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“In one breath, cultivation base climbed to Reincarnation 7th Transformation Realm.”

Qin Tian felt the explosive power surging in the body, unable to bear Yang Tian long roar.

“By the way, the system also rewarded a Flood Dragon blood essence, this thing, for the Golden Scales Young Dragon baby to eat.”

In Iron Dragon City, the powerhouse watched by all directions was dumbstruck, and my heart was horrified, “… Isn’t I dazzled?”

Long Wanyan, died in the hands of that brat?

“Incredible! In Lower 3 Heaven World, the genius of Reincarnation 2nd Transformation Realm exceeding rank killing Ascension 1st Transformation Realm is a rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, a record that has never been approached and will never be approached again Yeah!

“This place should not stay for a long time.”

Qin Tian took Little Girl and quickly left Iron Dragon City.

2 long rainbows, after a while, left Iron Dragon City million li.

“Suddenly, stop.”

“Stop following, sneaky, get out!” White clothed youth, shouted without looking back.


Can’t hear the laughter of men and women floating, showing the mysterious person in black cloak, aura in Ascension 1st Transformation Realm.

When Qin Tian saw this guy, all his hair was standing up, which was an extremely threatening role.

It’s not Long Banyan’s half-hanger at all, comparable.

“Who is Sir? What are you doing with us?”

“Myself Bai Lian …” Mysterious cloak man, politely cupped the hands, replied “I am a person in Myriad Tribulations Building”.

If someone else is present and hears 3 people in Myriad Tribulations Building, I am afraid that Ascension 9th Transformation Realm and Void Divinity Realm powerhouse will tremble.

Because “Myriad Tribulations Building” is a special organization, assassination, search for news in the world, protection, are willing to accept orders, as long as you pay the corresponding remuneration, in addition, the influence of “Myriad Tribulations Building” is not limited to 1st Layer, or even Lower 3 Heaven, Middle 3 Heaven, Upper 3rd Heaven, all have the shadow of Myriad Tribulations Building.

This shows how terrifying this is one is, mysterious influence.

“Sorry, I haven’t heard of it” Qin Tian shook the head.

The bright eyes under the cloak looked closely at the white clothed youth’s face, clearly understood that this guy did not seem to be lying.

The mysterious cloak man who claimed to be Bai Lian opened his mouth and said, “It’s interesting, I can’t think of the Upper Realm 9 Layer, and some people don’t know Myriad Tribulations Building.”

In addition, you are still such an unrivalled genius, do not know.

“Is Myriad Tribulations Building very famous? What the hell are you doing, and immediately say, I don’t have a skill to play haha ​​with you.”

Qin Tian accentuated the tone! “For those who bring themselves a sense of thrill and threat, either friends or enemies”!

“I want to invite you to join the Myriad Tribulations Building”! Bai Lian straight to the point explained that “becoming part of the Myriad Tribulations Building, how many people can countless people yearns for even in dream, I can introduce you to it”.

In this 1st Layer, as long as you reveal the identity of the member of Myriad Tribulations Building, it is the powerhouse of the True Immortal Realm stage, and will not dare to touch you.

Even if one day, you went to Middle 3 Heaven, Upper 3rd Heaven, Myriad Tribulations Building is still available, giving you great protection.

“Ding! Ding”!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” congratulations to the host, won Heaven World Intermediate Mission

“Congratulations to the host” mission content, join Myriad Tribulations Building

… Well, would n’t I not refuse him?

Qin Tian has no choice but to say “Okay, I promise you to join Myriad Tribulations Building, but you have to tell me some things, such as information about the influence of Myriad Tribulations Building, and some things on cultivation”.

“Ha ha ha”.

“You are very smart, join Myriad Tribulations Building, you will not regret it.”

“Let’s go, my recommendation is not enough, I am in the Myriad Tribulations Building but it’s just a grade.”

Now take you to “Myriad Tribulations Building Headquarters” where you will be tested.

Bai Lian reminded.

“Half the way, Qin Tian understood many things” such as Myriad Tribulations Building, which is really terrifying. The influence actually spreads to Upper Realm 9 Layer, every Heaven and Earth.

Member grades, from Grade 1 to Grade 9, then Divine Grade, then Slaughtering God Grade!

“According to Bai Lian, you can see a Myriad Tribulations Building powerhouse in the Divine Grade in this life, which is as difficult as heavenly ascension.”

Qin Tian also asked about “Reincarnation Realm, Life and Death Realm, Nirvana Realm, Ascension Realm, Void Divinity Realm, True Immortal Realm” on cultivation Realm.

Just above Dao Realm 72 Transformations, there are many stages. The road of powerhouse from Dao Realm 72 Transformations is the beginning.

“Next, it is Heavenly Star 36 Transformations Realm”!

“Heavenly Star 1st Transformation Realm, Heavenly Star 2nd Transformation Realm, until 36 Transformations, and then, to the peak, Condense Divine Spark.”

Officially entered “Immortal Venerable Realm, Immortal Monarch Realm, Golden Immortal Realm, Immortal Saint Realm, Immortal King Realm, Immortal God Realm”.

Bai Lian knows so much.

“The next day.”

Qin Tian looked at all directions, “Aren’t you going to take me to the Myriad Tribulations Building in the wilderness to be tested?”


Still hiding behind the cloak, Bai Lian, who could not see the gender of men and women, replied in a metallic tone, “Are you stupid?”

“Trifling’s Lower 3 Heaven, or 1st Layer, will Myriad Tribulations Building be here, will the temple be established?”

I want to open the space bridge Array, we can go to the 4th Layer, where there is a branch of Myriad Tribulations Building.

“4th Layer”! Qin Tian was excited after hearing this, “hehe, I will stay in the 4th Layer directly, will you?”

“I’m afraid not” Bai Lian shook his head “Lower 3 Heaven, Middle 3 Heaven, Upper 3rd Heaven, unless it was a super expert who left a mark on you, otherwise you want to go to Middle 3 Heaven, at least beyond, Heavenly Star 36 Realm’s Cultivation base only works “.

And, Heavenly Star 36 Realm, mixed in the 4th Layer, it is difficult to move.

“… Yes, this girl”.

“how”? Qin Tian looked suspiciously.

“Only members of the Myriad Tribulations Building can enter the branch, otherwise they will take the test and try to become members of the Myriad Tribulations Building,” Bai Lian explained. Sealing Technique, I am very impressed. Without the help of this girl, you can hardly kill Long Wanyan. “

Not as good as she joined Myriad Tribulations Building.

“Well …, by the way, after joining the Myriad Tribulations Building, you must be like you. Is it covert, do you wear a hood on a hot day, don’t you be stuffy?

Qin Tian is curious about asked.

“Asshole! I just don’t want outsiders to recognize my identity that’s all.”

After all, members of Myriad Tribulations Building, no matter they are in Lower 3 Heaven or Middle 3 Heaven, every time they have to complete a mission, it will offend many people.


Did n’t you say that no one dares to provoke the shelter of Myriad Tribulations Building?

“… we are just the young subordinates on the ground floor of Myriad Tribulations Building. Asylum is limited.”

Bai Lian is impatient “Do you want to join the Myriad Tribulations Building? Don’t waste my time here!”

“do not be angry”.

Qin Tian waved his hand “Hurry up to open the space bridge, I join Myriad Tribulations Building, sincerely.”

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