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“The situation changes.”

The golden battle armor draped, proud Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​a perfect face, blowable.

3000 black hair, behind fluttering! “One breath and one breath, which affects the overbearing, unmatched powerhouse trend! Suppresses the people!”

“On the 9th Layer, the legendary genius monster, Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​must be one of them.”

The daughter has the pride of not losing to any man, killing! “No Martial Soul, no bloodline, only strength of single-handedly, affect Heaven and Earth Great Momentum, strength unrivalled!”

“Hah! ”

Imposing manner is completed, Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​spear pierced.

“Heaven collapsing, earth shattering!” A spearful spear glow gleaming into the sky.

Qin Tian’s whole body was swollen with a strong sense of crisis. “It seems that what I am facing is not a pure attack on spear glow, but a depression of the whole Heaven and Earth Heaven and Earth! What a Heaven and Earth Great Momentum!”

Human power is strong. Between Heaven and Earth, there will be a small throb and fear.

No matter how much Heaven and Earth Great Momentum can be used by Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​at least the slightest Heaven and Earth Great Momentum can shock the enemy’s soul!

Those who can fear Heaven and Earth, from past to present, find a few people.

“What a coincidence! My Qin Tian is the one who is not afraid of Heaven and Earth!” Qin Tian open mouth and laughed, waving his blade and sword in his hand.

“Rank 26 Immemorial Azure Lotus Sword Dao Domain, clank.”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The storm of annihilation essence swept up and down.

Heaven Grade Heaven Trampling Realm powerhouse, slightly touched, and it is necessary to crush the bones.

“Shoot” Qin Tian stepped back a distance “MD, these little ladies, how fierce.”

As if it were an unstoppable, unbeatable War God, the momentum was very uncomfortable.


In vain, Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​the lovable body outside the thunderbolt rises, the imposing manner greatly increases, and it takes a fatal attack.

Qin Tian used Dual Sword Style and Power of All Living Things to summon Power of All Living Things to fight back.

“As for Tailed Beast Nine Tails, Jinchuriki Form! This is yourself, and the last Killing Move is now. At present, the break cannot be exposed!”

“Roar roar roar.”

Golden Giant Dragon opened his mouth wide and swallowed Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia.

“Beast, you dare!” Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​between a single thought, Heaven and Earth Great Momentum, like a wild mountain, strikes on the Golden Giant Dragon.

Ao ao.

The Golden Giant Dragon, fierce and comparable to the ordinary Heaven Grade Heaven Trampling Realm powerhouse, lay on the ground and roared.

“Little ladies!” Qin Tian’s voice attracted the attention of Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia.

“Pupil Technique, Kotoamatsukami!”

The moment that touched Qin Tian’s gaze, Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​the unwavering heart and soul, were lost in the moment.

When she returns to God, densely packed sword glow is already here.

“It’s too late to set up defense!”

Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​brace oneself, raised long spear to parry.

“Clang clang peng peng peng.”

Outside the golden battle armor, there was a huge spark.

“It’s not easy, a lot of sword glow is dissipated, and the strong wind is coming.”

Qin Tian is behind the girl! “Divine Level Controlling Sword Technique 4th Style, Power of All Living Things enforcement, Primal Chaos Sword Lotus!”


Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​at the crucial moment, turned into a mass of thunderbolt, escaped a distance, and turned back was spear stabbed.

“bang bang bang.”

Divine Level Controlling Sword Technique 4th Style, come to nothing.

“Oh? Your Movement Art?” Qin Tian frowned unexpectedly.

“All Heavens Dao Law Record, ranked 73, Thunderbolt Bewildering Trace” Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​answered directly.

Very interesting.

Qin Tian breathed in a long breath of air “Dragon Phoenix ……, Primal Chaos Technique!”

In Dragon and Phoenix Divine Pagoda, get the Great Dao Law Divine Ability.

Ranked 11 on All Heavens Dao Law Record. “Actually, there are not many geniuses who see this Dragon and Phoenix Primal Chaos Technique. Unfortunately, the content of Dragon and Phoenix Primal Chaos Technique is disturbed and there is no way to perfect it! Qin Tian has Monster System appraisal.

Formidable power, can you think of your toes? On the All Heavens Dao Law Record, is the 11th peerless Great Dao Law Divine Ability unusual?

“Let the genius of the audience palpitate, and the power of emotion is born.”

Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​pretty smiley face, very heavy.

Behind Qin Tian, ​​“The darkness of Primal Chaos rises, an infinitely huge Phoenix, and an infinitely huge Divine Dragon, swimming among them.”

2 mysterious giant beast, the Power of Annihilation, Heaven Grade Heaven Trampling Realm 9th Transformation characters that are coming out, all must be considered.


“Little ladies, do you admit defeat? Or do you choose to get down?” Qin Tian said one by one, asking for abuse.


If you haven’t competed, will you definitely win? “Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​hoarse with red lips, with the body’s dormant power, spewing out in full.”

“Okay! Let you lose, be convinced.”

Conquering such a stubborn woman is a great blessing in life! “Qin Tian ordered!” Behind the Primal Chaos light barrier, True Dragon hiding the sky and covering the earth, Phoenix, 2 giant beast pounced.

“Hah!” Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​stake all on one throw, spear stabbed! “General trend! No stronghold one cannot overcome!”


Heaven and Earth, sinking, broken.

Sun, Moon and Stars shuddered, and seemed to die from Nine Heavens.

The generated waves caused the geniuses in the Dragon and Phoenix Earth List arena area and the Dragon and Phoenix Human List arena area to look up.

“This is …, my brother’s aura, he is fighting against powerful characters.” On the Dragon and Phoenix Earth List arena, Qin Yutong, Xiao Yinyin said, “My brother must be the most powerful.”

“Hu chi dong dong dong.”

The chaotic order continued for a small cup of tea before it gradually subsided.

The golden battle armor is covered with cracks, completely black with no light. “Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​it would rather break but cannot be bend, with blood on the corner of the mouth.”

A smiling face was pale.

Qin Tian more or less was also affected. Thanks to Six Tomoe Rinne Sharingan, a part of the storm was transferred.

“Ha ha ha! Happy, Little Lady, you have to praise you, it’s pretty good.”

Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​lowered the voice, “You monster! No need to believe oneself infallible!”

“I am a monster?” Qin Tian laughed “Tell you, I still like to abuse people! You don’t admit defeat.”

“I don’t recognize it!” Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia snorted, weakened a lot, and launched an offensive.

Then I will teach you about it.

“To conquer you completely, even if I came to participate in the Dragon Phoenix Contest for nothing,” Qin Tian put away the Dragon and Phoenix Rare Blade, All Living Things Sword.

Punched with one punch, disintegrated Qing Tianxia’s offensive, and then.

Another punch, Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​vomiting blood and flying out.

“His … really cruel.”

This monster doesn’t have any tender tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex. “Geniuses present, touched inside.”

“Don’t you admit defeat?” Qin Tian stepped towards the girl in one step.

Half kneeling on the ground, Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​stubborn shouted “Do not admit defeat!”

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