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“Upper Realm 2nd Layer, vast territory and abundant resources, endless.”

On the Black River Valley, which spans more than half of the Summer King Continent territory, the sky-splitting sound is clear, and it turned out to be a white clothed pretty teenager.

I was only 16 or 7 years old, but I was already full of killing and killing all over the body, especially the rhyme, especially the eyebrows, I had no longer the young charm of the young people, but a piece, thoughly tempered. Outstanding color.

“…, far behind, chasing a group of people, 30 or more Heavenly Star 1st Transformation Realm powerhouse, led by the purple woman old woman, cultivation base is even more, deep and unmeasurable.”


Eldest Princess is still in that brat, we ca n’t act blindly without thinking, but just go straight down the river, and we ’re out of Summer King Continent.

“Mother-in-law, what should we do?”

purple clothed old woman, brows frowned “Go back! The more we catch up, the less brat will be to let Your Majesty the Princess.”

As long as he dares to hurt the life of Eldest Princess, the life-sustaining lamp in the Imperial Family will immediately sense that at the time of the ends of the earth, he will be pulled out.

“Hu chi-.”

violent wind erupted, the surface of the river was rough, Qin Tian looked back and said, “Yo ~, no more chasing, Little Lady, you look at, no one saved you.”

Inside strange space of Kamui, there is a dark cloud, only a stone pillar rising from the ground.

At this moment, Summer King Imperial Dynasty Head Princess Xia Lingxin, standing on one of the stone pillars, was sealed with a cultivation base, and pretty face was annoyed, “Asshole! Without words, I will be released soon.”

Not the right time yet.

Qin Tian open mouth and laughed, Three Tomoe Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan is running, distorting the void, and squirting the girl.

“Here I will unlock the cultivation base seal on you, but you 10000000 don’t think to escape without trace, I will leave an Eyees Power in you within the body, as long as you dare to crooked thought, it will kill you immediately.”

Immediately, the seal of the cultivation base was unraveled, but Xia Lingxin did not have any color of joy, in the depth of one’s soul, a powerful and subtle Eyes Power, to get restless “How the hell did you let me go.”

We go straight down the river, where do we look? “Qin Tian did not answer the question.”

I left Summer King Continent and arrived at “Black Demon Domain”. I advise you not to take me to that place.

“Why?” Qin Heavenly Fox wondered.

“Black Demon Domain is a place of chaos, fish and dragons mixed in together, it is the paradise of Loose Cultivator, Evil Dao cultivator, the dormant powerhouse is countless, far better than Summer King Continent, and it is included in the most famous , Three Great Demon Sects, Sect Master figures, are genuine Divine Spark powerhouse. “

“Hehe, is Divine Spark fake?”

Qin Tian rolled his eyes.

“Yes! On Heavenly Star 36 Realm, Condense Divine Spark Warrior has 2 stages, the first stage is False Divine Spark Realm, 2nd Stage is Divine Spark Realm, my Imperial Father, Emperor of Summer King Imperial Dynasty, just False Divine Spark cultivation base. “


Then I have to go, Qin Tian’s face is smiling broadly.


After decades of bumpy journey, I finally saw a continent, no … it should be said to be a huge island.

“Black Demon Island!” Xia Lingxin reminded “But anyone who intends to enter the Black Demon Domain cultivator will pass here, stay on the island, take a rest, and get some information.”

Entering the village to follow the customs, we also took a break.

Qin Tian took the girl and landed on the island. “In the middle of Black Demon Island, there is a huge and magnificent city!”

“Splitting Demon City! The City Lord of Splitting Demon City, Venerable Lie Mo, is the super powerhouse of the pseudo Divine Spark Level, one side of the dominate pattern, and the large Splitting Demon City, all under his jurisdiction, no one dares to defy.”

“weng weng.”

Suddenly, Qin Tian felt that the Myriad Tribulations Building token on his body produced a special fluctuation “a voice, floating into my mind!”

“… Grade 1 member Qin Tian, ​​come quickly to the 4th Layer Myriad Tribulations Building branch.”

4th Layer belongs to Middle 3 Heaven. It cannot reach Heavenly Star 36 Realm and cannot break through Heaven and Earth’s shackles.

Qin Tian can open the space bridge through the Myriad Tribulations Building token on his body “just like Bai Lian did when he took himself to the Myriad Tribulations Building for distribution.”

On the streets of Splitting Demon City, there are a lot of mermaids. There are all kinds of people. Most of them are not good people.

Whether it is Qin Tian Void Divinity 9th Transformation Realm or Xia Lingxin True Immortal 9th ​​Transformation Realm, it is obviously not worth mentioning here.

Heavenly Star Stage’s cultivator, can be seen everywhere.

“Myriad Tribulations Building token cannot be exposed.” Qin Tian took Xia Lingxin and found a remote alley.

Take out the quaint token and inject it into majestic Immortal Origin, Void to open an entrance “You are waiting for me here, don’t run around!”

What are you going to do?

Xia Lingxin wondered about asking, but the teenager plunged into the entrance of the space bridge and disappeared without a trace.

“4th Layer, mysterious peaks, great hall, as always dark and gloomy.”

The front door moved and opened, carrying a red lantern, and the skinny Old Zhu left, walking out of the way, “hehe, brat, here.”

“Find me, what is it?”

Qin Tian straight to the point asked.

The mission that assassinated Heaven Raising Sect Head Disciple last time was very good. There is a new mission below for you.

Old Zhu answered.

“You’re here, 2nd Layer, Black Demon Island outside Black Demon Domain, right.”

“… fuck” Qin Tian expression awe-inspiring “Myriad Tribulations Building, still monitoring me secretly?”

No, it ’s just that the Myriad Tribulations Building token you are holding has a mark, and it happens that there is a mission in the area of ​​Black Demon Island. I found you. In addition, is this token important? When infused with will, you can lead a Myriad Tribulations Building powerhouse to cross the domain and protect you once.

As Old Zhu explained, he took the teenager into the great hall and walked into a palace hall.

In the palace hall, countless mission scrolls are floating.

Throw a scroll to the teenager, Old Zhu reminded “Grade 1 members’ missions are all Grade 1 difficulty, but this mission is at Grade 2 and close to Grade 3! Would you like to do it? I can shout It ’s not difficult to get a member to form a team with you. “

“Myriad Tribulations Building mission close to Grade 3 difficulty” Qin Tian is very interested. “Right, did you complete any rewards? Last time I killed Heaven Raising Sect Head Disciple, my mission rewards, let people work, do n’t give I do n’t want to pay. “


“New members who join the Myriad Tribulations Building will not be rewarded for completing the first mission, but you will be rewarded for completing this mission,” Old Zhu said with a smile.

… MD, the black heart organization! “Qin Tian curl one’s lip” mission, I completed it myself, no need to find someone to team up with me!

Leave the great hall and return to 2nd Layer, Black Demon City.

The deserted alley is empty! “Qin Tian is stunned.” My hello, what about the Little Lady? Run away?

This woman is not going to die, but I left an Eyes Power in her within the body, the ends of the earth, between a single thought, can kill her.

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