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“Magma Ocean World”.

Looking at Lava Dragon King Lizard, the whole body clamored in an imposing manner and wanted to take out Killing Move.

“Some Peak characters who besieged this beast also showed trump cards one after another”!

Qin Tian exhibited a fuzzy 10000 zhang Divine Dragon hovering above the head of “True Dragon God Technique”, which diffused the might of destroying the Heavens and extinguishing the Earth.

And Chu Ling, sister Chu Yan, came up with unfathomable “Combined Assault Technique”!

Beigong Ming behind Saint Grade Martial Soul “Nine Dragons Heavenspan Spear” stirs Heaven and Earth!

Heaven’s Proud Mu Feng, to open “Profound Armor Spirit Body”!

In the end, Di Yan, 2 hands on the taboo destruction flame flicker, a horror wave flame long spear slowly shaped.

“Roar roar! Ao wu”!

Suddenly, Lava Dragon King Lizard, opened the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and spit out a melt storm.

“At the same time, the trump card means of the six Peak Heaven’s Proud have also taken out one after another!”

“bang bang bang”.

Chaos and taboo storm impact, strong wind scattering the last clouds, sweeping Eight Desolates.

The magnificent Magma Ocean World was shaken by Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and it was impossible to die because of many days of presence.

“Pu chi”! spit out a mouthful of blood, Qin Tian flipped over and landed on a protruding rock on the surface of lava.

After a while the storm was gone.

Lava Dragon King Lizard, bloody flesh, indestructible scales have fallen off a lot, aura is weak.

“Okay! If you work harder, you can kill this beast”! riddled with scars, Chu Ling who was not well-dressed, sister Chu Yan, shouted.

“Ga ga ga, a fatal blow, must be owned by me”!

After killing such a big boss, EXP will definitely be awesome.

Qin Tian brews word momentum and is impatient.

Di Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. “Just give it to them. Although this beast has been hit hard, it can’t be ignored. It is dying to fight back, maybe who is pulling him to hell.”

“On this occasion of the birth of ghosts, something happened.”

A mysterious, evil chain shot suddenly from a distance and got into the body of Lava Dragon King Lizard.

“Ao wu! Ao ao”! Lava Dragon King Lizard uttered fear, screamed, and his soul was pulled out of power.

“……Holy crap”! Qin Tian turned around and said, “It was not Wu Ren who shot, it was Little Wu Yue.”


Lava Dragon King Lizard The soul of the beast became a black light and entered Little Wu Yue within the body.

Little Lass’ charming alluring face reveals a look of enjoyment.

“Just, the geniuses present, looked towards her eyes, shocked and stunned.”

“Impossible! Impossible”!

Di Yan clenched his fists, and it was unbelievable, “The devastated Lava Dragon King Lizard beast is not something ordinary Sealing Immortal Realm powerhouse can resist, then … the chain can actually pull the soul out!”

Chu Ling, Chu Yan sister pretty face heavy “she, absorbed the soul of Lava Dragon King Lizard”!

Great Desolate Myriad Beasts Record Spirit Grade, Monster Beast ranked 82, the soul contains violent will, absolutely absorbed by impossible.

“gu lu”.

Qin Tian swallowed and said, “My EXP! My EXP!”

He kicked his feet and walked up to Little Wu Yue. “Hello, what are you doing with a kick?”

“Ah …, I did it wrong again.”

Little Girl lowered her head.

“Cough cough, in fact it’s true” Qin Tian really didn’t know what to say “I can’t talk about it, there is EXP in Daguai?”

“By the way, the soul of Lava Dragon King Lizard, you absorbed it?”

“Yes indeed”.

Little Wu Yue replied “Big Brother, didn’t I say that, what I cultivate is Witch Power, but to cultivate Witch Power, it is a way to devour the soul of the soul, or, something special containing Witch Power”.

“This … is so evil.”

Qin Tian mood grave “could it be, you absorb Heaven and Earth True Origin, can’t cultivate”?

“Also, but our Race is inherently cultivation Witch Power, ordinary people’s Realm, let it go naturally.”


It seems that in the future, a large part of my EXP will be reduced to Little Girl’s belly Chinese food to enhance Witch Power.

“Bang! Bang”! The sound of the battle came, and Qin Tian cast his gaze “It turned out to be Di Yan. When he saw that Lava Dragon King Lizard was dead, he went to seize the pill furnace on the stone pillar in front and was stopped by Beigong Ming!”


Di Yan expression is annoyed, “Beigong Ming, it seems that you are, really intend to be against me”!

Although the last Eight Desolates List, Di Yan ranked 3rd and Beigong Ming ranked 13th, the two are not far behind.

But a few years later, each person’s chance is different for good fortune, some people have slow progress in strength, others are advanced by leaps and bounds.

Included in Beigong Ming, God Conferred Title Palace, and got “Spear Venerable” Conferred Title in one fell swoop, the strength is already, not inferior to Di Yan.

“Ha ha ha”!

“Continuous nonsense, Pill Sovereign pill refining in this pill furnace, you want to swallow it alone”! Beigong Ming holds a long spear and is majestic.

“Beigong Ming, do you want me to help you?” White clothed youth, volleying step by step.

Suddenly, Di Yan’s eyes were heavy. “A Qin Tian, ​​combined with Beigong Ming, and the charming pink-haired little girl who was with them. It was strange and terrifying, and he lost 10000 points.”

“Chu Ling, Chu Yan! Mu Feng! How about joining forces with me for the time being, otherwise … Pill Sovereign inheritance, but Hua Luo has a master.”

Knowing the current situation, can you be on the same front as Di Yan?

Thinking again 3, Chu Yan opened the mouth and said “Sir Qin Tian, ​​Beigong Ming, since everyone explored Pill Sovereign treasure together, and also worked together to kill Lava Dragon King Lizard, who monopolized the treasure, can’t justify it.”

“Not urgent”!

Qin Tian moved towards Little Lady, who laughed and went to the pill furnace.

“What is he going to do?” Chu Yan black eyebrows puckered up.

“Clang clang”! Lifting the lid of the pill furnace, Qin Tian set his sights on “I found that there are 21 golden lights shining in the pill furnace and the medicine pill with the size of the longan particles. The quality is unattainable, but the smell of pill fragrance makes people feel excited.” .

“6 of us”.

How to divide?

“With”! Qin Tian extend the hand “3, gave Beigong Ming”.

6 pieces were given to Chu Yan, Chu Ling and 3 pieces were given to Mu Feng.

“… mine”! Seeing Qin Tian is not giving himself, Di Yan has a gloomy face.


Almost forgot.

Qin Tian flicks with the finger, a medicine pill, floated to Di Yan.

“One”? Beigong Ming laughed.

“Mu Feng, Chu Yan, Chu Ling, are speechless.”

Obviously, Di Yan will not be reconciled to “Qin Tian! Don’t go too far! Why only give me one!”

“Don’t you look good, sudden shout”?

Qin Tian collected the remaining 8 Golden Cores and gave 4 points to Little Wu Yue.

“… crush! You wait for me”! Di Yan gnashing teeth, red eyes “I will definitely make you pay”.

“Pill Sovereign treasure, impossible only leaves this thing, find out if there is a secretly thought mechanism.”

Beigong Ming, reminded.

“The lava world, which is so hot and wide, is almost unobstructed. How can there be a secretly thought mechanism?”

Qin Tian shook the head, suddenly divine light appeared, thinking of something!

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