the aura, which was “Low Grade Source Creation Realm.”

“Hehe! If you two don’t hand over that” Star Stone fragment “! The consequences are at your own risk ~”

A tall man with a Super Grade Source Heavenspan Realm Level, a white skirt woman with a slap in the face, sneered after spitting blood, said with a sneer: “Little ladies are pretty good. Wait a moment to catch you up, the brothers will torture you in turn!”

“You … you!” Jun Lang youth, stepped forward to support the woman, said: “… the matter has come to this point, at least one of the two of us must survive! I stopped them.”

“No! We have to walk together.” The woman wiped the blood from her mouth, her attitude was firm and firm.

“Ha ha ha! A good pair of hard-working mandarin ducks.” The tall man at Super Grade Source Heavenspan Realm Level laughed from the back.

“Big Brother, help them.” Looking away, Little Girl moved compassion.


Qin Tian walked and asked said: “Sir Queen, what is Star Stone fragment?”

A kind of energy stone born in the universe, which is extremely valuable.

Queen Shen Fei turned around and said: “At Source Great World Central Land, when you reach the powerhouse of God Realm Level, if there is a transaction with each other, the currency in circulation is this” Star Stone fragment “.”

“Brat, who are you!”

Low Grade Source Creation Realm, the middle-aged man with a venomous gaze heard the footsteps and turned to look.

“It’s just passing by here, I don’t see how much you’re bullying that’s all.” Qin Tian wrote lightly, shrugged his shoulders, turned around and said.

jie jie.

Does this have anything to do with you? Trifling King Grade Source Heavenspan Realm, would you like to help you when you are in trouble?

The poisonous man sneered a sneer, and his eyes shifted to the woman in the distance.

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