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“First Universe Palace, to deal with the 5th Layer Hall of Dao Heaven Realm cultivation base.”

The 1000 cultivators of Dao Heaven Realm cultivation base recognized the white clothed youth and quickly caused an uproar.

Today, the name of 1st Monster Qin Tian is spread all over the world at Eight Desolates!

“Entering Dao Realm, preferred Peerless 1st!”

“Daoist Realm, preferred Peerless 1st!”

“Dao King Realm, preferred Peerless 1st!”

“Dao Sovereign Realm, preferred Peerless 1st!”

Like a dazzling comet, it cut through the dim sky and created a legendary heaven shaking earth shattering.

Today, Qin Tian 9th Revolution Dao Heaven Realm 99th Step Peak cultivation base, will it be the name of the preferred Peerless 1st?

Thinking of this, more than 1000 Dao Heaven Realm cultivator held their breath, wait and see, and looked forward to it.

Witness the step-by-step rise of a heaven defying legendary character. Any one of these details is difficult to encounter through all ages.

“Large and magnificent, in front of Dao Heaven Realm Peerless Star List heavenly stairs seizing good fortune of Heaven and Earth.” Qin Tian stood there.

In front, as always, 10 Universe Palace soldiers stood on the first stone step.

Each Universe Palace soldier, the aura spitting out, is comparable to Dao Monarch Realm 99th Step Peak.

And with the body dormant, not only 3000 Power of Great Dao, but 6000! “Master, 2 Perfection Great Dao Divine Ability! Just create the Great Dao Long River, you can, comparable to Lesser Star Monarch Realm characters.”

“Hehe! Conferred the first Peerless Dao Heaven Realm, it’s a bit difficult.” Qin Tian licked his lips.

Ding! Ding!

congratulations to the host for opening Super Saiyan God of Destruction Form

congratulations to the host for receiving 8000 Times battle strength power

congratulations to the host for opening Monster Form

congratulations to the host for receiving 5000 Times battle strength power

congratulations to the host for opening Divine Level Stage 6 Ultimate Eight Inner Gates Released Formation

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 1 Six Paths Mode

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 1 Zangetsu Form

A pale, horrified long hair, dropped his heel, and his whole body was dyed with pure slaughter, invincible, and horror spirit.

Qin Tian reached out and grabbed. “Black Truth Seeking Ball has become a long sword!”

2100 Power of Destiny Great Dao, fluttering around the body.

“Kill!” A thunderbolt roar, surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries, white hair, white clothed, Black Sword youth, as if Undefeated War God, 9 Heaven Ruler, killed the front, Dao Heaven Realm Peerless Star List heavenly stairs.

Six Paths Getsuga Tensho.

hong long long. “Sword slash out, heaven defying the unmatched black Sword Mark, blown away, and wiped out the 10 Universe Palace soldiers on the first stone step on the Peerless Star List heavenly stairs.”

“Awesome!” The 1000 cultivator, unable to bear applauded.

at the same time.

World opposite to First Universe.

Nine Nether Ghost World, 18 Layers Hell, 1st Layer Hell.

Black Flame Ghost King stationed in this 1st Layer Hell! soul flies away and scatters, uttering a holy shout “You …, you are not a person of Ghost World! How is it possible, not a dead person, impossible to come to Nine Nether Ghost World.”

In front, a black shirt with a pretty look, pupil light beats the brilliant Karma Clone, spits out one mouthful of impure air. “This 1st Layer Hell, there is nothing to explore …, Ghost World’s ultimate secret should be in 18 Layers Hell.”

1st Layer Hell is 18 Layers Hell, the weakest area. There is only one Ghost King to guard, which is comparable to Lesser Star Monarch Realm Peak, while the following 17 Layer Hell will have more Ghost King, Ghosts and Gods! And Ghost God Underworld Judge, Ghost God King of Hell, and perhaps power, still above Star Monarch Realm.

“Well, is true body striking peerless again?” Suddenly, Karma Clone’s pair of karma eyes seemed to have seen through Yin-Yang Two Worlds and touched the scenes in the First Universe, the 5th Layer hall.

Peerless Dao Heaven Realm Star List heavenly stairs, 50th.

Behind Qin Tian, ​​there are several 1000 Universe Palace soldiers surging. “Heaven shaking earth shattering’s Power of Great Dao, flying all over the sky, is overwhelming and countless! It is impossible to say that the existence of the 1st Revolution Lesser Star Monarch Realm stage, even if the 2nd Revolution Lesser Star Monarch Realm exists, a strategic withdrawal is required.”

“Also, other people challenge peerless! They are all one step at a time, and Qin Tian when the time comes, likes in one breath, spans several 10 steps! The difficulty faced is naturally doubled.”

“God of Destruction Dragon Fist Explosion!”

“God of Destruction Kamehameha!”

Primal Chaos Super Shinra Tensei!

Primal Chaos Super Kamui Strangling!

Primal Chaos Super Chibaku Tensei!

Qin Tian also has many means, and there are endless confrontations with several 1000 Universe Palace soldiers.

Under the eyes, Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan, turned sharply.

“Peng peng peng hong long.” There was a loud noise, and there were a few hundred Universe Palace soldiers crushing bones.

In contrast, Qin Tian is also spit out a mouthful of blood, flying out. “Peerless Star List heavenly stairs, Realm really is getting behind, it is also difficult and challenging.”

2100 Power of Destiny Great Dao emerges!

Essence, Qi and Spirit Unite, Qin Tian a finger pointed, All Heavens Gods and Buddhas tremble. “Destiny Great Dao Secret Technique; All Heavens Avoid.”

Destiny Great Dao Secret Technique came out, who dares to compete!

The Power of Great Dao annihilated outside the soldiers of 100 to 1000 Universe Palace, itself come to nothing.

Nine Nether Ghost World, 1000 sores and 100 holes, on the mountain where flames are burning. “Karma Clone, the corner of the mouth evokes a rare smile arc.” Yes, true body has evolved the Destiny Great Dao’s essence, which really surprised me.

“Several 1000 Universe Palace soldiers, disappeared by rustling sound!” Qin Tian stands proudly at Peerless Star List heavenly stairs, half-center, out of the 50th stone step. “Look up and look ahead.”

At the 51st stone step, stand the 510 Universe Palace soldier, at 52nd stone step, stand the 520 Universe Palace soldier, and so on.

“Hu! This step by step is really unpleasant.” Qin Tian shook the head, in one breath, ran to the 90th step.

Behind, 30,000 or more Universe Palace soldiers, one after another awake! “Team composition of horror lore, majestic! 3rd Revolution, 4th Revolution Lesser Star Monarch Realm exists, also to me, shiver coldly.”

Gu lu.

In the hall of First Universe Palace, there were 1000 cultivators, and they swallowed and were speechless. “Is this too silly?”

Is he crazy, alone, facing 30,000 or more Universe Palace soldiers.

In this Universe Palace soldier on the Dao Heaven Realm Peerless Star List heavenly stairs, the strength of each is comparable to Dao Monarch 9th Revolution Peak, and there are 2 doors, 3000 Perfection Power of Great Dao.

In any case, he is impossible, destroying so many Universe Palace soldiers.

“Divine Level Stage 4, Monarch Level Haoshoku Haki, vent vent.” White hair fluttered in a mess, no fear or flinch was seen on Qin Tian’s face, holding Truth Seeking Ball Long Sword in his hand, preemptively, unfold thunderbolt irresistible force Offensive.

72 Transformations Body Locking Technique.

between a single thought, locked all living things. “Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Tian swung out with a sword, destroying the 100 soldiers of the Universe Palace!”

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