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Hong long !

Vault of Heaven collapsed, sun and moon evaded.

North God Star, a certain mountain range, collapsed and fallen, all split up and in pieces.

A ten thousand meters magnificent, divine star ship of horror fell.

A lot of flying birds have no time to flee, and they become a pool of blood under this “Star Ship”.


“Da da ~ da da.”

About 30 years old, an arrogant young man wearing a splendid long robe, walked off the deck of the Star Ship, said: “I heard that North God Star has Four Great Influences! Heavenly Evil Palace, Blood Demon City! Yin Demon Cave! North God Palace —— “

This “North God Palace” is still the influence of North God.

“Hehe. Since the North God killed me Sir Father, the North God Palace continues. Doesn’t disobey the majesty of my Sir Father?”

You immediately go to “Heavenly Evil Palace, Blood Demon City, Yin Demon Cave” and tell them! Obediently and honestly came to acknowledge allegiance to worship this Young Master.

That North God Palace’s words … it’s gone.

“As you bid!”

With the order of the proud young man. More than 100 powerhouses of Half Step Source Quasi God Realm Level, divided into 4 shares, rushed to “Heavenly Evil Palace, Yin Demon Cave, Blood Demon City, North God Palace.”


“Hu chi.”

The sky, unprecedented haze, heavy, depressed.

With one hand behind, Qin Tian who walked out of the great hall and looked at the horizon, his heart jumped a warning sign; “wind and rain want to come! There is no small crisis, approaching North God Palace!”

“Since 9th Layer, after 1000 difficulties and 10000 dangers, I went to All Heavens and Myriad Realms, and then came to Source World Layer 9 Domain … Then came North God Star on the edge of Source Great World Central Land. For the crisis, Qin Tian has had a kind of Sixth Sense is unclear. This feeling has not been missed so far. “

One day passed away.

In front of the hall, white clothed youth completely motionless.

“It’s time to come, finally.”

Suddenly, Qin Tian opened his eyes: “At the edge of the sky, 20 silhouettes, from each and everyone little black spots, instantly became a path of a cultivator with a murderous aura, appeared over the North God Palace.”


Sucked in a cold breath, Qin Tian was surprised: “23 people turned out to be Half Step Source Quasi God Realm!”

Are they the powerhouse of “Yin Demon Cave, Blood Demon City, Heavenly Evil Palace”?

With doubt, Qin Tian jumped to the sky, cupped the hands, said: ‘myself North God Palace Palace Lord, who are you waiting for? ‘

… you, you are the Palace Lord of “North God Palace”?

The powerhouse of 23 Half Step Source Quasi God Realm Level has been face to face for a long time, and he laughed.

ha ha ha! North God Palace was also an influence created by North God in the past. It is brilliant and unimaginable … Today’s North God Palace has fallen into this field.

Dignified North God Palace Palace Lord, is actually “9th Revolution Basic Rank Immortal Grade Source Yin-Yang Realm 99th Step” cultivation base?

It’s ridiculous! Not as good as the ant grasshopper on the ground!


“Sou! Sou!”

3 silhouette appears outside Qin Tian. “Nature is North God Palace Second Elder, Fifth Elder, Eighth Elder.”

You can see the horror cultivation base of the cultivators ahead. North God Palace Second Elder, said: “Who is thou in the end? Why do you come to North God Palace?”


Anyway, after today, North God Palace will no longer exist, let you die.

The middle-aged robust man who is vaguely headed, said: “Have you heard of” Heavenly Evil Star “? We are a cultivator under the” Heavenly Star Evil God “.”

“Heavenly Evil Star God.”

Qin Tian is unknown so: “Second Elder, do you know?”

“I … I know.” North God Palace Second Elder, pale, said with a sound transmission: “Sir North God is North God Star first place God Realm powerhouse, because he offended the strong Great God spirit and was killed by depression! “

And “suppression kills” Sir North God’s … Here is “Heavenly Star Evil God”.

“Isn’t it said that there is a” Source God “standing behind them?” Qin Tian clenched his fists and questioned said: “Heavenly Star Evil God” sent you? “


“Sir Heavenly Evil Star God Supreme, how can it overlook a declining North God Palace?” The middle-aged robust man, turned around and said: “It ’s my Young Master, going to” Source Great World Central Land “pay respects to” “Conferring God War”, via North God Star, take a look at it. “

Young Master heard that the North God Palace created by North God was still going on, so he sent us to destroy North God Palace.

“Oh! North God Treasure Storehouse is who got it! Obediently and honestly tell me, it can make you die happy.”

“The Young Master in his mouth should be the heir of” Heavenly Star Evil God “.” Qin Tian has a dignified heart, but no fear: “It’s better than a mountain! I still have Queen Shen Fei”

The corner of the mouth raised a smile arc, Qin Tian said: “The person who got the North God Treasure Storehouse is really me, what can you tell me?”


More than 20 Half Step Source Quasi God Realm powerhouse, blankly looked.

A middle-aged robust man with a long teeth grin: “Really? As far as I know, there are 3 Peak influences on the North God Star. Heavenly Evil Palace, Blood Demon City, Yin Demon Cave, they and your North God Palace are like water and fire, will you tolerate you occupying the North God Treasure Storehouse? “

“There is so much nonsense! I have no obligation to explain it to you.” Qin Tian said: “Give you two options.”

First: Ma Liu rolled out of the North God Palace and never appeared in front of me.

2nd: I bury you here.

“Buried us?”

“Haha! Isn’t this brat talking to me?”

Looking at his weak cultivation base, I can’t bear to bully him.

Laugh, frigid irony and scorching satire.


“Source World, Four Words Incantation, First: Break!”

“Source World, Four Words Incantation, Second: Extinguish!”

“Source World, Four Words Incantation, Third: Death!”

“Devil Fruit: Goro Goro no Mi, 100,000,000 Volt, Julungul! 》

“Devil Fruit: Goro Goro no Mi, 100,000,000 Volt, Hino! 》

“Devil Fruit: Goro Goro no Mi, 100,000,000 Volt, Kiten! 》

In the fire stone, Qin Tian threw out a series of means.

Surging majestic thunderbolt 3 thunderbolt giant beast woven by lightning.

3 suppression Heaven and Earth Great Desolate, mysterious quaint Incantation word trace.

2 completely different powers, superimposed together, can instant kill King Rank Super Grade Source Yin-Yang Realm.

“72 Transformations Body Locking Technique.”

Later, Qin Tian used Supreme mysterious’s “72 Transformations Body Locking Technique” to imprison time.

“Bang! Bang!” Explosion, earth shattering, deafening.

23 Half Step Source Quasi God Realm powerhouse, let “Incantation word trace, thunderbolt giant beast” hit, even if there was no vomiting blood, it was also embarrassed to fly out.


North God Palace Second Elder, Fifth Elder, Eighth Elder, face entangled: “Young Palace Lord is really domineering, fearless!”

For a group of “Half Step Source Quasi God Realm” powerhouses, just do it.

… You know, behind those people, there is still a God powerhouse!

As long as the name of “Heavenly Star Evil God” is moved out, more than 20 “Half Step Source Quasi God Realm cultivator” can completely show off one’s military strength in front of many Source Quasi God Realm powerhouse.

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