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Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” notice to the host, Exceeding rank kill 104 “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” Heaven’s Proud

“Notice to the host” received 50,000,000 Primordial EXP reward

“Notice to the host” received 40,000,000 Primordial Gold Coin Value reward

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 1st Revolution Saint Rank Immortal Grade Source Quasi God Realm 1st Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 1st Revolution Saint Rank Immortal Grade Source Quasi God Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution Saint Rank Immortal Grade Source Quasi God Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution King Rank Immortal Grade Source Quasi God Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution Basic Rank Super Grade Source Quasi God Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution Middle Rank Super Grade Source Quasi God Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution High Rank Super Grade Source Quasi God Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution Heaven Rank Super Grade Source Quasi God Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution Saint Rank Super Grade Source Quasi God Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for receiving special skills “Dharma Heavenly Transformation”

[Ding ~ Strongest Monster Upgrade System, notice to the host: “Team Mode to open, teammate gets rewards issued below”]

【Teammate Demon Sect Eldest Young Lady, get 50,000,000 Team EXP reward. Current cultivation base Realm “9th Revolution Basic Rank Immortal Grade Source Quasi God Realm 99th Step”, level up is “9th Revolution Middle Rank Super Grade Source Quasi God Realm 99th Step”]

[Teammate Dongfang Xi, get 50,000,000 Team EXP reward. Current cultivation base Realm “9th Revolution Basic Rank Immortal Grade Source Quasi God Realm 99th Step”, level up is “9th Revolution Middle Rank Super Grade Source Quasi God Realm 99th Step”]

【Teammate Jiang Yue’er, get 50,000,000 Team EXP reward. The current cultivation base Realm “9th Revolution High Rank Divine Grade Source Quasi God Realm 99th Step”, the level up is “9th Revolution Saint Rank Immortal Grade Source Quasi God Realm 99th Step”]

[Teammate Raging Flames Divine Palace Saintess Huo Yao, get 50,000,000 Team EXP reward. The current cultivation base Realm “9th Revolution King Rank Immortal Grade Source Quasi God Realm 99th Step”, the level up is “Half Step Source God Servant Realm”]


“Under the reward of the system EXP, breakthrough cultivated base, not at all surprising.” But Qin Tian is interested in the special skill “Dharma Heavenly Transformation”.

[Ding ~ Strongest Monster Upgrade System, notice to the host: “Special skill” Dharma Heavenly Transformation “, can instantly achieve Person and Heaven Unite, and Universe the common people, All Heavens Great Dao, fuse together. Then take shape 10000 Zhang, Mount Ruo, Tai Ruo, Sun and Moon, Ruoxuhe … Raise your hand, bury Heaven and Earth, millions and millions of creatures good fortune. “]

I go.

“Body 10000 zhang?” Qin Tian smiled wryly, pats his forehead: “This is quite shocking, but the goal is too big …”


The female voice exclaimed.

In the long skirt of flames, the charming “Raging Flames Divine Palace Saintess” Huo Yao, his face was horrified, boasted loudly: “No sign, I went directly to” Half Step Source God Servant Realm “. It was … unimaginable. You all seem to have broken through? “

How is this going?

“cough cough.”

“Don’t be frightened and flustered, to make a fuss about nothing.”

With a dry cough, Qin Tian is really something like that, said: “It may be time to come, and naturally it will break through.”

“Even if this is the case … but we have all been promoted to a cultivation base.” Huo Yao doubted and questioned said: “Is this about you?”

“It’s over, right?”

Glancing at Huo Yao. Qin Tian said: “According to the” Eyes Power Brand “I left in Little Girl within the body. She is still far away from us.”

“It’s not too late.” Jiang Yue’er be eager to have a try: “Her relationship with Little Girl has always been close. Without watching Little Girl staying by her side, she will naturally not be at ease, although she knows that Little Girl is still a Small Monster, which means confusing … “


Taking the lead, Qin Tian swept to the horizon.


After a long time.

A piece of blood light fell from the sky.

The scarlet splendid brilliance dispersed and walked out of 2 women.

A fragrant and delicious, bloody long robe, lithe and graceful figure.

A noble and graceful, holding a hip flask full of bloody alcohol in his hand.

“They glanced at each other.” The former said: “Who? That’s so bold! Dare kill my Heaven’s Proud No. 100 on” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “!”

It does n’t matter who it is.

Drink a sip of bloody wine.

Beautiful and noble woman, said: “Our 2 goal is to find some Qin Tian! Break him corpse into ten thousand pieces!”

“En. Elder Sister Xue Yu makes sense.”

The fragrant Xue Chen nodded lightly, said: “Now, we are all breaking through to Source God Servant Realm. Soon, it will be able to impact Source Lesser God Realm. That bastard will be” Source Time Law “, and I want to escape. Out of our palms! “

“Okay, don’t fantasize here. Before you kill the bastard yourself, it’s useless to say more.” Blood rain jade foot a little, escape to the distance.


Half a month, with a flick of a finger.

Good luck, I did not encounter any Heaven’s Proud in “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race”.

This also highlights the endless magnificence of “Conferring God War Space”.

more then 4,000,000 Human Race geniuses, more than 100 10000 “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” geniuses, in this mysterious ancient and endless “Conferring God War Space”, it is like gravel of thousands upon tens of thousands, sinking into the ocean.

In the end, the characters who came out of the Sea of ​​Bitterness must be out of the ordinary!


During the speeding process, Qin Tian, ​​who has been silent for many days, opened the mouth and said: “When I get closer, I can launch Pupil Technique, which resonates with Little Girl within the body’s” Eyes Power Brand “and shuttles directly through the air.”

“According to what you said, Little Girl or da da, safe and sound?” Jiang Yue’er smiled.

“That must be.” Qin Tian shrugged; “Who can hurt her in the huge” Conferring God War Space “?”

Little Girl can’t beat others, will she run away?

“As soon as 10000 met the powerful” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “Heaven’s Proud, can’t it run away?” Raging Flames Divine Palace Saintess Huo Yao asked with a cold heart.


Qin Tian is ridiculous: “You don’t know Little Girl. She is even better than me.”

“Impossible.” Huo Yao shook his head firmly: “Heaven’s Proud of” Ten Great Source Divine Races “, you are not normal …”

That Little Wu Yue? How could you be so powerful.

“We are no longer entangled in this issue, okay.”

Qin Tian to open “Rank 7 Tenseigan”, Eyes Power extends across the distance.


On the vast and barren ground, the chase has been staged for more than half a month.

Ominous Beast overhead. Put on airs, aura’s brutal “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” Prince, patience is almost worn out.

He looked at the pink long hair little girl that could continue to move, and roared angrily: “You! If you run again, this Prince will kill you!”

“Hehe, mad at you!”

Pink long hair little girl gasped and scolded.

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