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Majestic, Immortal, Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion of the work of the Gods, inside the great hall.

Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion’s will, with a rolling majestic voice, inspiring people, makes the unable to bear in awe, raising his ears and listening to every word. “If you want to be a fated person of Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion, you need to pass 3 tests trial to get a chance.”

1st Test, Refining Heart!

2nd Test, Refining Soul!

3rd Test, Refining Will!

“Oh? Interesting, then come on, I’m not looking forward to it!”

Qin Tian’s mouth twitched a familiar smile arc.

“Peng long!-Peng long!” It was too late, then it was fast. There were 1000 Immortal Star Monarch Realm powerhouses in the audience. The chest was agitated, a heart, and the peng peng was beating, it seemed to explode.

The feeling of suffocation, painful heart.

Qin Tian is no exception! “Like the nothingness, there is a great hand, a evil spirit, which is ravaging his heart.”

Trance in front of me, a path of, beautiful as a Celestial Immortal emerged, and the fair and fair-eyed child, moved towards himself in various attractive poses.

There are countless Great Dao Treasure, Supreme Secret Art, spirit pill and marvelous medicine, close at hand, at your fingertips!

“Hey ~, I don’t have this blessing.” Qin Tian gritted his teeth and suddenly broke out, disregarding regardless of the consequences, moved towards the front and punched.

Ka cha.

All illusions are due to the heart!

Fragmented, falling apart.

Consciousness is ups and downs, Qin Tian opened his eyes, “It seems that everything that happened before is not true.”

“That’s 1st Test, Refining Heart?”

An unprecedented sense of crisis struck without warning.

On three immortal souls and seven mortal souls, a crack appeared! The storm that destroyed Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was permeable and involved itself.

Fleshy body turned into nothingness in no time, three immortal souls and seven mortal souls in a sea-like storm, a flat boat, precarious.

“Supreme Secret Realm; A Word Command The Law! My Soul Lasts Forever, Eternal Immortality!”

……what? It was actually A Word Command The Law.

mysteriously and inexorably, Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion’s will, muttered whilst being amazed.

“Hua la la.” Let Huge Wave Overflowing Heaven let him beat the storm on the soul, and it will never play a little role.

The new fleshy body is shaped. “Qin Tian’s feet sank, showing up in a desolate, lonely land where no end can be seen.”

Accompanying it is the voice of Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion’s will “brat, this is the 3rd Test, Refining Will!”

“It’s a trial, what’s the matter?”

Black hair is messy and flying, imposing manner tearing heaven, pride 10000 zhang, domesticering side leaks.

“Ruler Dharma Idol, gradually raised behind! Look of disdain Myriad Realms Gods and Buddhas.” Qin Tian a finger pointed “Supreme Secret Realm; A Word Command The Law! Ruler Comes Out, Who Dares To Compete!”

The most powerful method, Ruler Dharma Idol! And Supreme Secret Realm; the perfect combination of A Word Command The Law! Created a brand-new taboo power, and tore this 3rd Test, Refining Will in a brutal trend!

“… Unbelievable, what is the power of the illusory shadow behind you?” Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion will, temporarily unable to bear, ask asked.

Qin Tian didn’t mean to answer. “3 tests trial has passed. Who is the fated person of Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion, except me?”

ha ha ha.

“Brat, don’t be too arrogant! The speed of your 3 tests trial is indeed surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries. It is faster than the fatated person of Supreme Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion, but Supreme Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion, There is another rule. “


Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion, in the first great hall.

More than 1000 Immortal Star Monarch Realm powerhouses are still in the 3 tests trial, which is forced to be pulled back to reality, looked at each other in blank dismay Almost got on the road and fell into it, precarious. “

Qin Tian stood on the ground with his hand on his back and raised his eyebrows. “Another rule of Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion …… Is this intentionally playing with me.”

The voice of the will of Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion, clang clang fell down effectively. “Fated person has been born! The first to pass the 3 tests trial is this 9-turn Lesser Star Monarch Realm Peak brat.”


Ruler King Qin Tian? “There are over 1000 Immortal Star Monarch Realm powerhouses, some are shocked, some are sighed, and some are nodded with admiration.”

Compared to a younger generation, they lived for 1000 years, and Immortal in myriad years was a long time.

“But you, don’t have no chance.” Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion willed, his voice serious.

Hua la la.

A light barrier gate, at the end of the great hall, rises from the ground, mysterious is blazing and dazzling.

“Fated person, only when you enter this gate will you get the chance of Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion, and if you can, stop him from going in, or kill him! Then you can reopen the trial, choose and choose a new fated person Come.”

With the will of Supreme Heaven’s Mystery Pavilion, this rule was thrown.

In a moment, in the great hall, the sight of 1000 Immortal Star Monarch, rustling sound, gathered on the thin silhouette of white clothed youth.

Qin Tian’s mouth twitched “damn.”

“Sir.” 20 Ruler Divine Palace Elder, with a pale complexion, “Sir, you rush into the gate, we will delay you for a moment.”

jie jie!

Really the biggest joke in the world! “Blood long robe, faceless, old-sounding old Thief Xue Ya, wandering floating” Ruler King Qin Tian, ​​if you know him, take your henchman with you and get me out of Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion

“What’s the use of being the first to pass the 3 tests trial! The fatated person of Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion also requires you to have the power to occupy it!”


spit out a long breath, Qin Tian turned around, looked towards imposing manner violent, brutal and bloodthirsty Old Thief Xue Ya. “Hehe! Old Dog, don’t be complacent! It won’t take long, I will put you down, and I will do it.”

Let Ruler King remember that Old Thief Xue Ya was cold all over his body. “Very good! Then I can’t save your life.”

Ding! Ding!

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 1 Super Saiyan God of Destruction Form

congratulations to the host for receiving 10,000 Times battle strength power

congratulations to the host for opening Monster Form

congratulations to the host for receiving 8000 Times battle strength power

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 2 Zangetsu Form

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 2 Six Paths Mode

congratulations to the host for opening Divine Level Stage 7 Ultimate Eight Inner Gates Released Formation

congratulations to the host for opening Stage 1 Primal Chaos Nine Tomoe Rinne Sharingan

layer upon layer system form to open operation.

The first is an amazing change in appearance.

A long hair fell on his heels, stained with horror snow white.

Eyes flash in color and rinne kaleidoscope pattern rotates.

The pitch black like the Truth Seeking Ball at night becomes a long sword form.

“Well …, this monster.” Old Man Xue Ya, the pupil moved. “In an instant, the power is raised thousands of times upon tens of thousands.”

Old Fool, let me try, your Supreme Immortal Star Monarch Realm cultivation base, how many catties and how many taels.

Evilly licked his lips, in the hands of Qin Tian, ​​Truth Seeking Ball Long Sword, quickly raised.

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