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“Dark World Space”.

All directions, every inch of the corner is full of incomparable horror Demon Qi.

“Pitch black sticky Demon Qi, like water mist, rolling and savage, ordinary Good Fortune Realm powerhouse, stay here for a quarter of a quarter, and will immediately collapse and die!”

Above the throne, crowned Evil God, eyes and cold and detached, like God aloof and remote, looking down on the front 7 youngster “thou, you can come here, you can see that it ’s been outside, black and white Battle General test, but … “.

“One, my inheritance can only be given to one person, but you have 7 people!”

“2, Ru et al. Also know that I am Antiquity Great Demon. The inheritance power reaches you within the body. Without great perseverance and enough strength to uphold yourself, you will soon lose your mind and become a killing people like scything flax, Demon of bloodthirsty souls! “

Qin Tian’s eyebrows are particularly heavy, “I don’t try this Evil God inheritance, but I want to assist Xuan Luo, just get it!”

“Jie jie”!

“Senior Evil God rest assured, since I dare to come here, I am not afraid of refining your inheritance”! Blood Flood Dragon Race Young Master, Xue Tianjiao is very confident.

“is it”? Evil God’s expression, still cold and detached, was indifferent. “Then I have nothing to say, whoever accepts my inheritance, please discuss it.”

“Gu Jiuyin’s silent face reveals a murderous aura” Mu Moyang, Xue Tianjiao! You work together to deal with Xuan Luo, I kill that Qin Tian!

“it is good”!

Xue Tianjiao, Mu Moyang immediately agreed.

“Hehe ~, let’s fight, this time Evil God inheritance is in front, don’t fight either the fish dies or the net splits, they will definitely not stop, I will sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits”! Xue Ling, smiling like a flower, retreated to a distance.

Monster Eagle Race Young Master Ying Shu, like Xue Ling’s approach, chose to stay out of the way and make a move.

“Xuan Luo expression solemn” Little Tian ……, Gu Jiuyin that guy no good deal with it, can you do it.

“This is the end, don’t you believe me?” Purple Dragon Sword buzzes harshly in Qin Tian’s hands.

Above the throne, Evil God ’s silent eyes flashed a beam of brilliance “not simple brat, gained the inheritance power of Black Dragon Battle General, with the body also refined 10000, does Myriad Swords Battle General stay in the world ’s Sword Qi” .

“Ha ha ha”!

“Then fuck him!” Xuan Luo free of thoughts and laughed, Ancient Monster bloodline Expand! Pounced on Xue Tianjiao, Mu Moyang 2 people!

Gu Jiuyin’s palm slowly lifted up, an extreme destruction of True Origin, into the bloodline energy bounce and roll “Qin Tian! Your most stupid decision is to go to the same team composition with Xuan Luo”

“Ding! Ding”!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” congratulations to the host, to open Monster Form

“Congratulations to the host” battle strength increased by 30 Times

congratulations to the host for receiving Exclusive Skill, Monster Cross Slash

“Dong dong dong”!

Under Monster Form, Qin Tian imposing manner has skyrocketed!

“Hehe! Nonsense”!

“Immemorial Kagutsuchi, like the birth of the sky and flowers floating out!”

Monster Eagle Race Young Master Ying Shu, Snow Tiger Race girl Xue Ling, even though she knows about the strength of Qin Tian monster, “but I can see it again, it’s still impossible to bear amazing sigh.” It really is …, in Lower Realm , Several people competed with him on battle strength innate talent.

“Light of firefly”!

Gu Jiuyin sneered! “To open, very similar to Xuan Luo, Ancient Monster bloodline”!

“The immense ancient Demon god illusory shadow imposing mysterious, standing behind”!

“Slap with one palm! Bloodline Ancient Monster illusory shadow, actually also with a palm, the movement is synchronized with Gu Jiuyin”!

“Peng peng peng”!

“Immemorial Kagutsuchi smashed to pieces”!

“Mangekyo Sharingan, Amaterasu”! In Qin Tian’s eyes, a line of blood and tears flowed out.

“The burning mysterious, black flame, burned on Gu Jiuyin”!

“En” Gu Jiuyin pupil shrink “This Amaterasu Flame is very strange, it seems that it will burn away all its flesh and soul together with the soul before it disappears!”

“Ancient Monster bloodline! Magic Devouring”!

“Both hands fold into a unique mark”!

“The torrent of Ancient Monster bloodline vortex emerges one after another, first engulfing the Amaterasu Flame, and then pounces on the teenager in front!”


Qin Tian’s scalp tingling “Controlling Sword Technique”!

“Within the body thousands upon tens of thousands of roads, 5 colors of Sword Qi erupted, merged and forged into a giant Great God sword that can hack Heaven and Earth”!

“Bang bang ——”!

Immediately, two completely different offensives produced interweaving, which consumed energy.

“The taboo storm formed, it is not difficult to kill Good Fortune 4th Layer and 5th Layer powerhouse!”

“pu chi”.

Qin Tian and Gu Jiuyin each spit out blood and backed away 100 zhang away!


“Look further away, Xuan Luo strength of single-handedly, against Xue Tianjiao, Mu Moyang 2 people!”

Originally, the latter two had weaker strengths than Xuan Luo, but when they joined hands, they gained the upper hand.

But look at that driving, in a short time, can’t tell the difference.

“The key to the battle is still in Qin Tian, ​​and Gu Jiuyin this!”

“Cough cough …” Gu Jiuyin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. “Okay! You brat is indeed a tricky person”!

Fortunately, the cultivation base is still the Emperor Monarch Realm 9th Layer.

If you are Ascendant 9th Layer, would n’t it be that I want to fall down on your hands today.

“On your TM’s nonsense”! Qin Tian brews whole body sword momentum.

“Monster, Cross Slash”!

“Exclusive Skill, come out”!

“The ray of light that appears as a cross mark, reveals a terrifying charm, beyond imagination!”

“Ancient Monster World Destroying”!

How dare Gu Jiuyin ignore the general idea and take out the trump card!

“Ancient Monster illusory shadow standing behind, tilted and blocked, Monster Cross Slash”!

“Peng peng-dong dong dong”!

The endless Dark Space is unbearable, on the verge of collapse.

“Dang ~” Purple Dragon Sword dropped his hand and fell into the distance, Qin Tian white clothed rendered a layer of blood, one-knee kneels ground.

In comparison, Gu Jiuyin’s situation is not optimistic, his face is pale and he is hit hard.

“gu lu”.

Snow Tiger Race girl, Xue Ling swallowed “both sides suffer”?

“Monster Eagle Race Young Master, Ying Shu fists clenched” opportunity is not yet mature, wait any longer.

“Tsukuyomi”! Qin Tian took a deep breath and issued Eyes Power.

“Weng weng weng”.

Gu Jiuyin, who was seriously injured, fell into the Illusion Technique directly.


Qin Tian rushed up, a chic kick! “Gu Jiuyin, spit out three mouthfuls of blood”!

“Looking at the young boy who kicked his opponent away” said the throne, Evil God showed a little smile, “A very good, his Sword Dao innate talent is not inferior to Myriad Swords Battle General. Bloodline Eye Eyes Power Volume “!

future day achievements, you won’t let me win.

“Hu hu”! With both hands on the ground, Qin Tian breathed “Mangekyo Sharingan with a big pain.”


“Asshole! I killed you”!

Gu Jiuyin, who lacked two front teeth, was hysterical and fell into a frenzy.

“Let Emperor Monarch Realm 9th Layer’s Qin Tian kick and fly! Extraordinary shame and humiliation!”

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