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“Royal Family, Zhao Clan Two Great Family Patriarchs! Dragon and Elephant Sect Sect Master, Overturning Heaven Sect Sect Master! It’s totally a panic and a big face!”

There is only a single thought in their minds, that is to escape from this place! But the entanglement of 9 Monster System characters makes them unable to get their wish.

Ready to go, Qin Tian broke out again, 3000 Power of Destiny Great Dao, vividly and thoroughly revealed.

A series of system capability forms are also the operation of Peak!

“72 Transformations, Sun, Moon and Stars!”

“72 Transformations, Swallow Clouds Blow Fog!”

“72 Transformations, Burning Mountain Boiling Sea!”

“72 Transformations, Call Wind Summon Rain!”

“72 Transformations, Lighting Flash and Thunder Roll!”

“72 Transformations, Turning Stone Into Gold!”

“Nine Heavens died stars, densely packed! Multi-colored colourful and flourishing, drowning all living things! A path of rough, thunderbolt full of destructive power. There is also majestic heavy rain, washing the world ’s dust, and swallowing heaven covering sun “Raging big fire, extremely fiery.”

The 72 Transformations offensive covered and contained everything swallowed forward.

“Stage 1 Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan’s Eyes Power, followed by the release.”

Primal Chaos Super Shinra Tensei!

Primal Chaos Super Kamui Strangling!

Primal Chaos Super Chibaku Tensei!

“Dong dong dong …… hu chi.” The scene between Heaven and Earth has long become fragmented and devastated.

4 big 9 turn Lesser Star Monarch Realm powerhouse, riddled with scars, batteryd and exhausted. “Because they wanted to run away, they didn’t want to fight, and Qin Tian’s means attacked them. They undoubtedly suffered a loss.”

“72 Transformations Body Locking Technique.”

In vain, Qin Tian threw the Killing Move Secret Law in 72 Transformations.

Between a single thought, not a sound to be heard, everything is locked. “Really, the space-time is still like the trance Space-Time Great Dao.”

In this momentary gap, Qin Tian kicked out. “3000 Destiny Great Dao, condensed into Secret Technique Might! Once again, kill one person!”

The effects of 72 Transformations Body Locking Technique disperse. “Dragon and Elephant Sect Sect Master, Overturning Heaven Sect Sect Master, Zhao Clan Patriarch, looking at the Wang Family Patriarch of the die! In my eyes, completely, let the fear control” monster … You … you are crazy! If you killed us all, you would also like to leave Bright Moon Star alive. Behind us, there is Peak influence, Matchless Palace!

Matchless Palace has Supreme Star Monarch Realm powerhouse on Subdue!

“Ga ga, I don’t know what Matchless Palace! I only know, now I just want to kill you and earn a wave of EXP.”

Bloodthirsty and brutal, licking his lips, Qin Tian loudly shouted “Come again!”

Dragon and Elephant Sect Sect Master! died!

Overturning Heaven Sect Sect Master! died!

Less than one hour, not long ago, imposing manner was fierce and threatened to kill Qin Tian’s 5 big 9 turn Lesser Star Monarch Realm powerhouse, leaving only Zhao Clan Patriarch.

“Hiss! This thing is beyond my expectations.” Lu Family Patriarch Lu Changfeng, standing in the distance, face mixed with joy and dismay. “Qin Tian killed the powerhouse of Five Great Influences and relieved the danger of Lu Family! However, will the Matchless Palace standing behind Five Great Influences make it difficult. Naturally, Qin Tian can also go away, left Lu Family will definitely suffer. “

Solved a trouble and caused more trouble.

Soon, Zhao Clan Patriarch, died!

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” congratulations to the host exceeding rank kill, 5 9 turn Lesser Star Monarch Realm Peak powerhouse

congratulations to the host for receiving special reward 1,000,000,000 Great Dao EXP

congratulations to the host for receiving special reward 800,000,000 Great Dao Gold Coin Value

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 4th Revolution Dao God Realm 1st Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 4th Revolution Dao God Realm 2nd Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 4th Revolution Dao God Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 5th Revolution Dao God Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 8th Revolution Dao God Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution Dao God Realm 99th Step

Hey ~, this wave of EXP is pretty fat.

Qin Tian shook his fist and felt a burst of strength after Realm’s great breakthrough. “The change is now, the Great Star Monarch Realm characters are here, and I have the ability to kill!”

9th Revolution Dao God Realm, confident of killing Great Star Monarch Realm, I do n’t know how many people believe it, First Universe, 3000 Star Domains.

“Patriarch Lu.” Qin Tian, ​​which closed the system’s various power forms and returned to normal appearance, came to Lu Changfeng. “Previously, those guys, ao ao, what Supreme Secret Realm I controlled, A Word Command The Law? What’s the matter? “

It seems that you don’t know yet.

Lu Changfeng’s eyes flickered, envying “Supreme Secret Realm, A Word Command The Law! Similar to an absolute command.”

As for how cultivation comes out, no one knows, this is also a domain in the legend.

“With Supreme Secret Realm, A Word Command The Law! When fighting, as long as a command, the enemy will divine soul entirely extinguished.”


Qin Tian is confused. “My Destiny Great Dao Secret Technique; Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, heavenly might brilliant. It is a kind of erased enemy Destiny Power! Equivalent to destiny’s will, it seems Supreme Secret Realm, A Word Command The Law, and one’s will , Spirit Power, is implicated. “

“Oh … there is one more thing.” Lu Changfeng was a bit embarrassed, opened the mouth and said “Sir Qin Tian, ​​you killed Three Great Families Patriarch, Two Great Sects Sect Master, and gave me a crisis for Lu Family. …. Even if the crisis is over, Lu Family may face a bigger disaster. “


“You mean, Matchless Palace?” Qin Tian’s lips chuckled.

This is beyond my reach. To be honest, I am going to leave Bright Moon Star, unless there is enough to attract me here.

Patriarch Lu mentioned the thank you gift to me before, a 5th Revolution Great Dao Treasure, there is no need to give me, I am not interested.

“Qin Tian’s answer, let Lu Changfeng not knowing what to do, quickly read in my mind” 5 minutes skill In the past, I suddenly remembered something, opened the mouth and said “Sir Qin Tian, ​​I know a place, maybe you will feel Those who are interested will also help you improve your cultivation base. “

Immortal Smelting Mountain!

“Immortal Smelting Mountain!” 5 characters, after Qin Tian heard it, it seemed to see a picture of the most meteorological and mysterious gruesome. “Patriarch Lu, tell me carefully.”

“Immortal Smelting Mountain! Is the existence that circulates from the First Universe Palace.” Lu Changfeng explained that “a long time ago, a fire circulated in the First Universe Palace, split into 100 to 1000 pieces.”

We Bright Moon Star just fell a stove fragment, the mountain range where the stove fragment fell, became a mountain of flames! Especially in the center, an “Immortal Smelting Mountain!” Was born.

In this cultivation of Immortal Smelting Mountain, half the results for twice the effort, the most important thing is that the Power of Great Dao itself will be burned in tempering.

If you think about it, burning the Tempering Power of Great Dao can’t be found anywhere but “Immortal Smelting Mountain”!

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