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One month, 2 months … 3 months.

In the North God Treasure Storehouse, Qin Tian, ​​Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Dongfang Xi, Little Girl, Jiang Yue’er … all immersed in the abyss of refining “North God bone energy”.

In front of North God Treasure Storehouse. The densely packed, thousands upon tens of thousands of cultivator, whether it is wind blowing and sun shining, or lighting flashes and thunder rolls, just refuses to leave.

“Especially the Heavenly Evil Palace Palace Lord, Yin Demon Cave Sect Master, Blood Demon City City Lord, a stubborn expression that does not achieve its purpose and will never give up.”

at the same time.

Source Great World Central Land, a secret story, swept through All Heavens.

… Primal Chaos Mountain, was carried away by … a young man with white hair and black clothed!

“What is” Primal Chaos Mountain “? That is the Forbidden Area of ​​Source Great World Central Land! It is said that a super invincible God is buried! It is a lot of God Realm powerhouse, countless people yearns for even in dream, but they dare not come close to it Office. “

After hearing this mystery, the Great Desolate went up and down overnight, and the Universe was turbulent. A large number of Source Divine Race powerhouse, and a few Loose Cultivator God, flocked to find the young man who moved “Primal Chaos Mountain”.


Endless, desolate and dim starry sky.

A barren star with a million li diameter and no life. Karma Aroma is filled with moving hearts and makes all living creatures crazy.

Black clothes scrolling, white hair bewitching, a man with an empty complexion and no emotions, Serene sits on a rock. “Karma Aroma, which covered this desolate planet, came out from his breath and an inch of skeleton.”


Suddenly, the young man with white hair and black clothed looked up.

In the starry sky with no glances and empty, I don’t know when it is full of miracles, brilliant! Mirrored for 10000 generations!

There are several millions metres tall, with long horns, holding a giant axe, but a silhouette of heaven and earth apart.

There are also handsome men sitting on the dazzling Immortal war chariot, who are condescending and overlooking every living being, Only I Am Supreme.

There are more than one Goddess that makes Divine Soul turn upside down and pay homage to Guest Elder. Various flower branches tremble, peerless grace and elegance, ice muscle jade bone.

… No name can be shouted at all, but aura makes Heaven and Earth Myriad Manifestations, trembling with fear, trembling giant beast.

Huh? Look! In the hands of brat … could it be?

a clothed with divine light, like the sun at high noon, the existence of aloof and remote. His eyes were exactly the same, falling on the black hill in the hands of the white-haired black clothed youth.

“Look at the black hills of calm and composed, ordinary and mediocre. In fact, there are endless, mysterious waves of look of disdain Great Desolate. Occasionally, a ray of forbidden tide spreads, making the diameter of million li, the desolate planet, all To be fragmented, come to nothing. “


…… This guy has not only moved away Primal Chaos Mountain. Did you refine “Primal Chaos Mountain” into such a form?

“Who is he?”

In the past, at Source Great World Central Land, the great characters of the head of the divine dragon but not its tail looked at each other for a long while.

On the war chariot pulled by the more then 100 giant Dragon God beast, he raised his hand, and divine glow followed, like a refined handsome man who was a purple sun. step by step go down war chariot!

Under the aura divine light of the refined man, more then 100 million zhang is huge, comparable to Source Giant Dragon Divine Beast of Source Quasi God Realm powerhouse, shiver coldly, and wailing trembling.

“Sir, what do you call it?”

Pondering, refined the handsome man, moved towards the white-haired youth on the dead planet cupped the hands, asked.

“Da da.”

not say a word, cold and detached for all ages.

Karma Clone turned and went to the distance: “It seems to be going to a secluded place and thinking about his own affairs.”

“Impudent! This guy … didn’t think of this King at all?”

The purple divine light outside the body became more and more intense, illuminating 100,000,000 li starry sky.

refined handsome man, a look. “Suddenly, the more then 100 Source Giant Dragon Divine Beast of the war chariot was pulled, and I understood it, roared and shook the sky, and rushed to the humble white-haired young man.”


The great characters present, with rapt attention locked aura, want to see what kind of power “that person” will show.

“Ao Ao! Ao Ao!”

Incredible pictures are staged.

Close to the “Karma Clone” Source Giant Dragon Divine Beast, after smelling the pervasive Karma Aroma rendering the soul.

2 3 Suddenly, the scene lost ominous might blood and turned into gentle and soft loach, flying dragons and dancing phoenixes, entwined outside the white-haired youth. There is … flattering and fawning meaning.

“This group of evil creatures! Dare to betray this King!”

Refined handsome man with big hair thunderbolt.

Under his anger, the 10000 and 1000 stars in all directions starry sky shattered and exploded.

“Hehe. God Venerable Zi Cang, why is it so violent.” A Human Race old man with two eyes that was muddy and full of wisdom came next to the refined handsome man.

The man who is called “God Venerable Zi Cang” is like the handsome refined man! And each and everyone great character present at the scene, just pick out one, all of which shock the Source Great World Central Land’s Peak existence! They are Super God above ordinary God Realm!

Because of one thing, get together!

“God Venerable Xuan Yan.”

Glancing at the old man with wise eyes. God Venerable Zi Cang said angrily: “Think carefully, this 100 Source Divine Dragon follows this God more then 100,000 years. Being loyal to this God is flying ash and extinguished smoke, and should not betray this God …”

From this, is that guy weird?

“Smell no … From the brat’s flesh and blood, a unique and unmatched fragrance permeates.” God Venerable Xuan Yan, squinting, said: “old man has seen a lot of divine object precious materials that Eternal does not meet. But there is no aura exuding from divine object precious materials, there is the aura refreshing of brat, which is breathtaking. “

Smelling such a fragrance, Divine Power within the body is a sign of cheering excitedly, the soul and Spirit Stage are also boiling.


Will he become a humanoid with Heaven and Earth divine object?

God Venerable Zi Cang blurted asked.

“Impossible!” A female God Venerable walked along.

The shimmering and radiant skin, the lithe and graceful face outline, and the temperament of Supreme can only be seen from a distance, not blasphemy.

“It turned out to be” God Venerable Huo Lian “.” God Venerable Zi Cang laughed: ‘Your main body is a “Primal Chaos Fire Lotus”. For that brat, see what door is coming? ‘

What do you see?

God Venerable Huo Lian dismissed with laugh: “I didn’t see anything. But what I’m sure is that this guy is by no means a certain divine object precious materials!”

“Roar! Roar!”

100000000 10000 Star trembled to avoid.

Several millions metres tall, with arms on the chest and a muscle like Wild Great Mountain, holding a giant axe and a God with long horns. Long roar is issued, deafening, and spreads to the end of the universe.

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