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First Universe Palace, 3rd Layer lobby.

Dao King Realm Peerless Star List heavenly stairs, on the 50th stone step, a young man dressed in white clothed, completely renewed.

Whether it is temperament, eyes, or soul. “Karma Clone, temporarily controlled, true body Qin Tian’s Fleshy body.”

The mysterious soul of the First Universe Palace naturally sensed this. Not only did it issue an inquiry, but unfortunately Karma Clone did not answer it.

“Da da ~ da da.” Nowadays, in the Hall of First Universe Palace 3rd Layer, it happens to be only Qin Tian.

So Karma Clone took a step, and his voice was very resounding.

This step is to go to the 60th stone step, with a few 1000 Universe Palace soldiers standing behind, one after another awakening, waving long halberd in the start, carrying 3000 Power of Great Dao, unfold attacks to kill.

The bright and deep eyes are beating the brilliance of karma, Karma Clone deduces and analyzes, and points out “Karma comes out! Myriad Dao acknowledge allegiance! Go!”

Incredible pictures are staged.

“A few 1000 Universe Palace soldiers took out the Power of Great Dao, and they all produced backlash.”

bang! bang! bang! “In an instant, all the Universe Palace soldiers turned into fine powder and fragmented.”

The soul of First Universe Palace shocked to the limit. “Brat …… What kind of power are you? You can actually touch each other’s Power of Great Dao backlash yourself, this aura, I have never felt it, what kind of Power of Great Dao?”

Karma Clone, still not speaking, her footsteps flickering and shedding smoke, standing on the “Dao King Realm Peerless Star List heavenly stairs” 100th stone step.

“It only represents Dao King Realm Star List 1st Name. On the 100th stone step, there are enough 1000 Universe Palace soldiers, plus the Universe Palace soldiers on the 3 19 stone step below. Zun! “

Each Universe Palace soldier, comparable to 1st Revolution Dao Immortal Realm! This huge amount of magnificence, hunting Dao God Realm powerhouse, nothing difficult, even Dao Monarch characters, but also to avoid the edge.

It’s a pity that Karma Clone doesn’t know what the fear is.

“Dong dong dong.” Heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, ghosts and gods avoid. “Count 10000 Universe Palace soldiers, each controlling 3000 Power of Great Dao. After being released together, hiding the sky and covering the earth, covering Heaven and Earth! It is as magnificent as Star Monarch Realm characters, and created the Great Dao. River. “

Seeing the endless Power of Great Dao, he approached. “Karma Clone, cupping hands in front.”

Refreshing, Karma Aroma, which invigorates the soul, becomes more intense. “Karma Clone 2 is holding in hand, a round and clear, flawless, colored glass emerald fruit, it seems that all the essence of the world is condensed, exuding the luster and aroma, Star Monarch Realm powerhouse will be crazy when he sees it. “

“Ka cha ——.” Karma came out, who dares to compete? The Power of Great Dao hiding the sky and covering the earth is shattered and no longer exists.

Counting 10000 soldiers of the Universe Palace, the Karran does not move, and the body has scattered fragments.

To end it here, Qin Tian’s body, under the control of Karma Clone, smoothly and smoothly, got Dao King Realm Peerless 1st ranked.

“Incredible, what is your brat’s power?” Tsk tsk, the soul of First Universe Palace.

Karma Power, nobody has seen it, First Universe 3000 Star Domains, from past to present! Destiny Great Dao, the comprehend, are as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, and no one touches Karma Domain. “Therefore, the soul of First Universe Palace, if he wants to break his head, there is no speculation, that is the power of Karma Great Dao.”

“Hu.” Karma Clone’s consciousness dissipated, Qin Tian consciousness returned, and shook his own fist. “Ga ga ga! Too abnormal.”


In the future, the First Universe Palace has a shock of Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Qin Tian stepped into Daoist Realm and rushed into Daoist Realm Peerless Star List first, followed by promotion to Dao King Realm and Dao King Realm Peerless Star List first. “This result of earth shattering sweeps 3000 Star Domains, every inch of the corner.”

It’s the Star Monarch Realm character of aloof and remote, and he also relishes this person.

Some people even say that Qin Tian already has the qualification potential to achieve “Immortal”! It just takes time to hone.

“It’s been a long time, blink, and it’s been a month since the First Universe Palace.”

Heavenly Sacred Star, in Heavenly Moon Palace.

Qin Tian sat on the steps in front of the hall, looking up at the mysterious Vault of Heaven. “After suppressing the potential for a long time, I made myself, in one breath from 9th Revolution Entering Dao Realm, stepped into 9th Revolution Dao King Realm Peak. The desire for breakthrough, after one month, the potential of breakthrough is attributed to peace. “

“The next thing to do is to continue to sharpen myself and accumulate a wave of potential.”

Absolutely …, can’t stop, lose to Karma Clone, that monster is alien.

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” congratulations to the host get Side Mission

[Side Mission content, enter 1 month later, Dark Star of First Universe to open, kill Dark Demon, and capture Great Dao River]

damn? Dark Star, Dark Nightmare?

what’s the situation. “Qin Tian is surprised.” Great Dao River, can’t it be forged only by the existence of Star Monarch Realm Stage?

“Qin Tian.” Yu Fuqu, a beautiful woman with beautiful photos, walked from afar with a brilliant smile.


Fuqu, you just came. “Qin Tian shouted” Do you know, Dark Star, what kind of place is it?

Dark Star? “Yu Fuqu’s white and tender face suddenly went down heavily, and the clear beautiful eyes became a little awed and afraid.


It was in the First Universe, an ancient planet, rumored … connected to Nine Nether Hell “Ghost World!”

“The place to connect Ghost World!” Qin Tian’s interest broke out, “Continue.”

Before millions and millions years, the Dark Star planet was suddenly born, and a large number of Dark Demon appeared, brutal, and poisoning the Universe Star Domain.

All Star Monarch characters from First Universe, Immortal Star Monarch, joined forces to seal Dark Star. For a long time, there is also Immortal Star Monarch, secretly monitoring, guarding “Dark Star.”

Yu Fuqu tells what he knows, without omission and in detail. “Rumor, on Dark Star, the entrance to hell has been closed, but it still remains, and there are a lot of Dark Demon! These Dark Demons are all in control of the Great Dao Long River! The terrifying strength is scary, but the weakness is that they do n’t have a fleshy body . “

“All Dark Demon is in control of the Great Dao Long River? It’s too unimaginable. Only the Star Monarch can shape the Great Dao Long River. Does Dark Demon need comprehend? This innate talent was born.” Qin Tian’s heart was awe-inspiring.

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