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Constant Antiquity circulated, unfathomable Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion.

Weapon Storehouse.

to be dazzled, the Great Dao Treasure of myriad oddities, with divine light in the sky, reflected in my eyes.

blade, sword, rod, stick everything that should be here is here.

“Brat, in this Weapon Storehouse, in addition to Supreme’s 99 Primal Chaos Great Dao Sacred Object, whether it is Divine Level Great Dao Treasure, or Good Fortune Great Dao Treasure, there are many, you can choose an item to take away It ’s also a rule to leave good fortune to future generations. ”Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion ’s will issued a reminder.

If someone else hears, they will certainly pick a Peak Good Fortune Great Dao Treasure and take it away.

After all, it is Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion, the highest end of the storage is Great Dao Treasure, in fact, Qin Tian thinks the same way.

However, I suddenly realized that “there is no strongest Great Dao Treasure, only the Great Dao Treasure that suits you best.”

“Sparkling, all-colored glass, mysterious long sword with rune and Mountain and Rivers on it!” 9th Revolution Good Fortune Great Dao Treasure!

“Sparkling and translucent blazing, brilliant and dazzling, flawless and azure long blade, fluctuating sharply, splitting heaven and earth apart!” 9th Revolution Good Fortune Great Dao Treasure!

“Three Great Influences Balanced, simple and heavy, ancient cauldron of the depression Vault of Heaven all living things, spit out the great Desolate Qi!” 9th Revolution Great Dao Treasure!

Really, you can find great samples of Great Dao Treasure.

Qin Tian’s mind is out, his attention is suddenly, and he stays in a red black color, simple and unpretentious, as if the myroned years above the throne.

“This red and black throne, there is nothing surprisingly violent and fluctuating, it seems that it is not a Great Dao Treasure, just an ordinary black iron.”

Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion, will store a useless thing? “Qin Tian’s eyes are suspicious and asked” What is this throne?

“Ruler Throne!”

Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion will explain, “All Heavens and Myriad Realms, at the beginning of the development, derived out 99 pieces of Primal Chaos Great Dao Sacred Object, which contained a Ruler Throne ……, but turned around, this Ruler Throne passed the leisurely No one can excite the slightest power over the years, even me, and I can’t detect what secret energy is hidden in Ruler Throne. “

In a sense, this is an abandoned thing, and I advise you not to choose to leave.

Supreme Great Dao Treasure was born with 99 Primal Chaos Innate sacred objects!

“Hey ~, how can I say that it is a waste thing?” Qin Tian open mouth and laughed “I want this Ruler Throne!”

Ruler Throne, a good name, means that only Rulers in All Heavens and Myriad Realms can occupy and control their power.

Then the “Ruler Great Dao” that I comprehend is not just right. Sit here above the throne, look of disdain All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

“… Well, this is your own intent, I have no right to interfere.” Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion will sighed.

Put away Ruler Throne.

Qin Tian is ready to take it back to study it.

In the vast starry sky of exile, Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion slowly retreated and disappeared.

The 20 Elder-class figures of Ruler Divine Palace saw a young man with white clothed Sheng Xue, walked out without a hit, and immediately to be wild with joy “Sir!”

9th Revolution Good Fortune Star Monarch Realm 99th Step.

Congratulations to Sir, for the opportunity of Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion.

“Yes.” Qin Tian slightly nodded “There are still many Immortal Star Monarch Realm characters present who have not dispersed. When they see themselves out, the expression is quite different.”

What about Old Thief Xue Ya?

Looking across a Peak Immortal Star Monarch Realm character, Qin Tian questioned.

“That old thief has already ran! Seeing Sir enter Supreme Supremely Dao Pavilion to get a chance, he fled and fled.”


Ran? Can he run away? “Qin Tian’s mouth disdains the radian.”

When I played with Old Man Xue Ya, I quietly left the aura of Ruler Dharma Idol on the other side.

Ruler Aura, not to mention the Supreme Immortal Star Monarch crystal character, is the Star Lord Realm powerhouse, all want to be aware of it and erase it!

Sinking down, feeling a little bit, and suddenly got a position. “Qin Tian stomped and flew to the end of the universe” Come with me! Look at me, kill Old Thief Xue Ya.

“Sou! Sou!” 20 Ruler Divine Palace Elder looked at each other and followed behind.

That monster …, it’s too abnormal. Just got the chance of Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion, promoted to 9th Revolution Good Fortune Star Monarch Realm Peak, are you ready to killing people to establish prestige?

Old Man Xue Ya is the existence of Supreme Immortal Star Monarch Peak. “Ruler King picked him up, but he has a spirit!”


Half a day later, a white clothed, pretty black eyed youth, appeared in front of a dead planet.

“Sir …, why stopped here?” 20 Immortal Star Monarch Realm Elder of Ruler Divine Palace, puzzled.

A lot of the Peak Immortal Star Monarch Realm powerhouse that has come to see it is also puzzled.

“Hmph, Old Fool, it’s hidden by lawless, but it’s a pity that I can’t hide my magic eyes.” Qin Tian a finger pointed, the big dead star in front, falling apart, come to nothing.

Hua la la.

A bloody long robe old man appeared in the large blood crow, and his eyes were cloudy and bloodthirsty at 2 o’clock. “Ruler King! Qin Tian! You monster, you want to kill to the last one.”

9th Revolution Good Fortune Star Monarch Realm 99th Step! Fortunately, he was not promoted to Immortal Star Monarch Realm, and I should still have the opportunity to retire.

“Broken the other party’s mind, Qin Tian laughed on his face, black hair fluttering” Old Fool! In Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion, you want to kill me, at this moment I will destroy you, a tit for tat.

“Peng long peng long.”

A blood crow floating Immortal Great Dao Long River took out and attacked the white clothed youth ahead.

And Old Thief Xue Ya itself, is to escape to the distance, the speed is fast, it makes people open eyes in surprise.

“Old Dog escaped his life, there is quite a means.” Qin Tian sneered, fingers out of the air, behind mysterious Immortal, Constant Antiquity imposing Ruler Dharma Idol illusory shadow, gradually raised.

Essence, Qi and Spirit Unite, thin lips launch “Supreme Secret Realm; A Word Command The Law! Ruler Dharma Idol, Who Dares To Compete!”

“Ka cha! Dong dong dong.” The incoming blood crow Immortal Great Dao Long River power, rustling sound, scattered fragments, disappeared.

Along with this, Qin Tian’s spooky eyes crossed the starry sky and was locked on the back of the old Thief Xue Ya who had fled the desert.

Just a glance makes the old Thief Xue Ya extremely quiet, three immortal souls and seven mortal souls tremble, “Ah! What the hell is this Ruler King Qin Tian!”

“Supreme Secret Realm; A Word Command The Law! Ruler Law, Annihilate All Heavens!”

It ’s too late to say, it ’s fast, Qin Tian is already, flicks with the finger. “It seems to have moved, something incredible, sweeping Taboo God Power of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.”

“Ahhhhhh!” The terrible, roaring roar of horror anchored, echoed in the starry sky.

Old Thief Xue Ya of Supreme Immortal Star Monarch Peak Realm, Fleshy body annihilated, soul withered “no!”

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