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“The waves are ups and downs, ups and downs.”

You can’t reach 5 fingers, and you can see the endless universe starry sky.

A black robe evil old man, a clear and tall young man, 2 people are in full swing against each other.

The Realm cultivation base of these two people is “9th Revolution Basic Rank Immortal Grade Source Ascension Realm 99th Step” Peak.

To open to the best of my strength, there is only about one hour after the fight, it is to separate.

“hu hu.”

There was a big gasp, and the wrinkles outside the face were shaking.

black robe evil old man, extremely angry, angry: “brat! Strength is OK! But old man will transform you to dust immediately!”

“Old Fool! Don’t boast shamelessly here! I lived so old, played a few hundred rounds, and it didn’t hurt my hair. If I were you, I would have been killed by the head.” Youth, sharp words, retorted.

You … you are impudent!

Fiercely was ridiculed by the other party. black robe, evil old man, violently raging, irritated: “Little Bastard! Where will he pay the bloody price for his words and deeds!”

“Constant Antiquity Source Technique, Dark Sky Black Earth!”

“Shuaa ~~ hua la la”

Universe starry sky, which was pitch black mysterious, was suddenly covered by another Dark Force.

Endless, mysterious thrilling darkness, stimulating the presence of countless cultivator scalp tingling, extremely quiet.

“Constant Antiquity Source Technique …… Hey, is it the Constant Antiquity Source Technique recorded on the Constant Antiquity Source Divine Ability List?”

The uproar burst.

Qin Tian raised his eyebrows: “The” black sky “shown by the black robe evil old man makes him feel uneasy falling into the abyss of death.”

“Sir Queen. What is the” Constant Antiquity Source Divine Ability List “they mentioned?”

In the ancient and vast Source Great World, there are too many secrets that Qin Tian does not know.

Especially after coming to the edge of Source Great World Central Land, a variety of novel names gradually came into view.

“Constant Antiquity Source Array List, you know it. Constant Antiquity Source Divine Ability List is a list that keeps pace with Constant Antiquity Source Array List.” Queen Shen Fei, patiently stated: “Emperor List Great War on the final The Lesser Myriad Manifestations Array exhibited by the gray robe youth is essentially the Greater Myriad Manifestations Array. “

Greater Myriad Manifestations Array is one of the 100 Supreme Killing Arrays listed on the Constant Antiquity Source Array List.

The “Constant Antiquity Source Divine Ability List” records 9999 Constant Antiquity Source Technique Divine Ability.

This Old Fool took out of “Dark Sky Black Earth Technique”, ranked 9974 on “Constant Antiquity Source Divine Ability List”.

“… Sir Queen, didn’t you say that the powerful people all draw Power of Source Law and display their own” Source Divine Technique “? Source Divine Technique and Constant Antiquity Source Divine Ability, which is more powerful? “

Qin Tian said whilst asking.

“Of course it is Source Divine Technique! Source Divine Technique is integrated into the existence of Source Law might … but 10000 things are not absolute, if the Constant Ancient God ranked in the” Constant Antiquity Source Divine Ability List “communicates. That formidable power and rarity The degree is even stronger than the Source Law Divine Technique exhibited by ordinary people. “

The source Divine Ability recorded in the “Constant Antiquity Source Divine Ability List” has been handed down from generation to generation after countless years of washing.

And Source Law Divine Technique, 100 flowers bloom, everything that should be here is here. The level of formidable power and mysterious is completely based on the person who exhibited this “Source Law Divine Technique”, what kind of Source Law comprehend, and how deep the Source Law ’s contents comprehend.


“Hey ~” After listening to Queen Shen Fei. Qin Tian would smile, and secretly consider: “My comprehend is the” Source Destiny Law “which has a long history in Source Great World.”

“Source Destiny Law” is the Head of Ten Great Constant Antiquity Source Laws, which is above any Source Law.

From this, the “Source Law Divine Technique” I created, formidable power and preciousness, is more terrifying than any “Divine Ability” in Source Great World?


The camera pulled back to the black robe.

But see this Old Fool faced upwards and laughed heartily: “brat! You can die on the old man’s trump card, count the blessings you have cultivated in your last life!”

“Do you think you are the only one with a trump card?”

Qinglang tall young man, fearless and chaotic, said: “Isn’t it a” Dark Earth Surgery “. This Divine Armament in my hand, but the Source Divine Armament of Ranked 9,734th on the” Constant Antiquity Source Divine Armament Spectrum ” ! Fighting with you just now, 9 at all urged out its formidable power! “

“I’m going to …” Qin Tian is ridiculous: “sudden shout has another” Constant Antiquity Source Divine Armament Spectrum “?”

The nature should be exactly the same as “Constant Antiquity Source Divine Ability List”. Still waiting for the end of this exploration, take the time to find Sir Queen and ask about the status of “Source Great World Central Land”.

Weng! weng!

All the power of the whole body is injected into the Divine Armament long sword.

The sword of Qinglang tall young man fell down, the sword glow produced by it was several ten thousand meters huge, divine magnificent, tearing shady!

The black robe’s Constant Antiquity Source Divine Ability, exhibited by the old man, was broken by an inch by Divine Armament, a sharp weapon in the hands of the tall and clear young man.

In the end, “Dark Sky Black Earth Technique” collapsed and fell apart.

9th Revolution Basic Rank Immortal Grade Source Ascension Realm 99th Step cultivation base’s black robe evil old man, big mouth spurt blood, aura gloomy.

The Qinglang tall young man, without rest for a moment, directly launched the offensive of the annihilation essence.


Hong long long !

a path of a few ten thousand meters under a huge sword glow. black robe The flesh and blood of the old man, slowly flying ash and extinguished smoke.

The bleak Remnant Soul, who had no time to flee, caught the tall Qinglang youth in his hands.

“Hey ~~ Old Fool, aren’t you arrogant? Didn’t it fall into my hands at the end?”

Hold the fragile soul of the black robe evil old man firmly. The youth proudly said with a smile.

“I … I won’t fight you for the” North God inheritance energy “… as long as you let me go.”

The sound of begging comes from the soul of the black robe.

“Late! Without killing you, how could it be” establish prestige “?”

Ka cha sounded, the tall and clear youth, crushed the soul of a “9th Revolution Basic Rank Immortal Grade Source Ascension Realm 99th Step” powerhouse.

…… Great!

Or, in his hands, Constant Antiquity Source Divine Armament scored rank 9,734th Constant Antiquity Source Divine Armament is amazing!

If it weren’t for “Constant Antiquity Source Divine Armament”, he was also impossible to tear up the black robe’s Constant Antiquity Source Divine Ability.

It is more impossible that such a swift and decisive kill the black robe evil old man.

Qin Tian remembered: “Is n’t the All Heavens Divine Scroll of Little Girl within the body the Queen Queen Fei ’s Sealed Item. That ’s Supreme Source Divine Object. Compared to that of Ranked 9,734th in the” Constant Antiquity Source Divine Armament Spectrum ” Divine Armament Remnant Sword, terrifying more. “

Just sigh, this All Heavens Divine Scroll cannot be used.

It also contains Will Power, the person who sealed the “Queen Shen Fei”.

You can suppression seal Queen Shen Fei, this person … It must be terrifying! His Will Power is not currently shaken by Qin Tian.

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