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Qin Tian only took a few hours before and after.

Actually promoted from 3rd Revolution Entering Dao Realm 1st Step to 5th Revolution Entering Dao Realm 1st Step.

2 Realm’s stride. “Yu Fuqu is looking at the youth in amazement and shock.” You … you didn’t use the unorthodox way.

The road to cultivation requires one step at a time, so don’t go the wrong way.

“Eh.” Qin Tian smiled. “Can’t you think about the benefits? I just got the opportunity, and I was excited.”

“Roar! Roar! Roar!”

Suddenly, the Ominous Beast growl of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering exploded.

Interspersed with endless majesty and anger, Heavenly Moon Palace went up and down, and many of the recipes looked pale and sat paralyzed on the ground.

At the moment of hearing this roar, Qin Tian was all beating heart and soul shaking. “Who! This is less … Dao King Realm exists, even Daoist Realm Peak exists, it is impossible, angry roar, shakes Heavenly Moon Palace, and it cannot make me fear and trepidation in the face of a disaster.”

Primal Chaos Six Tomoe Rinne Sharingan to open, Eyes Power extends. “It was immediately captured that the Vault of Heaven outside the Heavenly Moon Palace was dark! A 10000 zhang golden Evil Flood Dragon giant beast hovered inside, the body twitched, the sharp claw grieved, exuded, and destroyed the aura of Heaven and Earth.”

After a sudden change, this 10000 zhang golden Evil Flood Dragon turned into a man wearing a golden long robe and a murderous aura.

“Heavenly Moon Palace! Hand over the monster that killed my son, otherwise today, this Sect Master, set you down Heavenly Moon Palace.”

Yu Fuqu brows knit. “It’s the Golden Flood Dragon Sect Sect Master! Qin Tian, ​​you don’t want to go out, and your own Sir Palace Lord competes with him.”


“This Golden Flood Dragon Sect Sect Master, it should be a Dao King Realm powerhouse, come here in person, I don’t go to see you, I lost my courtesy.”

Qin Tian shrugged, with a smile in the corner of his mouth, strode the meteor and walked out of Heavenly Moon Palace.

“You can’t listen to me.” Yu Fuqu stomped his foot, and qi hu hu followed the youth.

“Xiu! Xiu!”

White clothed youth, pretty, mysterious, black hair, naturally calm.

purple, a beautiful, tall woman, beside him. “It’s a match made in heaven, golden boys and jade maidens.”

The eyes of the Golden Flood Dragon Sect Sect Master instantly fell on the white clothed youth. “Monster! You are not Qin Tian.”


Qin Tian nodded “It is myself, your son, and I killed before Heavenly Sacred Pagoda. When he killed him, the guy said that you would avenge him, but I thought that you didn’t have that skill.”

“5th Revolution Entering Dao Realm 1st Step! A provocative one, Dao King Realm powerhouse, unimaginable spirit, and guts.”

“Shameful things, I really don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth!” Golden Flood Dragon Sect Sect Master, violently “Kill me, I will let you go down to be buried!”


Here is my Goldenly Dragon Dragon Sect Sect Master outside of Heavenly Moon Palace. I want to open killing for warning.

Curvy and curvaceous, protruding forward and backward, the beautifully looking Heavenly Moon Palace Palace Lord, Heavenly Moon Dao King, walked out of the void.

“When I saw Heavenly Moon Dao King, Golden Flood Dragon Sect Sect Master, it was just between the eyebrows and it was a little more dignified.”


Heavenly Moon Dao King, did you decide to shelter this monster?

Golden Flood Dragon Sect Sect Master, take a deep breath, behind a 10000 zhang golden Evil Flood Dragon emerged, baring fangs and brandishing claws, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, swallowing heaven covering sun.

“Does this method scare this Palace Lord?” Heavenly Moon Dao King disagrees. “Yes, now Qin Tian is my Heavenly Moon Palace.”

No matter what he does, if you want to hurt him, then you must cross this Palace Lord.


“Stop trying to stop me.” Golden Flood Dragon Sect Sect Master, loudly shouted, raised his hand and reached out.

