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… gu lu.

Look at the bloody Star Ship staying above the square, and countless “Primal Chaos Blood Demon”.

A few 1000000 Human Race cultivators, most of them were in fear, shiver coldly, and swallowed.


“Jie jie! How many years have passed, and your Human Race is still so bad.”

Deep in the bloody eyes, a man with “Golden Glow’s” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “flashes a little, and walks to the bloody Star Ship.

About 40 years old, “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” man, long hair wearing a crown, put on airs.

His brutal and vast aura oppressed Eight Desolates.

“Hmph! Nonsense!” Conferring God War “is a great event for my Source Great World! Your” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “is not eligible to come here!”

“Source Heavenly God Race” middle-aged man, righteous words, refuted the “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” man.

“Ha ha ha.”

A glance at the middle-aged man of “Source Heavenly God Race”. The man in “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” laughed upright: “Every inch of Source Great World is my” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “sooner or later. Is there anything that I can’t involve in” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “? “

“Don’t turn around.”

“Source Fallen Heaven Race Great Elder” said: “Your” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “is here, what exactly do you want to do! If you want to go to war, my Human Race is fearless!”

“Go to war? No no no.”

“Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” The man shook his head: “Let’s put it this way. Your Human Race’s” Conferring God War “aims to select a piece of material that can be made within the younger generation! Our” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “this In this era, the bloodline of the younger generation is also extremely prosperous. “

After carefully discussing the details, I think your Human Race to open “Conferring God War” is very interesting.

So, this King brought in 1,000,000 “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” genius, and in the “Conferring God War Space” to compete with your Human Race Heaven’s Proud.

… it can also be said to be a hunt! On the day “Conferring God War” ends, you young geniuses of Human Race Domain, no one will come out alive, they will become our “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” 1000000 Heaven’s Proud’s belly meal!


“Extremely evil!”

“Good” Conferring God War “, their” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “has to be inserted horizontally …”

Many cultivator, gnashing teeth.

“What if we disagree?” Source Heavenly God Race middle-aged man tried asking.

It is best to agree.

“Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” man, mood grave said: “Our 100000000 10000 army of” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “, stayed outside Source Great World Central Land.”

Disagree with “Conferring God War” joining me “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” 1000000 Heaven’s Proud. It can only go to war … At that time, it was not the Heaven’s Proud of your Human Race, but the loss of life, billions Human Race would be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

“How to do?”

“Source Fallen Heaven Race Great Elder” hesitated.

“Wait for the people of Eight Great Source Divine Races, and discuss together.” Source Heavenly God Race middle-aged man agreed.


“Da da ~~ da da.”

Suddenly, on the Scarlet Star Ship, there was another batch of silhouettes.

They are all young faces, with men and women.

“Hehe. This is the Prince of my” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “, Princess.”

“Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” man, gentle and reminded.


“Nice woman! I can feel that your blood is extremely pure and it is definitely a rare delicacy.”

A “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” Prince, glare like a tiger watching his prey staring at “Source Heavenly God Race Goddess Luo Tianfei”.

In Source Great World Central Land, the younger generation is definitely invincible look of disdain. Before defeating Luo Tianfei of “Source Fallen Heaven Race Young Master”. At the moment, the ridge was cold and the hairs were raised; “Just a” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “Prince gives her a sense of suffocation.”

The appearance of “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” Prince, Princess, there are always 150 or more people.

Each one is not a general.

Few of them, Luo Tianfei clearly realized that he was never their opponent.

This is the power of “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race”! An ancient evil “race” that rules half of Source Great World’s territory.



Bloody long robe, the princess of the flamboyant “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race”, blinking his eyelids, incredible: “Is he?”

“Imperial Sister Xue Chen, what’s wrong with you?” A “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” Princess, asked.

“Imperial Sister Xue Yu, do you remember the damn it Human Race I mentioned to you?” Xue Chen turned around and said.

How could it be forgotten.

You told me thousands of upon tens of thousands of times, and said that I wished to put the person down and devour it.

Beautiful complexion, with red eyes, looks like sitting on the noble blood rain, which is actually the same as the members of “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race”. in the bones reveals evil, blood.

She took out a flawless and transparent jug and took a sip of bright red wine.

This is a blend of a lot of blood from the Human Race powerhouse, adding a variety of precious Spirit Fruit, brewed from the agar pulp wine.

“Humph Humph! That bastard is by myself.”

Biting the silver teeth, Xue Chen’s eyes were gleaming and his memory was fresh; “That abominable Human Race robbed his Purple Blood Coffin and let himself run away … I remember it, just like what happened yesterday . “

After returning to “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race”, she will think of this guy every day! I had imagined countless times when I met this guy. But I didn’t expect that it was outside of “Conferring God War”, because of chance …

“pu chi.”

A sip of blood red water spouted out.

“Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” Princess blood rain, surprised said: “Really fake? Is that the one! Dare to mess with me Sister Xue Chen! I’ll help you catch him. Let’s dry his blood, make it Wine tasting. “

“That.” Xue Chen’s finger pointed to white clothed youth.

An attack on white clothed, a weak and delicate young man, 24 to 25 years old.

Where sitting quietly at first glance, at first glance, it seems like a scholar without hands.

Princess Xue Yu rubbed her eyebrows and questioned said: “Younger Sister Xue Chen … Didn’t you say that the Human Race that bullied you … is terrible, ferocious-looking … how is it, pretty boy?”


Xue Chen looked embarrassed and smiled bitterly: “I am describing … Don’t be fooled by his appearance! This guy is very fierce.”

Forget it.

Put aside questions.

“Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” Princess Xue Yu, Liu Yao swings, bloody rays of light step by step, toward the square.


Qin Tian actually found acquaintances long ago.

Princess Xue Yu watching “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” came. Do n’t be afraid of chaos, send you Princess Xue Chen a sound transmission; “Little Lady, I ’m not going to see you for many days, I still do not know the the immensity of Heaven and Earth. Do you think this Little Lady can deal with me?”


Princess Xue Chen, Xing’s eyes widened, scolded said: “Asshole! You are impudent!”

“Hehe, some kind of come over yourself.” Qin Tian dead pig unafraid of boiling water, shrugged.

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