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Beast Soul Mountain covered by night, in front of a canyon.

Divine Beast of the dragon head tiger body, with a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, fangs and teeth, looking down on 100 Human Race cultivators.

Qin Tian sighed “This beast, the flesh and blood appearance turned out to be almost the same as the real one. It can be seen that the strength of this Dao God beast Spirit Soul! As Wan Yanyu exclaimed, it is the fifth grade of Beast Soul Mountain. Divine Beast Spirit Soul. “

There are 100 Human Race cultivators on the field, more than 50 people in Void Return Realm, more than 40 people in Refining Origin Realm, and the total of Eternal Realm. “Cultivation base on the surface is the highest middle age person, only Eternal 3rd Transformation Realm!”

But in this Divine Beast Spirit Soul, the imposing manner force that is exposed fluctuates, at least comparable to that of Eternal 5th Transformation Realm!

A fierce battle is inevitable. As for the Spirit Soul of the Dao God beast, it is still unknown who will be spent.


The stalemate’s confrontation, I don’t know that it was the man who shouted, and on the 100 Human Race cultivator, Divine Ability, Divine Beast moved towards dragon head tiger body, launched an offensive.

“bang! bang! bang!”

The vast abyss-like canyons are all collapsed, fragmented, and skill, and raze to the ground.

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” congratulations to the host for opening Monster Form

“Congratulations to the host” battle strength increased by 100 Times

congratulations to the host for receiving Exclusive Skill, Monster Slaughtering Dragon Slash

congratulations to the host for opening Inverse Eight Inner Gates Released Formation Gate of Death

congratulations to the host for receiving skills, Evening Elephant, Night Guy

Bright red, overbearing, violent steam, covering the body! “Qin Tian holds Myriad Shadow Sword and stabs with a sword!”

Controlling Sword Technique 5th Style, Origin Karma Extinguishes!

“Hua la la!” It was like ripples on the surface of the lake, and the word glow in the form of ripples shattered the void and attacked the target.

Ao ao.

The dragon head tiger body Divine Beast was hit by this sword glow and made a bitter cry.

“Go!” Immediately, Qin Tian shouting loudly! “A hiding the sky and covering the earth, the black coffin of Great Desolate Qi, and a mysterious picture scroll painting the landscape of Mountain and Rivers, simultaneously flying out!”

On the Great Desolate Divine Artifact List, ranked “792’s, Eternal Demon God Coffin!”

On the Great Desolate Divine Artifact List, ranked “534, Heaven and Earth Mountains and Rivers Chart!”

Bang bang bang.

“Huge pitch black, bearing the crushed Eternal suppression, destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth might Eternal Demon God Coffin, with a bang, the suppression was on the Divine Beast of the dragon head tiger body, and the Heaven and Earth Mountains and Rivers Chart The Super Divine Object is also spitting out, with 1000 filaments and 10000 strands of mysterious rays of light, as if it has evolved, the endless expanse of Profound Yellow!

This day and age, the power of 2 Super Divine Objects, similar to Qin Tian, ​​can evaporate most of the essential power.

“Good opportunity!” When I saw the dragon head tiger body Divine Beast for 2 short dive objects, a short depression live, and more than 100 cultivators, the trump cards were displayed one after another.

“Dong dong dong ka cha.”

Divine Beast of dragon head tiger body, Fleshy body annihilated and disappeared, leaving only a group of Spirit Soul, erratic.

The most important part is here! The battle around this 5th grade Divine Beast Spirit Soul.

“Qin Tian expression is free and calm” raised his hand and took the Divine Beast Spirit Soul into his palm. “Okay, this is mine.”


Does anyone want to know that Qin Tian will do so with no difficulty, and recklessly take Divine Beast Spirit Soul as his own?

“Little Brother, your strength is obvious to us, but there is only one thing, you take it directly, don’t you wait too much for me?” Middle age person of Eternal 3rd Transformation Realm, took the lead to question asked.