This catch, the wind and the clouds change color, Sun and Moon lost radiance, it can be seen that the means of Dao King Realm Stage powerhouse, taboo power.

“Bang long bang long.” The huge and sharp golden Ominous Beast paw was born.

clothes sleeve Gone with the Wind, Heavenly Moon Dao King, still, face light, a finger pointed “Heavenly Moon.”

Hua la la.

crafty The bright moon wheel disk blocked the golden claws.

“Dong dong dong bang.” The storm exploded, unbridled, and swallowed all directions.

It’s just 2 Dao King Realm powerhouse, a tentative discussion of a small knife.

Immediately, Heavenly Moon Dao King, Golden Flood Dragon Sect Sect Master, and the battle are together.

It’s like 2 10000 zhang Fire Sun, dazzling and trance. “Qin Tian to open with Primal Chaos Six Tomoe Rinne Sharingan” can only blur and capture the battle of 2 people to the bottom of my eyes. “Dao King Realm, and Entering Dao Realm, a difference of 108,000 li!”

“Heavenly Moon Dao King, comprehend is Power of Great Dao, which is more than 1000 or more! Golden Flood Dragon Sect Sect Master’s Power of Great Dao, no hesitation! 2 people compete for a time, inseparable, in full swing. “

Great Dao Divine Ability; Heavenly Moon Wheel Disk!

Suddenly, Heavenly Moon Dao King, pre-emptive, slim white hand pinch out a imprint. “One round covers Heaven and Earth, the infinitely magnificent wheel disk squeezes out the void, the energy that fills it, the unimaginable expanse, 1100 or more Power of Great Dao lingers, mysterious to set off.”

such insignificant ability.

Golden Flood Dragon Sect Sect Master, with teeth grinning “Great Dao Divine Ability; Golden Flood Dragon Flame.”

“Hu chi! Hua la la!” Endless, rising big fire rises, and the burning world and earth have changed shape.

Countless creatures, flowers, trees and trees, all of which disappeared into ashes in an instant.

“Peng peng peng.” Wait until two completely different Great Dao Divine Ability, when there is a conflict.

No matter 4,721, Qin Tian pulled up Yu Fuqu and protected it behind his back. “49 strands Power of Destiny Great Dao, shaped as a defensive barrier.”

Yu Fuqu small mouth evoked a smile. “Why protect me so … I am not weaker than you.”

“Fangyuan 10,000 li, the sight of 100,000 miles, 1000 sores and 100 holes, all covered with scars.”

Above the ruins, the Golden Flood Dragon Sect Sect Master, in ragged clothes, was covered with blood on the corners of his mouth.

Heavenly Moon Dao King is also a little embarrassed, long hair bundled up, dancing wildly.

“Two people belong, evenly matched, being evenly matched, and want to win or lose, unless Life and Death are entangled, then it is possible to burn both jade and stone.”

hateful! hateful! “Golden Flood Dragon Sect Sect Master, angry, face twisted” Heavenly Moon Dao King! I will ask you again last time, if you want to shelter the monster, if it is, don’t blame me, choose a day to lead the army to come, and fight with you Heavenly Moon Palace.

You raving, it’s okay to scare a 3-year-old child, do you want to deter this Palace Lord? “Heavenly Moon Dao King, a disdainful smile” Let’s go now, no matter what the other day is, I am here today, you are 100, and I can’t hurt that Qin Tian brat.

it is good.

“You Heavenly Moon Palace, wait for the calamity of total destruction.” Golden Flood Dragon Sect Sect Master returned home.

“Many thanks Palace Lord.” Yu Fuqu looked at the trouble, and bent over to grant a ceremony. “Qin Tian naturally cupped the hands” Many thanks Palace Lord.

No guest set is required.

Heavenly Moon Dao King smiled faintly. “Qin Tian, ​​you are my Heavenly Moon Palace, I protect you future day, you also have one heart for Heavenly Moon Palace.”

Understand, understand, I am not the kind of ungrateful person. “Qin Tian touched the back of his head, frivolous agreed.”

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