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“Hua la la! Hua la la!”

If you say, the aura of “Source Fallen Heaven Race” is an incomparable evil rage.

The rays of light of “Source Heavenly God Race” are pure divine, reflecting the universe.

The interesting thing is that “Source Fallen Heaven Race” and “Source Heavenly God Race” are not standing together, and have been fighting for countless years.


“More and more divine rays of light light up the square with surging forward with great momentum.”

Immediately, a path of silhouette is reflected in the eyes of several 1000000 cultivators.

Qin Tian looked at it: “This is …”

There are not many “Source Heavenly God Race” coming here, there are only more than 50 people.

But they have an identical characteristic. Man, rich god like jade, pretty suave, woman, beautiful and flowery, extremely beautiful.

Leading middle-aged man, tall imposing, 5 officials white and clean, when young, more than just fascinating women.

Each member of “Source Heavenly God Race” has a pair of holy light forged wings behind it.

That is the symbol of “Source Heavenly God Race”, “Heavenly God Wings”.

… as everyone knows, “Source Heavenly God Race” as one of the Ten Great Source Divine Races, not only in battle strength, it can match “Source Fallen Heaven Race”! The appearance of “Source Heavenly God Race” is also perfect and well-crafted! It is a Race favored by Heaven.


Set aside the middle-aged man of “Source Heavenly God Race”. Among the 52 young Heaven’s Prouds of “Source Heavenly God Race”, the most bright and holy person is a woman.

Snow-white battle armor, the outline of the curve is exquisite, graceful and dazzling.

A face, pure beauty. pill eye, phoenix eye, white teeth, red lips …

Temperament does not eat fireworks, like Goddess fell to Mortal World. “Heavenly’s Proud of” Source Heavenly God Race “. Compared with her, it is eclipsed a lot.”

Tsk tsk.

If I guess right … that is Goddess of “Source Heavenly God Race”, Luo Tianfei.

“Yes. I have heard her name too! This” Luo Tianfei “is a strange woman hardly encountered by Eternal in” Source Heavenly God Race “. Perception heaven defying! Controls” Purify Law “which is one of the” 36 super source methods ” . “

According to legend, by deducing “Source Purify Law” to Peak, you can experience “Light Law” in “Ten Great Constant Antiquity Source Laws”.

In addition to the rare encounter of aptitude innate talent Eternal, this “Luo Tianfei” has a perfect and pure appearance, and it is also second to none in “Source Heavenly God Race”.

“Purify Law? 》 Qin Tian listened to the noise and watched 2 more eyes of “Luo Tianfei”.

“Source Fallen Heaven Race Great Elder, your” Source Fallen Heaven Race “is really swift and decisive, and came to” North God Star “one step earlier than my” Source Heavenly God Race “. Why? Junior entered “Conferring God War” and was hunted by Heaven’s Proud of my “Source Heavenly God Race”? “

“Middle-aged man” of “Source Heavenly God Race” by refined imposing, laughs like spring breeze, asked.

“hmph! ”

Skinny and spooky “Source Fallen Heaven Race” Great Elder, turned around and said without emotion: “It’s your Heaven’s Proud in” Source Heavenly God Race “, the Heaven’s Proud that hunted us” Source Fallen Heaven Race “, or my” Source “Fallen Heaven Race” hunted your Heaven’s Proud in “Source Heavenly God Race”, there is no result yet. Don’t say it too early, otherwise when the time comes, no good ends. “

“Ha ha ha.”

Hearing this, Source Heavenly God Race middle-aged man, with a smile on his back, “Is it.”

This Elder has fresh memories. The last time in “Conferring God War”, you 132 people in “Source Fallen Heaven Race”, let me kill 103 people in “Source Heavenly God Race”.

“You …!” Source Fallen Heaven Race Great Elder, angry and furious: “Are you going to play against the old man? Well, accompany them in the end!”


“Bite it?” Qin Tian attractive spectacle, standing on the spot, regaining his strength sharply.

There was a moment of silence. Source Heavenly God Race middle-aged man shook his head: “I have no spare skills to fight with you.”

“Don’t dare?”

Source Fallen Heaven Race Great Elder cold and severe said: “This Elder guarantee! This time in” Conferring God War “, your” Source Heavenly God Race “genius will be killed by my” Source Fallen Heaven Race “. ! “

“Great breath!”

A Source Heavenly God Race junior, shouted: “Not as good as this, the entrance of” Conferring God War Space “, but also to wait for” Ten Great Source Divine Races “to gather together before you can open. Before you,” Source Fallen ” Heaven Race “Send someone to come and learn from the genius of our” Source Heavenly God Race “.”

“Not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth’s brat! What qualifications do you have to clamor with this Elder!” Source Fallen Heaven Race Great Elder glared at him.

This sight, with substantial power, can break the soul of ordinary Source God.

“zi zi zi ~”

Unfortunately, it was stopped by the middle-aged man of “Source Heavenly God Race” casually. said: “Shameless Old Dog, start with little fellow. You’ve lived for so many years.”

“Great Elder.”

Xie Li Xie Qi, the Green Fall’s Source Fallen Heaven Race Young Master, opened the mouth and said: “I represent our Source Fallen Heaven Race! Challenge them to Goddess” Luo Tianfei “of Source Heavenly God Race!”

“Are you sure?” Source Fallen Heaven Race Great Elder, not at ease.

“Jie jie jie ~ of course I am sure.” Source Fallen Heaven Race Young Master, sound transmission turned around and said: “But I brought the Sacred Artifact within the family! As a last resort … Suppression in one fell swoop” Luo Tianfei “, with no difficulty. “

Let’s fight ~

Taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, Qin Tian sitting on the ground rearing up, smiling brilliantly.


One of the Ten Great Source Divine Races, Young Master of Source Fallen Heaven Race, challenge one of the Ten Great Source Divine Races, Goddess “Luo Tianfei” of Source Heavenly God Race. This is definitely a rare picture.

But see that ice crystal jade clean, the perfect looking “Luo Tianfei”, driven by the flowing light overflowing with color, and the bright “Heavenly God Wings”, went above the Vault of Heaven. With a cold, lonely voice, said: “Challenge me, I’m afraid you will die to participate in” Conferring God War “.”

ha ha ha.

“Little ladies, it won’t take long for you to be aloof and remote like this.”

Source Fallen Heaven Race Young Master came to the opposite of “Luo Tianfei”. Condensing imposing manner, the endless Power of Source whistling and rolling.

“Hah! ”

Luo Tianfei took the lead in launching the offensive.

A blazing and flawless holy light storm, with a vast range and embezzling all directions.

Raise your hand to throw a trick, but you can instant kill a block of “Half Step Source God Servant Realm”.

……hiss! hiss!

Worthy of being Goddess in Eternal of Source Heavenly God Race!

Such a woman doesn’t know who can take her in the end …

If you can kiss a fragrant pond, it ’s worth it if you die.


“such insignificant ability.”

Source Fallen Heaven Race Young Master, his hands flat out.

A terrifying horror, the illusory shadow of Three Heads Six Arms, faintly discernible.

The desolate and ancient, violent and depraved fallen demon illusory shadow, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, opened up, swept the holy light storm that swept through, and ate cleanly.


Luo Tianfei points out the slender jade finger.

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