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“Peng long peng long!”

When Qin Tian’s figure appeared on Immortal Smelting Mountain, 9000th stone step platform.

Sun and Moon lost radiance, Shatter!

Heaven and Earth and Universe, a sad, shaking.

Immortal Smelting Mountain, also spit out one after another, destroying the raging flame of Heaven and Earth, Smelting Aura.

It seems that someone broke the rules! Aroused the anger of Immortal Smelting Mountain.

3000 Destiny Great Dao Strands, in a silent transformation, moved towards unfathomable, past and present “Ruler Great Dao” evolution.

A white clothed Sheng Xue, pretty thin Qin Tian, ​​the corner of the mouth raised a mocking arc “Hey ~, Immortal Smelting Mountain! Today, I am on top of you to achieve Ruler Great Dao, which is All Heavens and Myriad Realms. What a great thing! I think you should be cheering excitedly. “

“Bang! Bang! Bang!” Responded to the youth, it was the anger of Immortal Smelting Mountain, Peak.

Ah … what’s going on.

All the people who stayed on the cultivation of Immortal Smelting Mountain fell fiercely.

It is a dozen or more Supreme Star Monarch powerhouse, all very embarrassed, looking at only the white clothed back, still standing still, based on Immortal Smelting Mountain, 9000th stone step platform. Can’t help but sigh, “What the hell is going on! Monster is born, there must be a natural phenomenon … It seems that this 1st Monster Qin Tian is going to face a major transformation.”

Therefore, it resonated with Immortal Smelting Mountain.

“Oh? Don’t you want to?” It was clearly felt that on Immortal Smelting Mountain, the endlessness, the Immortal Smelting Aura of majestic coagulated, the level of taboos of violent terror, ordinary Immortal Star Monarch characters would see a strategic withdrawal , Fled into the wilderness.

However, Qin Tian, ​​from the beginning to the end, is still water, and there is a smile that talks and laughs in the mouth. “Destiny Great Dao; Evolution Ruler!”

weng weng weng!

Mysteriously and inexorably, All Heavens and Myriad Realms, are a slight ripple in the range.

Qin Tian ’s body shape, in this brief moment, infinite height, transformed into a capable to support both heaven and earth, finger to wield the whole world, All Heavens Gods and Buddhas Ruler who must also obey!

each and every move, one breath and one breath, the Ruler impressed by the majesty, unable to describe the expression with words.

“Hu chi hua la la.” Immortal Smelting Mountain, the condensed Immortal Smelting Aura, disappeared, no longer exists.

Before Ruler ’s unrivaled prestige, let me be who you are, and give me acknowledgement allegiance!

Qin Tian was arrogant and awe-inspiring, screaming of the Dominoering side leaks, her figure shedding bowstring arrow.

In a few moments, it appeared on the top of Immortal Smelting Mountain! “Stand here, as if a eye, and take the entire Bright Moon Star into your eyes!”

Before Immortal Smelting Mountain, no matter who it is, a dozen or more Supreme Star Monarch powerhouse, it seems so humble, small, not worth mentioning.

“Is he … God.” In contrast, in front of Immortal Smelting Mountain, the countless cultivator, his soul trembling, kneeling on the ground.

There are only a dozen Supreme Star Monarch powerhouse, gnashing teeth, do their best not to bow down and bow down, but the eyes, do not dare to face the top of Immortal Smelting Mountain, the white clothed youth.

Ascending the place, a glance at the many mountains that seem small!

With a sigh, Qin Tian at this time, open-minded and magnificent, can accommodate sun and moon 100 Sichuan, Myriad Realms Star Domain.

3000 Destiny Great Dao Strands, from inside to outside, shedding body, exchanging bones, transformed into 3000, Supreme, the unprecedented “Ruler Great Dao!”

Suddenly, the 3000 “Ruler Great Dao Strands!” That appeared in the first place quickly merged into a strand of hair, slender, half a foot long, flowing light overflowing with color, brilliant Ruler Majestic Great Dao Strands. “It looks like a ray of Great Dao Strands, not even 1st Revolution Entering Dao Realm cultivator!”

But the situation is that this ray of Ruler Great Dao Strands took out, all the Power of Great Dao in the world, just become a passing scene, flowing light sweeping shadow!

The highest Destiny Great Dao must acknowledge allegiance “Ruler Great Dao!”

With his own wisdom, Qin Tian has cultivated and forged a Supreme, past and present Power of Great Dao.

Ding! Ding!

“Strongest Monster Upgrade System” congratulations to the host Completed Monster Mission, Destiny Great Dao transformed into Ruler Great Dao

congratulations to the host for receiving special reward 2,000,000,000 Great Dao EXP

congratulations to the host for receiving special reward 1,500,000,000 Great Dao Gold Coin Value

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 4th Revolution Dao Monarch Realm 1st Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 4th Revolution Dao Monarch Realm 2nd Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 4th Revolution Dao Monarch Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 5th Revolution Dao Monarch Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 6th Revolution Dao Monarch Realm 99th Step

congratulations to the host for levelling up to 9th Revolution Dao Monarch Realm 99th Step

It is separated from the 1st Revolution Lesser Star Monarch Realm stage.

Coupled with having a “Ruler Great Dao Strands” Qin Tian thinks that without encountering Immortal Star Monarch, he is invincible at all.

Standing on the top of Immortal Smelting Mountain, it was another month.

Qin Tian precipitated and condensed, his own piece of “Ruler Great Dao Strands.”

In vain, on this day, Qin Tian felt something and opened his eyes, “It’s Lu Family, what happened there?”

Before coming to Immortal Smelting Mountain, he gave the Lu Family Patriarch Lu Changfeng a mark of Destiny Strand.

As long as Lu Family encounters an unsolvable disaster, Lu Changfeng will take the initiative to inspire the Destiny Great Dao Strands.


Bright Moon Star, Bright Moon City, Lu Family.

Today is a broken, bloody scene.

Lu Family Patriarch Lu Changfeng, with a scar, aura is weak.

Right in front, present the team composition that covers the majestic, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Headed by 2 people, a man and a woman.

In his early 40s, the middle-aged man with his dark eyes exudes Super Star Monarch Realm Peak cultivation base “hehe! Your Lu Family is really great! Three Great Families, Two Great Sects are attached to our Matchless Palace, and they pay a lot every year. Resources, now Three Great Families Patriarch, Two Great Sects Sect Master, all died because of your Lu Family, and our Matchless Palace has the responsibility to settle accounts after the autumn. “

On the side, the woman who also has the Super Star Monarch Realm Peak cultivation base, still has a charm, and has a long whip with a jagged edge in hand. “I heard that you Lu Family have the protection of the 1st Monster Qin Tian! These Three Great Families Patriarch, Two Great Sects Sect Master, you calculated it with the 1st Monster Qin Tian. “


ridiculous! You too underestimate Sir Qin Tian, ​​he is based on strength of single-handedly, 3 Clan Patriarch of kill, Two Great Sect Masters.

Lu Changfeng, wipe the blood from his mouth.

“Boast shamelessly! That” Qin Tian “is the 1st Monster again, has the ability to kill 5 big Lesser Star Monarch Realm 9 to powerhouse alone?”

The middle-aged man of Matchless Palace, firmly believe it.

Say! Where did that 1st Monster “Qin Tian” go now.

No matter who he is, Matchless Palace also has to teach him a lesson, let him know that he hasn’t grown up, under the name “monster”, he must be a man with his tail!

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