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At the beginning, more than 3000 geniuses, who were constantly separated from the team, died in Holy Buddha Pagoda.

When it comes to Holy Buddha Pagoda, 59th Layer! There are just over 300 people!

The number of people suddenly reduced by 10 Times!

Shangguan Wan’er, whose dress and dress are ethereal and immortal, is not so calm at this moment. He gasps slightly and his face is pale! “It seems that it takes a lot of energy.”

Qin Tian, ​​Xuan Luo 2 people, is killing intent! “Mo Shenxu on the side, cry this face” 2 big brother, this is the 59th layer, I can’t hold it anymore, can you, don’t leave me.

ha ha ha.

Xuan Luo was teased, “You, a Great Heavenly Venerable 9th Transformation Peak, is about to break through to Myriad Manifestations Realm, beg us 2, isn’t it silly?”

“… this” Mo Shenxu also felt a little ridiculous, but it was so.

“I broke into the 59th Layer myself, and I was almost exhausted. Qin Tian was still Xuan Luo, but instead vigorous dragon and ferocious tiger, as if the power of within the body was inexhaustible!”

peng! peng! peng!

Holy Buddha Pagoda 59th Layer, no majestic, countless Foreign Domain Evil Demon army, only a refinement sweeping Heaven and Earth Eight Desolates, overbearing Demon Qi.

In the gigantic Foreign Domain Demon Qi ocean, a gigantic Foreign Domain Evil Demon is outlined.

The terrifying extreme power at that throughput area surpassed Myriad Manifestations Realm to Void Return Refining Origin Realm 1st Stage, Void Return 1st Transformation Realm.


For more than 300 geniuses, look pale “it’s a difference of only one level. It’s the 60th layer when you cross this place! We can leave this ghost place!”

Shangguan Wan’er has teeth in his teeth and a long sword buzzing in his hand, with a Martial Soul Domain flashing behind.

“Ice Attribute Martial Soul Domain, attainments has reached Rank 13 maturity!”

Foreign Domain Evil Demon BOSS, after feeling that the strongest Human Race is Shangguan Wan’er, it was directed at the girl and issued a roar with a will to slam “9th Layer, Human Race woman! As long as you kneel down to know allegiance, You can not kill you! “

“Hugh think!”

Shangguan Wan’er spit out blood essence qi origin and merged Rank 13 Ice Attribute Martial Soul Domain! “Ice Sword Reincarnation Slash!”

A ray of light cuts, as if carved by crystal, sparkling and translucent clear, 1000 zhang huge, exudes extreme fluctuations and cold Qi.

instant kill Myriad Manifestations 9th Transformation Realm, unlimited threat Void Return 1st Transformation Stage.

Being able to attack in Myriad Manifestations 9th Transformation Realm took out such a powerful attack, and it was really terrifying, but it was obvious that Shangguan Wan’er also paid the price, and the blood essence spit out, making her pale and slightly shaking.

“Hmph! It’s Human Race’s Super Genius, but unfortunately it can’t hurt me!” Foreign Domain Evil Demon BOSSloudly shouted, shot with a palm!

Bang bang bang !

The storm of incomparable exploded, and the land with a range of 10,000,000 li was all collapsed.

“Pu chi!” Shangguan Wan’er spit out a mouthful of blood, the lovable body flew out like a broken kite.

Qin Tian is ready to rescue him.

Fortunately, the little ladies are fighting against Foreign Domain Evil Demon’s number one Battle General. They can’t just watch her die.

Xuan Luo devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence drinking “Little Tian, ​​I’m coming!”

“Fuck ……” Qin Tian was stunned. “You have bad intentions.”

It’s a pity that Xuan Luo couldn’t hear this sentence. He was already towing the Power of Evil God and flew Shangguan Wan’er into his arms.

The purple hair is elegant, and the woman is the jealous face of the woman, so she pretends to be “Young Lady, are you all right?”

“Is he a hero saving the beauty?” Mo Shenxu, asked.

