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On this day, “Raging Flames Star” Number One Influence, “Raging Flames Divine Palace”.

Saintess great hall, magnificent, carved beam painting building. second only to “Raging Flames Divine Palace” main hall.

… splendorous and majestic, and countless flames and fog inside “Saintess great hall”.

Blaze long skirt, Huo Yao with charming cheeks, lazily sitting on a sponge chair, said; “Big Brother Qin Tian, ​​to open prologue of” Conferring God War “! There are 2 months away from” Raging Flames Star ” “Conferring God War Space”, only one and a half months. “

You will stay in “Raging Flames Divine Palace” for a few days, when the time comes, let’s go together and go to “Conferring God War Space”.

What is “Conferring God War to open prologue”?

White clothed, black hair, and deep-sighted Qin Tian, ​​sitting on a chair, casually asked.

“It is the Source Divine Race powerhouse of” Source Great World Central Land “, gathered together.” Huo Yao turned around and said: “In 100 to 1000 Source God, join forces to open the entrance of” Conferring God War Space. “

“Conferring God War Space” is the place where “Conferring God War” is held. Does Big Brother Qin Tian know?

“I know this.” In the North God Star-Buried Dragon Valley, when the system level was up, immediately I got the Side Mission to participate in “Conferring God War”. Qin Tian also found some information about “Conferring God War” from Queen Shen Fei.

Therefore, holding “Conferring God War” “Conferring God War Space”, he is no stranger.

“Since Big Brother Qin Tian knows about” Conferring God War Space “, I won’t say much.” Huo Yao nodded: “I have a bite of” Myriad Years Raging Flames Spring “in” Saintess great hall “, soak it in it , Which is very beneficial to the cultivation base. “

If you want, where can you try?

“Oh.” Qin Tian was not interested and closed his eyes.

Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, Dongfang Xi, Little Girl … A few girls, of course, will not go to “Myriad Years Raging Flames Spring”.

One day after day.

After half a month.

A few silhouettes appeared outside of “Raging Flames Divine Palace”.

A white clothed youth, a few beautiful women with different looks.

Among them, the flame dress, charming like a rose woman, opened the mouth and said: “This time outside the” Conferring God War Space “. Palace Lord will also go, which is Sir Palace Lord of our” Raging Flames Divine Palace “, He is genuine God Realm! “

Cultivation base is getting higher and higher, Qin Tian’s knowledge of God Realm is also nearly comprehensive: “Source God Servant Realm, Source Lesser God Realm, Source Greater God Realm, Source God Realm, Source God Heaven Realm, Source God Venerable Realm, Source God Lord Realm, Source God King Realm, Source God Will Realm … Source God Throne Realm. “

The so-called “Conferring God War”, the ultimate goal, is to pass the “Conferring God War” test, chance, to create a batch of young and promising God Realm! Bring vitality to Source Great World.

With this in mind, Qin Tian opened his mouth and asked, “What kind of Source God is your Palace Lord in” Raging Flames Divine Palace “?”


“Little fellow! Want to know what level of Source God this Palace Lord is, you can see for yourself.”

Heaven and Earth, shock in vain.

“Raging Flames Star”, which is more than 10 Times larger than “North God Star”, is caught in a vast ocean of flames that is difficult to portray.

The swallowing heaven covering sun, covering the fire of Universe Great Desolate, star, sun and moon, occupies every inch of the sky in “Raging Flames Star”.

The mountains, rivers and waters, flowers and grass, and flying birds conceived in “Raging Flames Star”, after seeing this natural phenomenon that swallowed the flames of “Raging Flames Star”, all of them became trembling and shivering, and bowed to the title, Don’t dare to rebel!


Heart, peng peng beat straight.

Blood flows faster.

Qin Tian was a bit unclear and had to open “Rank 6 Tenseigan”.

The extraordinary Mysterious “Rank 6 Tenseigan” Eyes Power, barely stripped part of the flame divine light.

Qin Tian vaguely saw the outline of a middle-aged man.


each and every move, breathe out, exhale 100000000 10000 Divine flame, “Laging Flames Divine Palace” Palace Lord, which Heaven and Earth Eight Desolates dare not resist, eyes moved, unbelievable: “Great little fellow. It ’s not just battle strength, it ’s unprecedented, Eternal peerless. “

These eyes are also unusual.

“hua la la ~”

Immediately, the blazing Divine flame fire, disappeared, dust settled.

The face of Palace Lord in “Raging Flames Divine Palace” is fully presented.

It is a middle-aged man about 40 years old. The 5 officials are ordinary, but full of majesty, and his eyes are shining, like 2 regiments of 10000 zhang Fire Sun, able to burn a whole world! You can also bring bright light to a piece of World.

His body is wrapped in a unique and simple flame armor wrapped around 9 Flame Dragon.

This is Constant Antiquity Source Magic Treasure, “Nine Dragons Raging Flames Armor”, ranked 8,193rd on the spectrum of Constant Antiquity Source Divine Armament.

Constant Antiquity Source Divine Armament, Qin Tian has seen a lot of them: “The Constant Antiquity Source Divine Armament that was ranked so high, it was the first time I saw it.”

“Palace Lord.”

“Raging Flames Divine Palace” Saintess Huo Yao, quickly moved towards the man respectfully grant a ceremony.

“No such politeness.”

Raging Flames Divine Palace Palace Lord slightly laughed, said: “little fellow, it looks like you are going to participate in” Conferring God War “with Huo Yao?”

“En.” Qin Tian defaults.

“Very good.” Raging Flames Divine Palace Palace Lord laughed and said: “Conferring God War, 1000 is hard and 10000 dangerous! It is the stage that created God, and the cemetery where monster genius is buried! Your aptitude battle strength, if there is no accident, it will definitely Become the premier Super God. “

In “Conferring God War”, be careful. There are outsiders, there is Heaven beyond the Heaven, and those “God Child Saintess” cultivated by “Source Divine Race” are not universal. A few monsters are even inferior, even more than you.

“Palace Lord makes sense.” Huo Yao went on to say: “Qin Tian. Other Source Divine Race of Source Great World Central Land does not say. Just say Heaven Great Source Divine Races’ Heaven’s Proud Child,” Conferring God War “, Almost all the people who shine are Ten Great Source Divine Races. “

Every time in “Conferring God War”, no one dares to provoke “Ten Great Source Divine Races”.

“Hehe, on the way to” Conferring God War Space “, please tell me something about” Ten Great Source Divine Races “.”

Qin Tian answered what was asked, turned around and said.

“Sou! Sou!” Two more people arrived.

One person, wearing helmet and armor, head wearing jade crown, put on airs, is it not the son of Great Elder in “Raging Flames Divine Palace”, is it Wang Chong?

Along with Wang Chong is a man in his early 50s, gloomy eyes, aura obscure, but can also bring a threatening man to Qin Tian.

“He is not Source God Realm, it is Half Step Source God Servant Realm.” Qin Tian smiled: “This must be the Great Elder of” Raging Flames Divine Palace “. Wang Chong, what do you say?”


Wang Chong gritted his teeth: “How is it?”

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