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……, Myriad Tribulations Building, deep in the dark great hall.

The face of white clothed youth pretty is unprecedentedly heavy and distorted.

In the pitch black eyes, the flash and the spirit of past and present, unyielding will!

Immemorial Five Colored Sword Intent, with the body buzzing and exploding, even if it is heaven collapsing, earth shattering, Qin Tian will never compromise, it would rather break but cannot be bend!

It’s like Great Desolate Era, unyielding War God!

“Um …” In the black cloak, Bai Lian’s face showed a moving expression, and the sound of “unable to bear” “You want to die”.


I am dead, and I will never allow someone to hurt someone around me.

Qin Tian’s throat wriggled, and a hoarse voice was heard.

“You” Bai Lian’s body is slightly trembling. “If you take time, he can definitely become a person who has heaven and earth under one’s control, and will not be inferior to Myriad Tribulations Building Building Lord. I hope that today will not die here.

“Big Brother”.

Little Wu Yue also learned in stupidly cute that Qin Tian is suffering from the naked eye cannot see.

“Bad guy! Do you dare to bully Big Brother”! Little Wu Yue’s face was shameful, and she raised her hand and waved a lot of Devouring Soul Chain, rushing to the Myriad Tribulations Building Building Lord.

“… Heaven”.

Crazy, crazy, this world has changed.

They 2, one against the Sir Building Lord, and one who dared to shoot the Sir Building Lord.

Old Zhu’s scared face was white, and he didn’t dare to squeak.

“Interesting! Very interesting”! Myriad Tribulations Building Building Lord, slowly rose from above the throne, shot at her Witch Technique Devouring Soul Chain, all annihilated.

Brat, I will not hurt this Little Girl.

I plan to accept her as a disciple, inheritance Legacy, the next Myriad Tribulations Building Building Lord, perhaps her.

“Hehe! Why should I believe you”! Qin Tian felt that the Divine Power that had oppressed him had disappeared. He was almost relieved and almost fell down. He said, “Senior can kill me and take away the girl”!

Do you think I dare not!

Myriad Tribulations Building Building Lord, stretch out a finger! “9th Layer, there is no this King, people who dare not kill”!

“But …, killing you, this discipline can’t be done, she will hate me for life.”

“This King here swears in the name of All Heavens God that if he hurts this girl for half a point, he will never turn over forever.”

After that, he took out a drop of blood essence and evaporated in the void.

This is the most solemn and vicious “contract vow”, no matter who you are, if you break the vow, you will be cursed by All Heavens God.


I already knew that joining the Myriad Tribulations Building would set off such a storm. I gave up the system mission and did not come.

Qin Tian sighed helplessly “Girl, let’s go with her”.

“Big Brother, I don’t want to leave you.” Little Wu Yue’s little hand firmly grasped the boy’s arm.

I will go to you soon.

Qin Tian said this, and his sight was locked on Myriad Tribulations Building Building Lord “I remember you”!

“The threat contained in this sentence is full of meaning! It is said that the girl has a length of 3 and 2 short, you can not escape.

“Ha ha ha”.

it is good! This King also remembers you.

Myriad Tribulations Building Building Lord, waved his hand, and disappeared together with Little Wu Yue.

“Hu hu” Old Zhu brow beaded with sweat, swaying from the kneeling stance, “scared the old man”.

Qin Tian, ​​your courage is simply, a record that has never been approached and will never be approached again.

Fortunately, the Building Lord was not angry.

She was angry with wool! I took my girl away for no apparent reason, and I will calculate this account.

Qin Tian gnashing teeth “Why, my side woman, each and everyone are taken away”.

Jun Lingshang, Yutong, Luo Lingyun …, Wife Luo Bing’er, and now Wu Yue.

It seems that in the future, you can’t take a woman together.

“Hehe” Bai Lian came to the boy next to him, and his tone was eccentric, “Qin Tian, ​​I still have to cover me with you in the future.”

“What do you mean?”

Qin Heavenly Fox is puzzled.

What to install, your Little Wife is now the discipline of the Building Lord, and your identity is very honorable.

Bai Lian said directly.

“Go! It’s not because you invited me to Myriad Tribulations Building, what a terrible thing.”

Qin Tian can’t wait to wipe out this guy with his head hidden.

“Cough cough”.

Myriad Tribulations Building, loud noise is prohibited.

Old Zhu coughed, “Qin Tian, ​​there is a Myriad Tribulations Building, Grade 1 mission, which requires you to complete within 2 months.”

The mission scroll, along with a Myriad Tribulations Building token, is in the hands of the teenager.

Qin Tian opened and looked at “Grade 1 mission, assassination of Upper Realm 2nd Layer, Heaven Raising Sect Head Disciple”.

“Heaven Raising Sect Head Disciple, Beigong Duixing, Ascension 3rd Transformation Realm Peak, with Divine Rank Grade 9, Fire Attribute Martial Soul.”

“I have understood”.

Qin Tian turned around and left.

“Hey, let me take you to the 2nd Layer. Where is Heaven Raising Sect? I’m afraid you don’t know.”

Bai Lian caught up.

“… The next day, Upper Realm 2nd Layer, Summer King Continent.”

The void is distorted and 2 silhouettes are ejected.

“Ding! Ding”!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” congratulations to the host completed Heaven World Intermediate Mission and became a member of Myriad Tribulations Building

congratulations to the host for receiving special reward 200,000,000 Heaven World EXP

congratulations to the host for receiving special reward 150,000,000 Heaven World Gold Coin Value

congratulations to the host for levelling up to Life and Death 1st Transformation Realm

congratulations to the host for levelling up to Life and Death 2nd Transformation Realm

Huh? Did your cultivation base get promoted? “Bai Lian looked at the teenager and exclaimed unexpectedly.” This time, when you completed the mission, ten to nine is stable.

“Don’t give me a crooked look.”

Qin Tian’s attitude towards Bai Lian is very good. “Then Heaven Raising Sect’s Head Disciple, Beigong Duixing is Ascension 3rd Transformation Realm, how about battle strength?”

Offended who? Please move Myriad Tribulations Building to assassinate him?

“The information about customers is absolutely confidential.” Bai Lian shook the head “But I have never seen Beigong Duixing, and the strength should be much stronger than the ordinary same rank cultivator.”

After all, Fire Attribute Martial Soul of Divine Rank Grade 9 is gone.

“Is this Martial Soul’s Perfection degree?” Qin Tian continued asking “I am in Mortal World of myself, meet the most powerful Martial Soul, and it is only of Saint Rank quality”.


Do you not even know about Martial Soul Domain?

Bai Lian tone, has several points of selling the taste of Guanzi.

“Do you say anything?” Qin Tian brows frowned.

“Say … say” Bai Lian cleared his throat. “Divine Rank Martial Soul Grade 9, after breaking Perfection, can transform Martial Soul into a domain.”

Martial Soul Domain is divided into Rank 1 and Rank 2 all the way to Rank 36.

“Rank 36 Martial Soul Domain is a 9th Layer, it’s a genius that is hard to meet.”

I understand.

Whether it is Spirit Body bloodline or Martial Soul innate talent, it can be developed endlessly. There is no new height because no one has reached that stage.

Sooner or later, I will reach a height that I have never reached.

Qin Tian stomped and flew to the horizon.

“Don’t follow me, let’s part ways, I will go to assassinate Heaven Raising Sect Head Disciple”!

Do you think I want to be with you? Bai Lian laughed “Just, you went in the wrong direction, Heaven Raising Sect, in this”!

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