“Save the beauty I admit! But he is a uprising, not a hero. Qin Tian is determined to be replied.

Shangguan Wan’er has a slightly red face and pushes away Xuan Luo “No need you control!”

Foreign Domain Evil Demon BOSS, who was entrenched in the sky, looked at Xuan Luo and hit “Ant ants, dare to do more business!”

This palm heaven-shaking, earth-shattering!

Xuan Luo is Earth Rank Heavenly Venerable 7th Transformation Realm. With the Power of Evil God and the super strong battle strength, it ca n’t be connected.

Forced to help out, took out “Evil God Eclipse Sword!”

“Bang! Bang!” The evil and grim word glow, put the Foreign Domain Evil Demon’s attack come to nothing.

Several hundred geniuses who were present exclaimed, “Great Desolate Divine Artifact List, Evil God Eclipse Sword of rank 100! This guy, during the Antiquity period, to Evil God successor of rebuke Heaven and Earth!”

Shangguan Wan’er was a little surprised “Evil God successor.”

“Kill!” A golden long hair, to open Qin Tian with Super Saiyan 2, has rushed out.

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” congratulations to the host, to open Eight Inner Gates Released Formation Gate of Death

congratulations to the host for receiving skills, Evening Elephant, Night Guy

Scarlet’s steam, compatible with Super Saiyan 2 golden Qi Flame, expands around the body after being compatible.

Qin Tian stabs out “Controlling Sword Technique 4th Style, Sword Destruction!”

“The dazzling sword glow is full of killing intent and destroys Myriad Manifestations 9th Transformation Realm powerhouse!”

Oh my God!

No one believes that Qin Tian will burst out of such extraordinary power in an instant.

He is the Great Principle Golden Immortal 9th ​​Transformation Realm, not as good as Xuan Luo Earth Rank 7th Transformation Realm Heavenly Venerable.

“Everyone, not yet together!”

Mo Shenxu, shouted reminded.

“Xiu! Xiu!” A few hundred geniuses began to use their final power to siege Foreign Domain Evil Demon BOSS.

“Suppression to me!”

Eternal Demon God Coffin! Heaven and Earth Mountains and Rivers Chart! 2 super Super Divine Objects, take out together!

Mysterious Heaven and Earth picture scroll of mountain and river scenes, black coffin hiding the sky and covering the earth, strikes on Foreign Domain Evil Demon BOSS.

It can still play a significant role.

Shangguan Wan’er took a breath and joined the battle.

“300 geniuses, and more than 100 people died, it was the destruction of this Foreign Domain Evil Demon BOSS.”

Hu hu.

After the dust was settled, everyone urgently needed to recover, and they took out spirit pill and marvelous medicine and ate it for themselves.

Xuan Luo wiped the blood from his mouth, leaned over to Shangguan Wan’er, smiled and asked “Young Lady, what’s your name.”

“While going, recover yourself, if you still want to survive” the girl said indifferently.

Looking at Xuan Luo who came back from his soul, Qin Tian laughed, “haha! You are so funny, you laughed at me.”

Little Tian, ​​why do you see everyone love you?

Xuan Luo couldn’t figure out, “Look at my looks and temperament, I can’t fascinate the little ladies.”

Everyone has his own life! “Qin Tian looks up, faintly sighed!”

“What time is it, you still have a crushing joke” Mo Shenxu, who almost died in the power attack of Foreign Domain Evil Demon BOSS just now, is still in a terrible situation and is still in shock. “I really admire you!”

It’s time to break into the 60th layer, get no good, and fold it here.

Qin Tian is serious. “But think about it, it’s exciting.”

“——, Immediately, more than 100 geniuses, morale is not so high, Holy Buddha Pagoda 60th Layer!”

A foreign domain Demon Qi, completely different from the previous one, reverberates between Heaven and Earth.

In this Demon Qi, everyone, fear and trepidation in the face of a disaster, scalp tingling.

Qin Tian is ready, to open 3rd Layer System ability! “Preparation of Monster Form!”

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