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“Rank 1 Star, Heavenly King Star.”

one old one young, Vault of Heaven.

“Hundred Kings Gathering, held at Battle King Duel Stage.” Heavenly King Palace old man reminded, and then asked “Little Friend, are you willing to join Heavenly King Palace, give a quasi letter! This is in Azure Spirit Star Domain, you ca n’t do without an influence asylum. ”

Especially the geniuses on the King Level Entering Dao Realm Star List are the most disturbing.

“Cough cough, let me think about it.” Qin Tian is fooling. “Senior, Hundred Kings Gathering, I heard that the top 10 will be rewarded?”

That line.

After Hundred Kings Gathering is over, you must give old man a reply.

Heavenly King Palace old man, facial expression grave. “As for the Hundred Kings Gathering top 10 rewards, it is a reward. It is actually for you to enter Heavenly King Spring Water once.”

This Heavenly King Spring Water is a chance that evolved after a Dao Sovereign Realm powerhouse died on the Heavenly King Star a few thousand years ago. “Entering Dao Realm cultivator can get the effect of washing bone marrow and washing the body.”

It is me Heavenly King Palace that is in charge of “Heavenly King Spring Water”, but well …, I am not Heavenly King Palace nor hidden the sky with one hand, Heavenly King Star and Five Great Influences, check each other, and me Heavenly King Palace Together, take care of “Heavenly King Spring Water.”


An hour later, under the guidance of Heavenly King Palace old man, Qin Tian arrived at a building called the work of the Gods, outside the magnificent and huge Duel Stage. “At the moment, in the Duel Stage, the vast crowd, the auditorium, is crowded with not less than 100,000 people, Entering Dao Realm, Daoist Realm cultivation base, overwhelmed! There is also a seat, scattered more than 100 people, that is all Dao King Realm exists! “

“On the Duel Stage, there are dozens of young silhouettes, all of them Entering Dao Realm cultivation base, but everyone, the horrible aura, makes the ordinary Daoist Realm cultivator discolored.” These people are King Level Entering Dao Realm Strongman on Star List!

“Cough cough, Little Friend, go by yourself, and later someone will come out and explain the rules of Hundred Kings Gathering.” Heavenly King Palace old man, reminded.


Here comes another King Level Star List character.

This person is …, my God, 6th Revolution Entering Dao Realm 50th Step cultivation base.

He must be the guy who has been born recently, occupying the 80th position of King Level Entering Dao Realm Star List.

In the auditorium, 10000 pairs of eyes gazed in surprise. “The young man in white clothed like snow, calmly, landed on Duel Stage.”

There are quite a lot of people. What about monkeys? “Qin Tian curl one’s lip, stand alone.”

“Well, is this the guy.” 2 silhouettes, one left and one right, came side by side “brat, what’s your name.”

2 people, one tall and one thin, 9th Revolution Entering Dao Realm 99th Step Peak.

“Myself Qin Tian, ​​what is your advice.” Qin Tian didn’t stand with his hands down, and answered at random.

“Hehe! I’m the King Level Entering Dao Realm Star List ranked 80th. Unfortunately, I was squeezed by you.”

The tall young man laughed coldly.

“King Level Entering Dao Realm Star List ranked 80th … no, now it is ranked 81st, Leng Lieyang!”

On his side, it is King Level Entering Dao Realm Star List, ranked 82nd “Wang Dahai!”

These 2 guys are birds of a feather. In Azure Spirit Star Domain, there is no lack of ethics. “There was a wave of discussion in the auditorium.”

Qin Tian heard it and didn’t feel a smile on the corner of his mouth, “hehe, the reputation of 2 people, not very good.”

“Dog stuff, you deserve to teach us too.” Wang Dahai, who is thin but has a pair of eyes and is fierce and fierce, with the body Divine Origin, baring fangs and brandishing claws rolled out “Hundred Kings Gathering! You, get away now, otherwise, … “

Don’t go.

Qin Tian shrugged “Why am I leaving?”

“Don’t finish talking, let the other party interrupt.” Wang Dahai instantly flew into a rage out of humiliation “dog stuff courting death!”

Hua la la.

Divine Origin covering heaven concealing sun shakes the audience, and there are 300 40 Power of Great Dao billowing.

“Several 100,000 spectators, curious to wait and see.” King Level Star List geniuses gathered in Duel Stage are also looking.

Everyone is looking forward to this guy who turned out to be among the 80th King Level Star List, how many catties and how many taels!

6th Revolution Entering Dao Realm 50th Step, it does n’t look like it, an invincible figure.

“Noisy!” Qin Tian’s eyes are awe-inspiring, and the murderous aura is awe-inspiringly released, like a destiny blade, inserted into the front, Wang Dahai’s soul.

No … impossible.

9th Revolution Entering Dao Wang Dahai of Realm Peak stumbled back a few steps, almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Just a line of sight, deterring King Level Entering Dao Realm Star List, ranked 82nd characters.

Stunning audience.

“It’s better not to start with me, at least wait for Hundred Kings Gathering to start.” The heaven shaking rays of light in Qin Tian’s eyes collapsed as if they had never appeared.

After eating a deflated, Wang Dahai expression gloomy, said with a sound transmission “This brat is weird! What shall we do.”

“Then wait until Hundred Kings Gathering begins, you and I join forces, don’t believe in killing him.” Leng Lieyang, back to agreed.


Brother, you are so powerful, with a look, you scared away those 2 things. “Shoulder suddenly let me take a shot, Qin Tian turned around” It was a smooth, cunning young man who came to my eyes. ,

you can’t judge a person by appearance, just like this guy, aura is like 9th Revolution Entering Dao Realm Peak.

“Cough cough, who is your friend?”

Oh, me.

King Level Entering Dao Realm Star List, ranked 73rd “Yuwen Hu!”

“It’s really amazing. Ranked No. 73, compared to Leng Lieyang and Wang Dahai, it’s more than awesome.”

Qin Tian’s mouth smiled lightly, “I see Hundred Kings Gathering, everyone has not yet arrived.”


“It’s not coming, it’s all a group of people who are ranked in front.” Yuwen Hu spit out. “Grandma’s legs! They are all guys who are on the shelf. They can show off the limelight when they are late.”

It seems that your opinion is not small.

Qin Tian thinks this boy is quite interesting. “Do you know the duel process of Hundred Kings Gathering.”

“2 links, the first link, eliminated! 2nd link, duel.” Yuwen Hu reminded “I tell you! Those 2 things are definitely staring at you. The first link will work together to deal with you, be careful.”

Qin Tian understands that the 2 guys referred to by the other party are, undoubtedly, “Leng Lieyang, Wang Dahai.”

But 2 clown, Qin Tian is true, not taking seriously.

“Day to morning, the poisonous days are high, the atmosphere in Duel Stage is not falling, everyone is waiting, on a King Level Star List, the dragon wars, the tiger battles of Super Genius!”

Qin Tian leisurely sat on the ground, looking up at the sky, and realized. “Power of Destiny Great Dao, slightly rippling.”

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