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… North God Star, over the river.

Tall imposing, Yin Demon Cave Sect Master with a slaughter face, heard Heavenly Evil Palace Palace Lord asking his son why he did n’t come. Overnight, his faces were twisted into a ball, gnashing teeth said: “Slain by a brat with white hair and flesh with a unique fragrance …”

hiss! hiss!

“Yin Demon Cave Young Master, killed?”

One stone stirred up 1000 waves.

Many cultivators on the scene, big eyes staring at small eyes, were surprised.

Qin Tian is secretly happy: “When Karma Clone controls the body. The hair will become snow white … The flesh skeleton will also emit a Karma Aroma. At that time Yin Demon Cave Young Master crushed the jade stone, out of summon It ’s just a ray of will clone of Yin Demon Cave Sect Master. “

So even at this moment, I stood in front of the North God Treasure Storehouse. The Yin Demon Cave Sect Master did not recognize this “killing the enemy” at 3:1.

“real or fake?”

Heavenly Evil Palace Palace Lord, with a blank face: “haha. If it were true … then Yin Demon Cave would have one less peerless genius. This time the North God Treasure Storehouse seizes the opportunity, and my child will have one enemy! It ’s enough to compete with the Blood Demon City Eldest Young Lady, North God Palace number one genius Bei Long. “


How could Yin Demon Cave Sect Master not see Heavenly Evil Palace Palace Lord taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, smirking.

Meiyu was somber and shouted: “It’s Up Into the Heavens, Down into the Earth! This Sect Master will also catch the culprit who killed my son!”

“Yeah, I don’t want to wear Heaven,” Heavenly Evil Palace Palace Lord said, “I am Heavenly Evil Palace and I will be happy to help you find out the culprit, Yin Demon Cave.”

… Relative to this moment, standing on the Blood Demon City City Lord side Blood Demon City Eldest Young Lady, his face suddenly appeared: “Let a white-haired brat kill?”

“Don’t look at me. My hair is black.”

Realizing that Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady moved towards himself, Qin Tian waved his hand.


“In a little while. Heavenly Evil Palace Young Master, first took more than 100 Source Ascension Realm Level powerhouses through the choppy river and drilled into the North Mysterious North God Treasure Storehouse palace, which is several million metres.”

With the beginning, the chain reaction blossomed.

Hundreds of thousands of cultivators, formerly servants, densely packed, have been gradually integrated into the “North God Treasure Storehouse”.


Hua la la.

After walking through the gate of the North God Treasure Storehouse, the palace hall is not the imaginary hall, but actually … a mysterious piece of ancient, vast universe starry sky.

More than 100,000 cultivators, clustered in a corner of the endless starry sky area, appear not worth mentioning, light of grain of rice.

“dong! dong! ”

No one has time to speak yet.

The endless starry sky having ups and downs rose across the Eternal Space-Time, overbearing the supreme majestic sound, and clang clang fell forcefully: “i am North God! The first God Realm powerhouse on the North God Star. This is The inheritance space created by this God. “

“Meet Senior North God …”

Treat a Source God of aloof and remote, 100,000 cultivators, no one dares to have disrespect.

Mo Tianji is moved towards mysteriously and inexorably, granting a ceremony.

Source God Position can be achieved, it must have gone through 1000 hardships and 10000 dangers, and won the Heaven and Earth Good Fortune.

This perseverance and wisdom, as well as the efforts made during this period, are definitely not something that ordinary people can speculate.

With this in mind, Qin Tian is also a grant a ceremony.


The North God’s will, illusory, laughed, said that all the cultivator worships have been accepted: “This God is free and easy throughout his life. The most annoying thing is the red tape. Moreover, he is still a dead person. Thou need not be so restrained.”

Now what I want to tell you is that in this universe starry sky, there is the inheritance energy that this God stayed here during his lifetime, which is Divine Power!

How much Divine Power can be found, or how much Divine Power can be absorbed, then it is all in your chance of good fortune. When you wait for the announcement inheritance of the starry sky, the energy will be absorbed, and I will also open the entrance to the next layer of treasure.

“Inheritance energy … Divine Power?”

Hundreds of thousands of cultivator, excited and unbearable.

“Go!” Heavenly Evil Palace Young Master, taking the lead, with more than 100 Source Ascension Realm Level Heavenly Evil Palace cultivator, flew to the end of the universe.

“That … Brother Qin Tian, ​​we are afraid that we have to act separately.” Seeing the cultivators present were spreading out one after another. Mo Tian embarrassed said with a smile.


Qin Tian understands: “This Mo Tianji has to act separately from himself. It is also because of the existence of several people in the Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady. If the energy of North God inheritance is found? This Mo Tianji is also generous, but also has a monotonous psychology. It is better Act separately, depending on luck. “


With the departure of Mo Tianji, Qin Tian thought: “Monster System is in the level up version. The System Map is not usable … But if I only rely on luck, I will look for North God to stay in this starry sky Universe. Inheritance Divine Power, is n’t it just listening to God ’s will? “

That’s not okay, I still have to find a way to find the inheritance Divine Power quickly and accurately. “

“Sir Queen?” In vain, Qin Tian’s imagination moved: “Queen Shen Fei itself is Source God powerhouse! It is definitely more powerful than North God at the peak period.”

… cough cough, Sir Queen, I will trouble you one thing, help me sense the Divine Power inheritance energy left by this North God …


Unexpectedly, Queen Shen Fei promised: “Go north, where the scattered Heritage Divine Power is most dense.”

“Haha. Sir Queen, why are you so obedient this time? Wouldn’t it be any conspiracy?” Following the guidance of Queen Shen Fei, Qin Tian took Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady and Dongfang Xi a few girls to North , While frivolous asked.


“It makes you right, I just made a plot.” Queen Shen Fei sneered: “Not long ago, who is the power of Will that controls your body?”

I have stayed with you in the body for so long, I think I have 70 to 80% of you, but didn’t expect you to brat and I have no means at all.

“That one.”

Qin Tian rubbed the temples: “Sir Queen will have to know sooner or later. I will tell you … that was Karma Clone that I created when I was in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.”

“Karma Clone?” Queen Shen Fei was obviously dumbfounded: “All Heavens and Myriad Realms?”

“A Small Plane. I went from” All Heavens and Myriad Realms “to” Source World Layer 1 Domain “. I went from Source World 9th Layer to Source Great World.” Qin Tian said: “If Sir Queen wants to know what else, then But it ’s long … It ’s about 9th Layer. “


Smelt the meaning of the youth’s preparation for a long speech.

Queen Shen Fei immediately said: “You can come to Source Great World one step at a time from Small Plane, which is amazing.”

“I’m really touched to hear Sir Queen praise me.”

Qin Tian split mouth laughed.

“Big Brother, look ~~ Is that inheritance Divine Power.” Little Girl’s listening voice started.

The mind withdrew from the conversation with Queen Shen Fei. Qin Tian looked away.

The mass of rays of light suspended over 10,000 li is blazing and bright, with a diameter of 100 meters, shining all directions.

Looking far apart, I mistakenly thought it was a star moon disc, All Heavens Great Sun.

Covering the energy flowing in the rays of light is also inspiring and imposing.

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