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“System Mini Map to open.”

The visibility in the Barbarian God space is only about 20%.

In these 20% of the System Mini Map area, there are dozens of punctuation marks scattered in East, West, South, North directions.

“Old rules! Qin Tian chose a recent punctuation mark and hurried to it.”

Came to a pitch black dim cave.

All around The scene is a little messy, and there is a Monster Beast corpse lying on the ground. Look at the gradually revealing death aura, it should be stepped on, less than 5 minutes time.

Qin Tian’s speech is “Monster Beast of this death, when alive, at least it is comparable to the characters of Golden Immortal 8th Transformation, 9th Transformation Realm.”

Who will kill it? “North Barbarian Continent, Three Great Sects, or the genius of Four Great Tribes?”

“Xiu! Xiu!” Xiao Linger gasped for a while when someone fell from the sky. “Qin Tian, ​​what are you doing so fast, you can’t catch you.”


“If you are one step late, you’ll miss the chance. Someone has gotten ahead first.”

“Da da” footsteps, the cave ahead.

The azure shirt, a slender figure, a boy with a long sword, 5 white and tender demon beauty, like a woman, with mysterious temperament.

Isn’t it right? After the Barbarian God Treasure Storehouse entrance to open, is the mysterious teenager who finally arrive slowly?

“Damn! This guy’s current cultivation base is still Immortal Venerable 1st Transformation Realm. How did he kill this Monster Beast outside the cave?”

Qin Tian Meiyu calmly “can I gain something?”

Hearing this straight to the point, the teenager was nodded, “You go under and see it.”

After that, he stepped on his feet and walked away.

“Qin Tian entered the cave, empty and empty, but there are original and ancient patterns on the stone wall.”

This pattern is depicting a raising heaven savage giant, shouldering the sun and moon, stepping on the earth, extending the hand, and taking off the stars.

Zai looked at it carefully for a long time, and there was something in his mind with a wild charm that shocked his soul.

“Barbarian God Heaven and Earth Technique!”

“On All Heavens Dao Law Record, rank 907’s Super Super Dao Law Divine Ability!”

The mysterious guy must have discovered this “Barbarian God Heaven and Earth Technique” before, but he didn’t destroy the pattern, what did he think?

Maybe it ’s the Peerless Great Dao Law Divine Ability contained in the broken pattern. It needs some fate. The others on the scene did n’t see the truth. Xiao Ling’er was an expression. “The Barbarian God Heaven and Earth Technique is just part of it. “


After leaving here, Qin Tian took all people and rushed to the next “System Mini Map, marking where the mark is.”

This time, it was not the first to be discovered.

“A 100 zhang Spirit Tree with divine and ancient rays of light is rooted at the top of the mountain.”

Perhaps it is because the surrounding area is a few 100 zhang and 1000 zhang high ancient wood, covering the tracks. Without Monster System Mini Map, Qin Tian would not dare to say that he can find this thing.

“Spirit Origin Tree” Xiao Ling’er looked at the Spirit Tree ahead, opened the mouth and said “I have seen it in an ancient book, saying this is the Spirit Origin Technique, it is the top of the evolution of myriad years that absorbed the sun and moon essence grade heavenly materials earthly treasures, the magical effect is not to absorb and refine this tree, but to sit under the tree and be able to multiply the speed of cultivation, extremely focused, and restrain Heart Demon. “


“Is the Heaven and Earth spiritual treasure that assists cultivation all the way? That’s useless to me, I who owns the Monster System, no need any item that assists cultivation.” Qin Tian pursed his lips and “gave you.”

You do not want?

Xiao Ling’er turn pale with fright “This is a good thing?”

The mouth was surprised and surprised, but Little Girl, panicked in a hurry, put the Spirit Origin Tree into the pocket, and if you regret it, I will not give you back gesture.

“Hehe, the opportunity just started, I’m not in a hurry” Qin Tian shrugged.


After a month passed, according to the Monster System Map, more than 20 areas were explored.

Under various opportunities, Qin Tian where water flows, a canal is formed was promoted to Immortal Monarch 1st Transformation Realm.

Xiao Ling’er was as advanced as ever, soaked in light, breakthrough reached Golden Immortal 1st Transformation Realm.

“Although this little girl does not have a bloodline spirit body, it was shaped by comprehend. The Fire Attribute Martial Soul Domain of Rank 3 was exposed a few days ago.”

“bang bang bang.”

On a hill, the repaired Qin Tian suddenly got up “a huge phenomenon of natural phenomenon rays of light, flashing at the end of the sky.”

Most likely, Barbarian God Treasure Storehouse will be born.

“Xiu! Xiu!” Qin Tian carried Xiao Ling’er and the others at the fastest speed.

Came to the top of a valley covered with ancient brilliance, gathered here, no less than 1000 people.

Magic Eye Palace Young Master Xuan Yao, awesomely present, met Qin Tian, ​​and immediately grinned “good brat, breakthrough to Immortal Monarch 1st Transformation Realm, it seems that your chance is not small, just grandfather me, arrived at Half Step Immortal Saint Realm, you can enter Immortal Saint immediately. “

Treasure is in front, I’m leaving you for a moment.

“Other people hear this, they are naturally optimistic about the success, preferably 2 people, fighting either the fish dies or the net splits.”

azure clothes, mysterious pretty boy carrying sword, standing alone in the distance.

Qin Tian always felt that this guy is the most difficult existence.

“Peng peng!” The natural phenomenon that covered the valley was scattered, revealing a palace.

The palace is full of overbearing and ancient charm. There is also a stele in front of the palace, which reads “Barbarian God 2 generals, the black wind.”

“This Barbarian God 2 generals, Black Wind.”

“What do you mean?” Qin Heavenly Fox wondered.

“It is the 2 right-hand assistants under Sir Barbarian God, and their Realm cultivation base second only to Sir Barbarian God” Xiao Ling’er explained in awe and awe. “This palace should be one of the Barbarian God 2 generals. The next one. “

sou! sou!

1000 geniuses scrambled into the palace.

Presented in front is a high platform, sitting on the top of the platform.

The man was wearing black clothed and his face was a bit pale, while the body was overflowing, the shock energy of earth shattering.

“As long as you grab this body, you can refine the energy in his body.”

This person must be the black wind under Barbarian God.

In an instant, the atmosphere became extremely heavy, all directions team composition, guarded against each other.

North Barbarian Continent, Three Great Sects, only Magic Eye Palace, and Four Great Tribes, are not absent.

This 5 team composition is the strongest present.

Qin Tian is running “Six Tomoe Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan” and found a trace of clues, where the black wind within the body, in addition to the pure Immortal Origin cultivation base energy, there is a ray of unexamined existence.

Because “inheritance power is at hand, everyone forgets, no one pays attention to this.”

“Ha ha ha! This inheritance is from my Plow Ox Tribe!” A young man with strong physique dressed in animal skin, loudly shouted.

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