Not Qin Tian. Before, One Punch Instant Kill had Refining Origin 9th Transformation Realm powerhouse, and then when dealing with the dragon head tiger body Divine Beast, 2 super Super Divine Objects appeared. The cultivator on the spot will definitely not be forgiven!

“Ha ha ha!” Qin Tian laughed “What I got, could it be make me spit it out?”

“So … Little Brother, we are going to be enemies with all of us!” Eternal 3rd Transformation Realm middle age person, within the body overflows, and the murderous intention comes in droves.


Just you.

Qin Tian look of disdain shocked Eternal’s gaze, locked on the middle age person “I killed you! See there are people who dare to ask me for the Divine Beast Spirit Soul I have got!”

Killing people to establish prestige is nothing more than the simplest truth since ancient times.

“… this” middle age person In the youth’s gaze, he only felt that he was being stared at by a Great Desolate and his scalp numb and exploded.


Qin Tian stomped and flew out.

“Quick! Team up to kill him!” Middle age person shouted in panic.

I see who dares to attack!

Qin Tian shouted and Three Tomoe Rinnegan Eyes Power released “Shinra Tensei!”

The repulsive impact of Eyes Power expands all directions with young people as the source.

Ah! Ah!

A few 10 cultivator was caught off guard, wow spit blood flying upside down.

“Trivial matter, go to hell.”

When it was said that sooner or later, Qin Tian arrived in front of Eternal 3rd Transformation Realm middle age person, Myriad Shadow Sword lifted over his head, carrying the taboo momentum and chopping down! “The dazzling sword glow is enough with no difficulty erased, ordinary Eternal 2 changes, 3rd Transformation Realm characters.”

‘Do not! ‘Eternal 3rd Transformation Realm middle age person, blast out the Immortal Origin within the body.

Dong dong dong.

might of a single sword, middle age person, back 100 zhang away.

“Very good! I see you, can you, hold it, what about the Sword Move below me?”

Qin Tian divine light appeared, through “Human Sovereign Art” to absorb and control the Power of All Living Things.

Then Rank 9 Immemorial Azure Lotus Sword Dao Domain blossomed.

“Controlling Sword Technique 6th Style, Power of All Living Things, Sword Glow Towering!”

bang weng.

The sun and moon were dull and degenerate, and the strange and bright sword glow was born, which cut through the void.

Eternal 3rd Transformation Realm middle age person, pupil shrink, Immortal Origin defense outside the body annihilated!

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” congratulations to the host exceeding rank kill, Eternal 3rd Transformation Realm powerhouse

congratulations to the host for receiving special reward 3,500,000,000,000 Heaven World EXP

congratulations to the host for receiving special reward 3,000,000,000,000 Heaven World Gold Coin Value

congratulations to the host for levelling up to Great Heavenly Venerable 3rd Transformation Realm

congratulations to the host for levelling up to Great Heavenly Venerable 4th Transformation Realm

You’re dead. Because of you, I just got up on a whim and created Controlling Sword Technique 6th Style.

Qin Tian withdrew Myriad Shadow Sword and closed “Monster Form, Inverse Eight Inner Gates Released Formation Gate of Death.”

The audience is silent, absolute silence.

… this brat, monster, peerless monster.

“Spirit Soul, the first Dao God beast collected, was successfully accomplished! Next, go elsewhere.”

Qin Tian shouted on Wan Yanyu, Wan Yanxue, and walked away.

According to the mark on the Monster System Mini Map, in less than an hour, I found it again, a Dao God beast Spirit Soul.

That Divine Beast Spirit Soul, hiding in a deep cave, came out terrifying extreme power aura, should also be together, the 5th grade Divine Beast Spirit Soul.

Qin Tian confessed to himself and surrendered a 5th grade Super Divine Beast Spirit Soul, but he still had the winning ticket.

Need a bait to lead the Divine Beast Spirit Soul ….

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