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hu chi.

Vault of Heaven is leaping, 10,000 li is bright, and the life is bright.

In this mysterious supremacy, sinking All Heavens’ “Karma Aroma”. Not to mention the flowers and grass on the North God Star, one mountain one water is overshadowed by it, intoxicated, and cannot be extricated.

This is the God Realm powerhouse from genuine. Smelling this illusory, penetrating Soul Willpower’s “Karma Aroma”, will definitely as if drunk and stupefied, and will never forget.

“Peng long!” Suddenly, Karma Clone waved again.

Did not see any substantial power. riddled with scars, Yin Demon Cave Young Master who is drenched with blood, but it is vomiting blood.

Life Power, Soul Power, Will Power are all greatly destroyed and weakened!

“… He must have some monstrous secrets in his body, so he is so arrogant.”

Half-death, fearful and trembling Yin Demon Cave Young Master, took out a jade stone: “brat … Look! It’s sealed with my Sir Father’s will clone! My Sir Father is Yin Demon Cave’s Ruler! Quasi God Realm powerhouse. His ray of clone will fall and can bombard Source Immortal Realm, Source Yin-Yang Realm’s powerhouse! “

I still don’t believe it! You are taboo in monsters, and you can contend with the will clone of a “Quasi God Realm” powerhouse!

“Listen to the chatter of Yin Demon Cave Young Master, and there’s a chirp in it.” Karma Clone’s expression was indifferent, Constant Antiquity remained unchanged.

Ka cha !

The next moment, Yin Demon Cave Young Master crushed jade stone in his hands with anger.

“bang! bang! bang!”

Along with the crushing of jade stone, a dazzling imposing silhouette came out of the sky.

Heaven and Earth Eight Desolates, Sun, Moon and Stars, in front of the silhouette of this seemingly true and seemingly illusory, all creeping acknowledge allegiance.

… the so-called God, most Highest and most Holy! A drop of God’s blood can drown a piece of Star Domain! God’s hair can cut a galaxy! God’s absent-minded move can destroy reincarnation Life and Death!

The “Quasi God Realm” is surrendered to God Realm, and above all beings! With the God power of the tip of the iceberg.


Look at the imposing silhouette of the fiery illusion. Yin Demon Cave Young Master shouted said: “Help me kill the smash … No, help me catch him! I want to dig out his secret!”


Yin Demon Cave Sect Master, eyebrows horrified, looked left and right, and finally stared at Karma Clone; “This fragrance is …”

incredible! Smelling this fragrance, my Realm cultivation base has a sign of shedding body, exchanging bones, transform from a cocoon to become a butterfly.

Shocked, Yin Demon Cave Sect Master looked towards Yin Demon Cave Young Master and asked said: “Who is this child? What could it be Source Divine Object transformed into a human form?”

The vast and magical Source Great World is home to countless Source Precious Materials. “It is said that some Source Divine Object precious materials that capture Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, unicorn’s horn, phoenix’s feather can be transformed into human form and walk in the world. This kind of Source Divine Object precious materials, after taking refining, has a self-evident effect Yu! “

“Father … what are you talking about? Isn’t this brat a Human Race?” Yin Demon Cave Young Master, stunned.


Yin Demon Cave Sect Master, speechless.

“Karma Aura, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World.”

Ignoring the sky, Only I Am Supreme’s Karma Clone, indifferent, pointed a finger.

Yin Demon Cave Sect Master, the will clone of Quasi God Realm powerhouse, illusory body, straight scattered fragments, reduced to bubbles: “… No, how!”

Just for a moment, Yin Demon Cave Young Master once again fell into the low end of the abyss of fear that could not climb: “The trump card he is relying on, in front of the guy who showed Karma Aroma all over, unable to withstand a single blow! unable to withstand a single blow! “

“To end it here.”

Speak in a voice that only you can hear.

Karma Clone’s eyes fell on the soul of Yin Demon Cave Young Master.


Sweeping Myriad Realms, sweeping the Power of Karma of All Heavens, let Yin Demon Cave Young Master’s three immortal souls and seven mortal souls, flying ash and extinguished smoke, no slag left.

A fleshy body was left in the sky and fell from the sky.

“Kill Yin Demon Cave Young Master.” Karma Clone’s consciousness broke away from Qin Tian’s body and disappeared, said: “Heaven’s Mystery Fragment, have you got it?”


“But … it is currently occupied by Sir Queen.” Qin Tian is embarrassed.

“… silence.” Karma Clone’s consciousness drifted away.

“The fragrance is gone?” Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Dongfang Xi, Jiang Yue’er 3 girl, energetic and bustling swept outside the youth, speak in unison asked said: “What happened just now!”

“It’s so neat.” Qin Tian was startled: ‘You are not negotiating, come and ask me. ‘

Who negotiated!

Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady pinched her waist, shouted: “Do you say nothing!”

“Don’t say–” Qin Tian open mouth and laughed and flew to the body of Yin Demon Cave Young Master.

As Yin Demon Cave Young Master, there are no good things on his body.


Qin Tian searched a little bit: “It turned out that more than 100 Star Stone fragments were pulled from the body of Yin Demon Cave Young Master. There are also several Heaven Rank 9th Revolution Source Techniques … 2 pieces of Heaven Rank 9th Revolution Source Divine Armament. “

Source Technique, Source Divine Armament, Qin Tian are not interested: “But these more than 100 Star Stone fragments are really attractive.”


A piece of “Star Stone fragment” was smashed, and the majestic vigorous energy immediately poured into the body.

Qin Tian shouted and said: “Come all. Five of us, we split these Star Stone fragments evenly.”


At the same time, in Blood Demon City.

Put on airs, white clothed Heavenly Evil Palace Young Master with white face, dishevelled hair, and bruises all over the body.

In front of him is Mo Tianji, a handsome black robe, blushing and panting.

“Sir’s strength … it’s really amazing.” Clenched his teeth, Heavenly Evil Palace Young Master chilled said: “I still don’t know what you are from!”


Yin Demon Cave Young Master also asked, Mo Tianji did not say, and it was still the Heavenly Evil Palace Young Master who was suppressed by his own meal.


A beautiful shadow came from afar.

It was Blood Demon City City Lord Mansion Eldest Young Lady, and she stared at Mo Tianji in a furious manner, said: “It’s all because of you! Let Bei Long run away in chaos! Heavenly Evil Palace Young Master, our 2 teamed up This guy is killing, and he is angry, how is it? “

“Okay.” Heavenly Evil Palace Young Master couldn’t help being like this: “It’s a fierce battle. Under Mo Tianji’s means, he was batteryd and exhausted, and he was ugly. If he didn’t kill this guy, pass it … I’m afraid I’ll lose my face. “

“Young Lady ~”

He glanced lightly at the purple, small face enchanting Blood Demon City City Lord Mansion Eldest Young Lady. Mo Tianji said said: “Let North God Palace number one genius Bei Long be released, you have no skills. How did it involve me?”

I seem to remember who screamed that I wanted to kill North God Palace number one genius by myself? how? If you can’t do it yourself, you will be angry with me?

“Impudent!” Blood Demon City City Lord Mansion Eldest Young Lady, blazing 30 zhang.

“… This place should not stay for a long time.” Mo Tianji secretly consider: “I just don’t know how is Brother Qin Tian …”

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