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“bang bang bang.”

Mysterious Eternal Black Coffin, the crack that opened, the pale and greasy great hand that stretched out, instantly swept away the lives of 10 cultivator, causing a lot of panic.

“… What is this Evil Power.”

It must be the monster Demon God in the 10000 zhang Black Coffin.

“Jie jie jie! This King, Foreign Domain Evil Demon, title, Queen Xue Lian.”

In the blood vortex hiding the sky and covering the earth, a bewitching lotus flower bloomed and a woman came out.

The woman is hot and tall, full and plump.

A double face, belongs to the type of absolute beautiful beautiful, under the eyes, beating the color of bloodthirsty and attracting soul.

“Foreign Domain Evil Demon!”

“It’s our 9th Layer, the enemy of Life and Death from past to present, Foreign Domain Evil Demon Race powerhouse.”

The chaos is getting worse, and some cultivators, even the fear of the heart, slip away.


A sharp and taboo arrow, Tearing the Void, kills the dozen or so cultivator instant kills that escaped.

“Foreign Domain Evil Demon is born, I should wait to kill in a row, whoever dares to run, I will kill whoever!” White clothed youth, pedal Divine Dragon, shouted word by word.

Heaven’s Proud Nan Cangming of Gray Nether Palace, expression shocked, admired “Yes! Foreign Domain Evil Demon, is my enemy of Human Race, today she died, or I waited to be buried here.”

Demon Blood Palace Young Master Mo Xue is to peep at that golden Dragon God beast, but Qin Tian’s devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence definitely touched him!

“Count me, whoever wants to run, I will kill whoever!”

Calm down, a few 1000 cultivators all understand! “Foreign Domain Evil Demon is born, if you don’t remove it, you will poison Heaven and Earth.”

“Kill! Kill!”

The Foreign Domain Evil Demon is destroyed.

“Well …, the fear I caused was disturbed by one person in a moment.” In the bloody river, it was like Queen Xue Lian of Xue Lian incarnation, brows knit, the vicissitudes of sight, locked in pretty, imposing manner converged, but The earth shattering teenager “is interesting, the humble brat of Heavenly Star 15th Transformation, the courage is rare.”

This King escaped the seal, and must consume some blood essence qi origin of Human Race to supplement his recovery strength.

“Smelly Brat, you come first!” Queen Xue Lian good looking and charming’s face is shameful, waving, majestic, covering the blood river of sun and moon Heaven and Earth, mixed with the murderous intention of the heavenly sky, destroying Heavenly Star 36 Transformations characters!

“bang! bang!”

Counting 1000 Human Race cultivators, fighting together, the strength of myriad oddities merges, no matter how weak, unity is strength.

Qin Tian pulled Heaven and Earth Bow “Immemorial Five Colored Arrow Glow!”

“Sou!” The arrow bearing the power is to smash the blood river storm and give it a 10% range.

Seeing this, Queen Xue Lian was particularly shocked. “It turns out to be the same, Super Genius. Then I can’t keep you anymore.”

roar roar roar.

Hearing the words of Queen Xue Lian, Golden Dragon giant beast was furious and directly took out Divine Dragon’s innate talent Divine Ability! “Dragon Breath!”

This is a misty and mysterious essence rays of light, but the power contained in it can be shaken, Heavenly Star 29th Transformation, 30th Transformation!

“Hmph! Beast, wait for me to kill these Human Races, and then put Foreign Domain Demon Qi into your within the body, making you a magic dragon, succumbing to this King!” Queen Xue Lian, a small hand threw out a Xue Lian rays of light, offset Dragon Breath essence.

“Ding! Ding!”

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” congratulations to the host, using Summon Card Item

[Growth Summon Card, Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong, with weapon Ruyi Golden Cudgel, skill Sun Wukong’s Magical Cloud, currently growing Realm to Heavenly Star 20th Transformation]

[Growth Summon Card, Konan, Skill of the Shikigami, Paper Shuriken, Paper Clone Jutsu, currently growing Realm, Heavenly Star 20th Transformation Realm]

[Growth Summon Card, Female Emperor Boa Hancock, Devil Fruit Mero Mero no Mi, skill Pistol Kiss, Mero Mero Merrow, currently growing Realm to Heavenly Star 20th Transformation Realm]

[Growth Summon Card, Marshal Canopy Zhu Bajie, owning the weapon Nine-Toothed Rake, currently growing Realm to Heavenly Star 20th Transformation]

The new summon character, Zhu Bajie! Similar to the one in the impression, pig head, big fat! Against Nine-Toothed Rake.

It’s a monster look.

“Fool! Behead monsters and eliminate demons!” Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong, moved towards Zhu Bajie, shouted.

“My Old Zhu understood!” Zhu Bajie waved the Nine-Toothed Rake charge ahead, making the terrifying powerful, killing Heavenly Star 30th Transformation.

“Hah! ”

Nan Cangming of Gray Nether Palace, to open a bloodline Spirit Body! “All Heavens Spirit Body List Saint Grade, Mad Spirit Physique of ranked 129!”

one move and one form, the power is destroyed and horrified!

“Blood Demon Raging Waves Art!” Young Master Mo Xue, pinched out a series of singular mysterious Magic Art, took out the belonging, Great Dao Law Divine Ability ranked 2971 on All Heavens Dao Law Record.

Foreign Domain Evil Demon Queen Xue Lian, a blood river entrenched in the body, is like an indestructible defense, but it gradually collapses! “Every time the Blood River Defense destroys one, her aura is weak!”

“Damn it! Damn it! How could this King leave the seal and fall down in the hands of these humble human races!”

Queen Xue Lian gnashing teeth, angry.

“Controlling Sword Technique 2nd Style, Myriad Swords Returning to Origin!” 10,000 five colored sword glow, integrated with Immemorial Five Colored Sword Intent.

Blowing the dead, tearing a gap in the blood river, and then an arrow that forbids formidable power hit the Queen Xue Lian lovable body!

“… Have you succeeded!” Several 1000 Human Race cultivators attacked for so long, just killing the blood river defense outside Queen Xue Lian, didn’t expect the first attack on the target, it was the horizontal Be born by the white clothed youth.

Qin Tian Ao Lijin Dragon God Beast head, Meiyu unprecedentedly dignified “Not over yet!”

“Ah! Jerk.”

Dare to hurt Saint Physique of this King, I want you to die better than life.

“The wave of chaos has taken several 1000 Human Race cultivator shake back! Queen Xue Lian, desperately rushed to the goal.”

“I am!”

This woman is crazy! “Qin Tian runs Six Tomoe Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan Eyes Power” Kamui!

“Ka cha dong dong dong!” Space Eyes Power was smashed by the opponent.

Immediately afterwards, Queen Xue Lian flew into the Eternal Black Coffin with Qin Tian and Jin Dragon God beast.


The huge Constant Antiquity charm of Black Coffin, the crack that opened the lid, quickly closed, and outsiders could not enter.

The reversal of things was unexpected.

“That guy, can’t survive …, our situation is also very dangerous, everyone immediately left Black Demon Cave together, informing the elders of sect, staying outside the Black Demon Cave to wait for the rabbit, to slay the Foreign Domain Evil Demon.

Several thousand cultivators left one after another! “Some people also sigh, peerless geniuses like Qin Tian, ​​so just die, it’s a pity, that golden Dragon God beast also followed …… After all, is the edge too strong, the more genius, the easier it is to die! “

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