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“Myriad Fox Palace, Human World Immortal Realm, the scenery is pleasant.”

Mountainside is a dense and lush forest, even standing a palace.

Myriad Fox Palace Great Elder, pointing at “Now, Sir Sect Master is closed inside, I advise you not to go in, the consequences are very serious.”

Cough cough.

Qin Tian really doubted “Great Elder, Fox Xuan Xi …, oh no, it ’s Sir Sect Master. I ’ll discuss it with him. I ’m going to kill the Blood Soul Palace first. This is a good opportunity. He wo n’t be angry. I disturb her. “

“Hehe, Young Sect Master misunderstood me. Sir Sect Master closed down and told you to discuss the destruction of Blood Soul Palace. It’s 2 things.” Myriad Fox Palace Great Elder, turned and left.

Obviously it’s the same thing. “Qin Tian touched the back of the head doubtfully” walked into the palace.

“In the hall, the incense is diffuse, refreshing, covered with fresh red veil.”

Suddenly, Qin Tian stumbled on “Damn, what?”

Looking down, “Is it actually a corpse? A corpse, with flesh and blood wilted, and Life Power dies.”

expression is painful and painful, it seems to be dead a few days.

“Why is there a dead body in the closed place of Fox Xuan Xi? What evil and crooked path means is she cultivating.”

With curiosity, Qin Tian accelerated his pace.

“Magnificent, deep inside the crystal carved palace, empty, there is only a huge round bed.”

It looks like a big sponge.

“A peerless grace and elegance woman, jade body, each and every move, overflowing with endless temptations, slender lithe and graceful figure, wearing only a close-fitting transparent silk dress, the spring is coming, and it is particularly thrilling.”

Qin Tian swallowed a spit, “Fox Xuan Xi, you are …”

In front of the woman, there was a man, Yang Qi within the body, who was sucked out by the former.

“The man was shriveled, and the dead body that Qin Tian had seen before was almost gone.”

“My obedient, I can’t complain that Great Elder won’t let me in, because this Dead Fox is here to supplement the man Yang Qi.”

They say Enchantress, Enchantress, really a monster, and harvesting Yang to supplement Yin!

“En” Xuan Xi black eyebrows curled up, waved his hand, threw the man on the sponge bed, pink tongue, licked the cherry lips “disturbed this Highness meal, Qin Tian, ​​hello brave, never one Dare to do this! “

Peak ’s temptation, anger, all so upside down sentient beings, bringing calamity to the country and the people.

Qin Tian’s body is a little hot, but he still has a firm will and clears his throat. “Ah, the sky is blue!”

… the atmosphere was awkward.

Xuan Xi asked one by one, “I ask you, how did you break in.”

“Ah! I suddenly burst into poetry.” Qin Tian turned around. “The air is also good. I turn around, turn around.”

I didn’t answer the question, but Xuan Xi was amused by the look of this guy, smiling brightly and stunningly peerless.

“Disturb this Highness to eat, then this Highness has no choice but to get a little interest from you! In addition, lest you publicize it.”

I want to leave right away and tell Yutong that they can’t learn what “repair” means with this Smelly Fox.

Qin Tian walked outside the palace. “I didn’t see anything. The weather was good. Let’s go.”

Xuan Xi waved his hand, the power of imposing dropping from the sky, imprisoned on the teenager “Is it? I think the weather is also good, you take a look.”


“Qin Tian gnashing teeth” 72 Transformation Secret Law, Body Locking Technique.

Invisible and infinite, a mysterious force, dropping from the sky.

“Huh?” Xuan Xi expression was surprised in a flash. “How did you learn this method? Let my Divine Soul almost be imprisoned.”

“Body Locking Technique, useless for this fox? Is her cultivation base too high.”

Qin Tian wants to cry but doesn’t have tears “Sir Sect Master, small one will go to you, grab 100 strong men, you let me go first.”


“This Highness picks it, it’s all in ten-thousand does not have one thing! Are you …, although not the body of Pure Yang, Yang Qi has been leaked, but it is still the best cauldron! Who let it You are a genius. “Xuan Xi waved, the teenager involuntarily, flew to the bed.

“Hey, this scene is not right? Isn’t it? Should I be strong? Why?”

Qin Tian smiled reluctantly and brightly, “Sir Sect Master, I have an important event, and I report it to you, blaming calamity of total destruction.”

Fudge me?

Xuan Xi smiles like a flower “Anla ~, there is the girl of Yutong, plus you saved this Highness, this is the life saving benefactor of this Highness, I wo n’t overdo it, I ’ll take you a little Yang Qi, as a punishment for disturbing this Highness meal . “

“Fuck you!” No, soft, Qin Tian also counsels a hair! “Smelly Fox, you touch me with a finger! Young Master, I picked your fox skin and gave Yutong them a new dress.”

The skill is not big, the tone is not small.

“When I suck you dry, you will know that it is terrible. That is the dead method, the pain is desperate, there is wish one were dead!”

Xuan Xi said, lowering his figure.

Qin Tian was even able to see that under the snow-white noble neck of Dead Fox, a pair of mountains with surging forward with great momentum.

In the next moment, Xuan Xi put the attracting soul’s red lips on the teenager’s lips.


“Myriad Fox Palace, the meeting hall” Great Elder walked in “Young Sect Master, you should see Sir Sect Master.”

Myriad Fox Palace did not know the truth about Sect Master’s retreat. The elders present, but more or less, knew it well.

“Ai, Young Sect Master does not listen to the advice, how Sir Sect Master punishes him, regardless of our business.”

Yeah. “Elders, shirk responsibility.”

one day one night! one day one night! “Qin Tian wanders in hell!”

With Yang Qi covered, he absorbed most of Xuan Xi, his limbs were weak, and his inch of flesh showed signs of depletion.

And Fox Xuan Xi, is looking radiant hair, the intoxication in the beautiful eyes of the stars “It is incredible, brat! Your Yang Qi is more powerful and pure than the Yang Qi I have ever gotten, 100 Times, 1000 Times! “

“And, with a mysterious charm, this Highness feels that I can break through Realm cultivation base.”


Qin Tian’s expression suffocated, almost in his eyes, tears oozed out! “Fox, you have a breed, turn Young Master into a human being! Otherwise this year next year will be when I make a fox fur coat!”

“You don’t care, I don’t care.” Xuan Xi waved his hand and lifted the power of the other boy. “Let ’s go, I ’m going to retreat to the breakthrough Realm, anything, wait for me to go out and discuss again.”

2 Feet are soft and sloppy, Qin Tian goes down on the sponge bed “Heaven! I think, Dark Sky Black Earth outside, or me …, dazzled, consume too much?”

“Looking at the leaving boy, Xuan Xi straightened his lovable body and meditated.” This brat is really an unexpected treasure, and I will have some ideas on him in the future.

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