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The prosperous Heavenly Ascension Spirit Domain, so to speak, is the most Peak place, it is Heavenly Ascension Ancient Land.

On the Heavenly Ascension Ancient Land where the formidable person competes for supremacy, Supreme, there is none who dare to look at, is Four Great Immortal Influences.

The beginning of each Immortal Influence is traced back to the Immemorial era.

Under Four Great Immortal Influences, dominate is based on Ten Great Heavenly Sects again.

“Now, Sealed Space, in front of a mysterious old swamp forest! A man and a woman, each belong to the genius of Ten Great Heavenly Sects.”

Small face pretty, Ice Flower Valley Young Sect Master in long skirt clothes, Xue Lingshuang, nodded lightly, looking towards a silhouette.

“I ask you, you are here, but what’s the chance to discover the depth of the swamp?”

Obviously, there is already a wound, aura’s weak Murong Liu, standing upright and standing upright “hmph! I won’t tell you! When that guy comes out, I will definitely kill you! I’m his person . “

“Qin Tian was in the swamp forest and was planning to conquer Golden Blood Heavenly Mosquito Beast. Murong Liu exited the swamp forest and waited. Just a few moments before didn’t expect, suddenly 2 people were dropping from the sky and hit her hard.”


There is nothing to ask about this kind of woman. It is erased. Let’s go to the swamp forest and see for ourselves what the chance is. “Sword Spirit Sect Head Disciple 10000 Jian Tong, pull out the long sword in his hand” Younger Sister Lingshuang backed off, I came to kill her.


“Stubborn’s woman! It should be killed!” Xue Lingshuang snorted coldly snorted.


10000 When Jiantong was about to kill the woman in front with his sword, the hair on his body exploded, his soul trembled, and he fell into the abyss.

There is a pair of people who choose to eat and bite. It seems to be like Immemorial Great Desolate wild beast. It locks itself in the back, as if you move it yourself, it will immediately sign to eternal damnation.

“Ha ha ha! Qin Tian!” Murong Liu, to be wild with joy “Kill them! Quick! These 2 bastards, bully me, if you don’t give me a head start, then we will be utterly unjust.”


“Blind ao ao what, am I not going to show you something.” The white shirt, pretty mysterious young man, stepped on the sky, with an evil arc in his mouth. “2 Fusion Reincarnation Realm 99th Step Peak, which influence are you from? People? Eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder, and my Qin Tian people, thou dare to hurt! “

Qin Tian conquered the Queen of Golden Blood Heavenly Mosquito Beast, and immediately left Amenominaka Super Gravity Space. Feeling the strangeness outside the swamp forest, he came in a moment and witnessed the scene before him.

“No matter what! Murong Liu is someone who owns this. If someone dares to hurt her, then he will pay a bloody price.”

In front of a man and a woman, Realm cultivation base, Fusion Reincarnation Realm Peak, but with the body full of amazing imposing manner, before that, Ten Great Sects, Life and Death Sect Head Disciple Liu Sheng .

“Swallowing a spit, Jian Wantong turned around and looked at” Saint Reincarnation Realm 99th Step, impossible … His eyes are so horrible, like Death God is a slaughter, it is terrifying and unbearable.

What are you?

Ice Flower Valley lacks Valley Lord, Xue Lingshuang, pretty face cold, shouted “We are Ten Great Heavenly Sects, Ice Flower Valley! Sword Spirit Sect! If you know you, get out! This woman, we are still determined. “

ha ha ha.

“Interesting! It’s really interesting!” Qin Tian laughed from the back. “Golden Blood Heavenly Mosquito Beast has inspired the Immemorial bloodline, and is still in Amenominaka, Super Gravity Space. It is temporarily impossible to try ominous might.”

Start it yourself.

His arm shook, his waves were sharp, and the Nine Nether Bow that wrapped around Corpse Mountain Blood Sea aura jumped out.

“Unprecedented death threats, shaking three immortal souls and seven mortal souls!” 10000 Jiantong’s palms holding the sword were slightly trembling “Sir! Who is who.”

What do you spend with him?

Ice Flower Valley lacks Valley Lord Xue Lingshuang, disagrees, does not realize, the taboo of the youth in front.

“Look at me!”

“Ice Age !”

“Shuaa! An extremely cold aura swept through Eight Desolates and frozen all living creatures! Swamp forest, vast land, bare towering trees, under dark sky, became ice sculpture.”

Murong Liu beautiful eyes were solemn, and they retreated sharply before they survived.

Jian Wantong raised his eyebrows. “No … he clearly gave me a death threat that I had never had.”

How did Xue Lingshuang freeze him with one move?

Xue Lingshuang this move Ice Age, the ordinary Low Six Directions Realm character, is difficult to struggle out.

“Is it possible that, am I worried? Is this a bluff guy?” Jian Wantong muttered to himself.

“Ha ha ha! It’s too weak.” Xue Lingshuang laughed.

At the edge of the sky, Murong Liu didn’t take it for granted, “Qin Tian’s strength monster, others don’t know, can she still not know?”

What about the people of Ten Great Heavenly Sects? Previously, Ten Great Heavenly Sects, Life and Death Sect Head Disciple Liu Sheng, did not work hard, took out Escaping Law, and then picked up a life in Qin Tian’s hand. At that time, Qin Tian did not have Saint Reincarnation Realm 99th Step The cultivation base.

“Ice Age?”

A voice, resounding. “Ka cha sounded, Qin Tian walked in the court and broke through the ice” Little Lady! You really are, people dislike it! Such a little doorway? Do you want Ice Age? I think the 10,000 li in your eyes is the land of the earth.

“This …” Xue Lingshuang open eyes in surprise “The characters of Low Six Directions Realm, it is difficult to break free from freezing, even if they come out, they will not be like the young people in front, the casually, unharmed gesture.”

This person is definitely not something we can fight!

“Hurry up!” Jian Wantong loudly shouted, his body twisted, turned into a Dao Sword light, and his speed was so great that he fled to the horizon.

You are waiting for me!

Xue Lingshuang, threatened by fiercely, also took out the means to catch up with Jian Wantong’s back and chose to escape.

“Annihilation Law! Space Law! Destiny Law! Inject Nine Nether Bow!”

pull bow, full moon! A Destiny Arrow penetrated the void and penetrated the woman’s chest.

“No!” Xue Lingshuang vomits blood, feels confused, and destiny is deprived.

Qin Tian stepped out in one step and hit the Power of Plane to be erased as an annoying woman.

Still Jian Wantong, eyes deep, rolled up Xue Lingshuang, to escape without trace.

“Hehe! Run away, run away! Sealed Space is so big, my attention now is not on you clowns. Soon, I will put the prey escaped from my hands erased from each and everyone!” Qin Tian put away Nine Nether Bow, there was no anger, irritability.

As with everything, you are in control.

Murong Liu, flew over immediately “Why don’t you kill them! You can do it, don’t think I can’t see it.”

“Yeah, kill them, it’s as easy as a palm” Qin Tian nodded.

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