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“Hu chi!”

flying sand running stone, the earth shook and the mountain quivered.

“All Living Things Sword! Dragon and Phoenix Rare Blade! Hold it in your hands!”

Qin Tian imposing manner concurrency.

“Dual Sword Style 1st Style, Power of All Living Things enforcement, Blade and Sword Storm!”

“Dual Sword Style 2nd Style, Power of All Living Things enforcement, Blade and Sword Primal Chaos!”

“Dual Sword Style 3rd Style, Power of All Living Things enforcement, Blade and Sword Long Rainbow!”

3 Sword Move Storm, blow withered, look of disdain invincible.

“Peng bang bang bang.”

The endless vicissitudes of the earth have fallen and collapsed.

“No! Impossible!” Heaven and Earth Trampling 9th Transformation Realm cold eye man, pupil shrink, a mouthful of blood spit out and smashed into the ground.

For a time, not a sound to be heard, absolute silence.

“Ah …, I fight with you!” An angry, humiliating roar exploded.

Riddled with scars, cold eyed man with dishevelled hair, soaring into the sky, desperate, rushed towards the target.

courting death, that doesn’t blame me.

Qin Tian Eyes awe-inspiring, Baleful Qi swims.

“Dual Sword Style 4th Style, Power of All Living Things enforcement, Dao Sword!”

This is a shiny, obscure, mysterious blade and sword glow.

Do not!

Heaven and Earth Trampling 9th Transformation Realm man, soul destroyed directly.

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” congratulations to the host, exciting rank kill, Heaven and Earth Trampling 9th Transformation Realm powerhouse

congratulations to the host for receiving special reward 600,000,000,000,000,000,000 Heaven World EXP

congratulations to the host for receiving special reward 500,000,000,000,000,000,000 Heaven World Gold Coin Value

congratulations to the host for levelling up to High Heaven Trampling Realm 1st Transformation cultivation base

congratulations to the host for levelling up to High Heaven Trampling Realm 2nd Transformation cultivation base

congratulations to the host for levelling up to High Heaven Trampling Realm 3rd Transformation cultivation base

congratulations to the host for levelling up to High Heaven Trampling Realm 4th Transformation cultivation base

Very good, my battle strength has improved a lot, this time, fearless.

Qin Tian looks at disdain, looking around the powerhouse present.

“Little Friend Qin Tian, ​​battle strength peerless invincible …, enter this pool, you are qualified to have one.”

A majestic man with strength above Heaven and Earth Trampling Realm, said.

no no.

“I think you misunderstood, I don’t want to qualify.”

Qin Tian shook his head.

Suddenly, everyone present was confused.

Next moment, they open eyes in surprise.

Qin Tian waved his hand, “I haven’t finished speaking, what I want is this pool!”

Just finished, taking advantage of many cultivators, did not return to recover.

Teenager released Six Tomoe Rinne Sharingan Eyes Power “Kamui!”

Hua la la.

“The entire pool lying on the ground was involved in the strange space and disappeared.”


He’s crazy? Dare to do this.

Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​are dumb and speechless “Crazy! Really crazy.”

“Qin Tian! You don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth too! Give you a qualification to enter the pool, and you dare to take the pool away.”

Count 10 Heaven and Earth Trampling Realm powerhouse, simultaneously releasing an imposing manner, trying to suppress the teenager.

72 Transformations Body Locking Technique.

“A Power of Imprisonment, dropping from the sky, everyone fell into stagnation.”

Qin Tian took out the fastest speed and grabbed Qing Tianxia’s little hand, to escape without trace.

After half a breath, a few 100 cultivators escaped their imprisonment.

“… Ah! That abominable brat! Chase! Catch up with him and break the corpse into ten thousand pieces.”

More than a dozen Heaven and Earth Trampling Realm powerhouse, and several deeply hidden, super Shedding Realm characters, plus a few 100 cultivator, hot pursuit.

The small hand was firmly grasped by the man, Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​and looked back at “Can we run away?”

“72 Transformations, Yellow Sand!”

“72 Transformations, Divine Wind!”

Qin Tian recites silently Magic Art. “In an instant, the wind and sand masterpiece, the sandstorm hiding the sky and covering the earth, exudes a taboo charm, enough to threaten to swallow, Heaven and Earth Trampling Realm powerhouse.”

“Damn it! Unorthodox way, do you want to block us!” A super Shedding Realm powerhouse, tearing open a road and continuing to catch up.

72 Transformations Body Locking Technique.

Qin Tian is constantly exhibiting and exhibiting various strange and strange methods.

After all, the many cultivators that chased, fell behind one after another, and finally lost the goal of chasing.

“Found a safe barren underground crack and hid.”

Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​covering her chest, vomited in one breath “You are so bold.”

“Hehe ~, isn’t it shocking and innocent! Let’s go to the pool and take a shower, just two of us, we don’t need to share with others.” Qin Tian shrugged, answered.

Get into the pool in Kamui Space and release it.

Qin Tian began to take off his clothes, revealing a thin but strong upper body with distinct muscle lines.

“Hey … what are you doing” Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​rubbing his eyes, his face hot.

“Take a bath? You don’t wash it? This is a good thing. Go in and play around. Realm is definitely breaking through Heaven and Earth turning upside down.” Qin Tian agreed.

Just go straight in. You can take off your clothes. “Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​gritted his teeth, said while asking.”

It doesn’t matter if you take it off, I take it off, how can you take a bath without taking off your clothes? “Qin Tian took off the upper body, took off the lower body, only wore a pair of pants, jumped into the pool surrounded by clouds, and immediately was all over the body, surrounded by the thick white milky mist.”

Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia, ​​hesitated for a long time, removed the wrapped golden battle armor, wore a translucent tight skirt and walked into the pool.

Penetrating into the mysterious energy of flesh and blood, let him have a thrill of soul washing. Unable to bear red lips start, a slight humming sound.

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” congratulations to the host, absorb the Power of Source in the pool

congratulations to the host for levelling up to High Heaven Trampling Realm 5th Transformation cultivation base

congratulations to the host for levelling up to High Heaven Trampling Realm 6th Transformation cultivation base

congratulations to the host for levelling up to High Heaven Trampling Realm 7th Transformation cultivation base

congratulations to the host for levelling up to High Heaven Trampling Realm 8th Transformation cultivation base

congratulations to the host for levelling up to High Heaven Trampling Realm 9th Transformation cultivation base

congratulations to the host for levelling up to …… Heaven Grade Heaven Trampling Realm

congratulations to the host for levelling up to Saint Grade Heaven Trampling Realm 9th Transformation Realm

The magnitude of breakthrough made Qin Tian fall into ecstasy.

“Ha ha ha! Awesome!” Eyes opened, and found that the liquid in the pool was already drained by the Power of Source and became normal running water, and the rising milky white mist disappeared.

In front, just a few steps away, Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia stood there, not wearing a golden battle armor, but a translucent close-fitting veil, because it was soaked in water, revealing a piece of red and tender skin .

Especially under the neck, the pair of Shuangluan, which was about to come out, turned tightly around a path of white cloth.

“Damn, I thought the little ladies were perfectly perfect. She even deliberately suppressed her little white rabbit’s growth? What would be the scene if the white cloth was untied?”

Suddenly, Martial Goddess Qing Tianxia opened his eyes and directly looked at the teenager in front, staring at his chest.

“You … what are you looking at!”

Qin Tian back to recover “I think, you are sick.”

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