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“Hu chi”, dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth.

The inimitable “Primal Chaos Blood Demon King” will illusory shadow, flying ash and extinguished smoke.

… Royal Father!

Witness the illusory shadow of “Primal Chaos Blood Demon King” falling apart. “Primal Chaos Blood Demon King” Prince, directly shouted, his eyes were swallowed by fear and turned to escape to the horizon.


Karma Clone didn’t catch up.

Because the piece of Karma he shaped had already ignored space and distance, and was blocked in front of the Prince of “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” out of thin air.

Buzz ~ buzz ~ boom.

After the light of Karma is reflected in the Prince of “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race”.

This guy with the “Saint Grade Source God Servant Realm” cultivation base seems to be an ice block on a fire, melting and disappearing inch by inch.

The process is miserable.

Howling, one after another: “Hurry up … hurry up … don’t kill me … I tell you a secret! This secret is very important … It is our” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “1000000 Heaven’s Proud , The common purpose of participating in “Conferring God War” …… “


All “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” Heaven’s Proud, common purpose?

Qin Tian raised a strong interest, said: “Stop it first … Let him finish talking.”


Karma of Supreme mysterious retreats, disappear without a trace.

“Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” Prince, already drenched with blood, half-dead, not alive, not adult.

“Say it.”

The voice belonging to Qin Tian comes from the body controlled by “Karma Clone” within the body.

“I … I tell you, you swear first, will not kill me, let me leave safely.”

“Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” Prince, seizing the last chance of his life, threatened said: “This Prince wants to tell you a secret, but it is very valuable. It is related to the human life of 1000000 geniuses in your Human Race. And your Human The future of Race! “

“Ha ha ha.”

Qin Tian laughed: “Okay! I swear, after listening to your secrets, let you leave without any harm. If you break the oath, heaven punishes earth extinguishes!”

“I agreed so painfully …?” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race Prince doubted: “You … won’t you lie to me?”

Say it or not!

Qin Tian did not have the patience to argue with the other party: “Of course. I did cheat the other party. It is myself who swears not to kill him, and it is” Karma Clone “to kill him later.

“Okay, I said.”

“Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” Prince, take out a medicine pill and take it. The look is much better, said: “Do you know my” aristocracy bloodline “of” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “?”

“Well, I know. What are you talking about?” Qin Heavenly Fox doubted.

“My” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “has a strict rating, and aristocracy bloodline is less or less, like the Heaven’s Proud Child you choose from 10,000 li in your Human Race.” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race Prince, with a low voice, said: Level Aristocracy Bloodline … Silver Level Aristocracy Bloodline, Golden Level Aristocracy Bloodline, and the rare “Legend Level Aristocracy Bloodline” for millions of years. “

Don’t turn around!

Qin Tian said: “I’m killing you when I’m talking nonsense!”

“Okay … Okay.” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race Prince shivered: “That … our” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “, and now we have a lot of people holding” Golden Level Aristocracy Bloodline. “

My Royal Father, the king of Supreme in “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race”, he has “Half Grade Legend Level Aristocracy Bloodline”.

But genuine “Legend Level aristocracy bloodline”, from past to present, our “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” is also only owned by one person. That is “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Ancestor”, he is the great character who developed “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race”, and is the First Ancestor of all “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” members!

Half of the territory of Source Great World is controlled by my “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race”, which is a very distant era. Sir Primal Chaos Blood Demon Ancestor, led me to “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” to lay the land.

If it weren’t for Sir Primal Chaos Blood Demon Ancestor, mysterious disappeared in a chaos, and this “Source Great World” has completely fallen into my “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” hand.

“Could it be … The secret you want to talk about has something to do with” Legend Level Aristocracy Bloodline “?” Qin Tian blurted asked.


“Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” Prince nodded: “A hundred years ago. Our” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “gave birth to an infant with” Legend Level Aristocracy Bloodline “. This is the top secret of” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race ” . “

As the Prince of “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race”, I still came to “Conferring God War” before I heard the news from Royal Father.


Qin Tian’s heart sank: “I have to say that this secret is quite scary.”

“Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” dominates half of Source Great World’s territory because of “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Ancestor”.

Today, “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” has another character flowing “Legend Level aristocracy bloodline”, in the near future … what kind of situation can be expected.

Sighing for a moment, Qin Tian continued asking; “What’s that guy’s name? Come to” Conferring God War “, right.”

“His name is” Xue Huang “.”

“Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” Prince agreed: “1,000,000” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race “Heaven’s Proud, participate in” Conferring God War “. The purpose is to hunt all Human Race Heaven’s Proud, to gather endless human race Heaven’s Proud blood, A “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Fruit” is poured out. “

“Fuck.” Qin Tian was speechless: “What is this” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Fruit “?”

Our sacred object of “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race”.

“Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” Prince turned around and said: “In a very distant era, when Sir Primal Chaos Blood Demon Ancestor was born, it was there with him. After Sir Primal Chaos Blood Demon Ancestor disappeared. This” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race ” “Fruit” is exhausted. “

Until “Xue Huang” was born, “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Fruit” did not bloom.


“Primal Chaos Blood Demon Fruit”, which absorbed some 1000000 Human Race Heaven’s Proud blood, served to “Xue Huang” with “Legend Level Aristocracy Bloodline”. Let him grow up quickly, lead you “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race”, dominate the entire Source Great World in one fell swoop! whether?

Qin Tian lay bare the truth with one remark.

“En.” Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race Prince default: “Secret, I already told you … let me go.”

“Don’t worry, talk a little longer.” Qin Tian teased said: “Then” Xue Huang “is a man or a woman? How can I find him?”

“I don’t know.”

Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race Prince wept with a sad face: “I have never seen this” Xue Huang “mysterious. No one can contact him. This guy will only show up at the last minute.”


Qin Tian is disappointed: ‘Slain him. ‘


Karma Clone, who waited for a long time, raised her hand.

“Ah, you … what are you going to do? You have sworn that you won’t kill me.”

“Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” Prince, screamed: “You … you mean little villain, without words!”

“pu chi.”

Immediately, “Primal Chaos Blood Demon Race” Prince can no longer speak, because he has soul flies away and scatters, is a dead person.

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