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9th Layer, the turbulent times, has entered a bright golden age.

“A variety of legendary genius monsters have been born out of nowhere.”

Dugu Bubai is one person. “Sect is destroyed, strength of single-handedly escapes, and after several years of hard work, he rises at once!”

In the Dragon and Phoenix Heaven List arena area, the last Dragon and Phoenix Earth List ranked 2nd Lei Bao, 5 big and 3 thick, with a powerful explosion.

He can challenge Dugu Bubai, which is really interesting.

to end it here, Qin Tian who had never shot, smiled at the corner of his mouth, “Dugu Bubai, a mysterious guy.”

not showing the mountains and not revealing the water, being able to hide my sharp presence in front of me is bound to be an ordinary character.

“Da da.”

But see, Dugu Bubai, calm, deep, mysterious, an expert outside the world, stepped down from the stone pillar seat.

When he stood in front of Lei Bao, nodded “start it.”

“Ga ga ga! I won’t show mercy. You’d better take it easy. You lack arms and legs. I can’t blame me.”

Lei Bao has always been named after being brutal and war-fighting!

Peng peng peng.

With one punch, the earth shook and the mountain quivered!

Terrifying extreme wave of swell, instantly kill one, Low Heaven Trampling 9th Transformation Realm powerhouse, with no difficulty.

“Dugu Bubai, stretched out a finger!”

This simple one-finger resolves the majestic offensive.

The Immortal Origin he uses is very small, it seems that the whole person is integrated with Heaven and Earth.

Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia exclaimed “Heaven and Earth Great Momentum…, no! Not Heaven and Earth Great Momentum!”

Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia can use Heaven and Earth Great Momentum, so when I saw the mysterious spirit of Dugu Bubai and Heaven and Earth fuse together, I had the illusion, but after a little deep feeling, I discovered that it was completely different.

Qin Tian pupil shrink, to open Six Tomoe Rinne Sharingan, sweeping “spirit!” On Dugu Bubai

“Spiritual domain! Interestingly, Heaven and Earth is the chessboard, and he is the chess player! In this way, compared to Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​simply and purely using Heaven and Earth Great Momentum is even more amazing and profound!

To put it simply, Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​comprehend the sky, one move and one form, Power of Heaven and Earth, crushing the enemy.

And Dugu Bubai, comprehend Heaven and Earth reincarnation, using Heaven and Earth as a chessboard, as the chess player, any of his attacks.

It’s okay, use Ruler-like spirit to resolve the crisis.

“From past to present! There are a few people who can master this kind of means! Only those who have great perseverance and wisdom, who have experienced sorrow and joy, can only be heartbroken and understand that Heaven and Earth is not benevolent. Dogs, if you want to live, if you want to be strong, you have to go, the identity of the chess player. “

Take control of the lives of others. “Qin Tian’s nagging is like beating himself.” Hehe ~, it seems to have clear comprehension.

The teenager raised his hand, a ray of light, mysterious sword glow jumped. “Thanks to you, Dugu Bubai, I also realized that a Sword Move is coming!”

“how come…….”

Lei Bao’s eyes were horrified, and he stared at the rough linen, 5 plain dumb Buugu “What Secret Technique did you use? Can my attack be vanished.”

“Because, you are in a dilemma!” Dugu Bubai replied, foggy.

talk nonsense, do you mean, I got your way? “Lei Bao examines himself immediately, there is nothing strange.”

All people present at the scene were also puzzled, including Huo Qiankun, Liu Qingtian 2 last Dragon and Phoenix Heaven List, the first and 2nd characters.

Every living being, all, are caught in this dilemma. How can you know yourself?

Dugu Bubai’s answer has become even more bizarre.

“You …, you have brain issues!” Lei Bao expression was angry.

Qin Tian, ​​shouted in vain, “Brother Dugu, you chess player, why bother with the unknown piece, lower oneself to somebody’s level?”

“In an instant, it was Dugu Bubai’s turn. This deep, mountainous guy from start to finish showed a surprised color.”

… you, Qin Tian, ​​you could it be.

“Hehe, this kind of wonderful comprehension was still discovered after Brother Dugu was revealed” Qin Tian shrugged.


I care about what you are talking about, let me see my fist.

Lei Bao loudly shouted, within the body, the retained power is released with 100% spray.

On both fists, the glory of destruction rises! “Heavenly Star Extinguishing Violent First!”

“Dong dong dong!” Fist like rain, densely packed explosive fist glow, merged together, set off a chaotic wave.

The level of forbidden formidable power has arrived and can be hit hard, High Heaven Trampling Realm 2nd Transformation, 3rd Transformation Realm powerhouse

Dugu Bubai, showing the true cultivation base, Celestial Five Wanings 5th Waning 9th Transformation.

The cultivation base was taken out, but his counterattack was still soft and indifferent.

Few fingers, a black and white rays of light, like a chess piece.

A small piece of rays of light contains the true meaning of the Supreme Spirit Domain that the world cannot understand.

“Hu chi bang.”

fist glow storm, smashed to death.

Lei Bao, a fierce tiger like wild beast, spit blood out to 30 zhang, flying 10000 zhang away.

He climbed up from the ground, unbelievable, and his body shivered. “You …, I don’t believe it!”

“You don’t have any, how much Immortal Origin energy! Impossible has solved my Killing Move.”

I am an outsider, your each and every move cannot escape my eyes. “Dugu Bubai, with deep eyes, a pool of backwaters!”


“Don’t dress up as God, playing the devil anymore! I killed you!” This time participating in the Dragon Phoenix Day contest, Lei Bao is full of confidence. If he wants to be among the Dragon and Phoenix Heaven List, how can he be willing to lose.

Under anger, regardless of regardless of the consequences! Lei Bao took out the trump card, to kill a thousand enemies, need to sacrifice eight hundred of your own!

“Blood Thunder Sacred Beast Fist!”

“Roar roar!” A punch, a run, a giant beast hiding the sky and covering the earth, look closely, it turned out to be a bloody moon fist, the spread of the horror wave, formidable power Metaphor.


Dugu Bubai, shook the head, arms wide open slowly.

“Peng peng peng!” The horrible bloody fist came to the front again, as if it had touched an invisible barrier and turned into fine powder.

Heaven and Earth is completely silent, absolute silence.

Dugu Bubai, the confrontation with Lei Bao, weird, terrifying.

“cough cough.”

Against the blood, Lei Bao in one breath did not go out, fainted.

“The outcome is clear!” Dugu Bubai turned back and returned to his stone pillar seat.

The stone pillar seat at the foot was immediately raised by 100 zhang.

Because of Dugu Bubai, I comprehend a Sword Move, and now I do n’t expect to try it.

Lest the energy pass, the comprehension of clear comprehension wants to be recovered, it is as heavenly ascension.

Qin Tian skimmed ahead and turned back, “Which friend, don’t hesitate to enlighten me!”

The atmosphere is surprisingly quiet.

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