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“Blow up and die, Ruler’s momentum, after killing a group of people in Second Universe Ancient Race Wang Family.”

Qin Tian is preparing to go back and say, “Before you leave the First Universe, you have to settle the Ruler Divine Palace and take” Yu Fuqu “with you.”

“Unexpectedly! The sense of crisis in heaven collapsing, earth shattering is covered by no warning.”

This imposing, horrible aura, I do n’t know how many times it is terrifying than 1st Revolution Star Lord Realm powerhouse such as Ancient Race Wang Family Young Master!

Qin Tian’s eyes stung, and he looked up and said, “Rolling golden smoke, hiding the sky and covering the earth, standing on it with a negative hand, a youngster that can’t live forever.”

On the endless golden haze, a golden glow on the brow and heart, like a 3rd-eyed youth, shouted with a sneer: “hmph! Can even look directly at my eyes, First Universe, but extreme sorrow turns to joy, and a promising man of.”

“Hand over the Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion chance! This throne under you is what you got in” Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion “, give it to me together.”

Don’t let me say 2nd times!

This boy ……, it is probably Star King Realm, even Star Saint Realm.

At this moment, I can’t beat him at 100. “Qin Tian’s heart peng peng jumped straight, but his face was as calm as ever.”

The atmosphere was deadlocked and spent one minute and one second.

mysterious arrogant young man, displeased shouted “The ants! If you don’t want to die, surrender Supreme Heavenly Dao Pavilion chance!”

The brilliant voice penetrates people’s hearts.

Within the body qi and blood rolling, bones and bones are about to shatter.

Qin Tian smiled after wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, “ha ha ha! Very good, future day Fang Chang! Soon, I will be like today, aloof and remote, step on you.”

“Hearing the threat of youth, the murderous aura outbreak of the proud young” stubborn’s ants

Supreme Secret Realm; A Word Command The Law! Open Up Opportunity To Live!

Qin Tian between a single thought, tearing a crack out of thin air and swallowing himself into it.

Looking at the target that disappeared out of thin air, the proud young pupil shrink “legendary Supreme Secret Realm; A Word Command The Law!”

He was able to use it to such a degree, breaking the heavens and opening up his life.


The endless Primal Chaos is in the gap.

Qin Tian moved towards the drifted towards the front, consciously unconsciously, falling into a lethargy, the power of within the body was in the endless Primal Chaos crack wave impact, come to nothing.

“If it weren’t for controlling Ruler Dharma Idol! I’m afraid Qin Tian has become a fine powder when it fell into the gap between Primal Chaos.”

All Heavens and Myriad Realms, Soaring Dragon Continent.

Magnificent, magnificent, Great Desolate scene, breathtaking.

On the vast earth, ancient trees towering, a tree of Heaven Great Hand, raising heaven supreme, vigorous branches strong, sparkling and translucent clear.

10000 仞 giant peak, Nine Heavens Falls.

Above the sky, a large number of ancient bloodline flying bird Monster Beast hovering.

On the ground, the multi-colored poison mist Giant Insect, the grim Ominous Beast, countless.

“Suddenly, the clouds swayed, and a flame dropping from the sky, like a meteorite falling.”

This kind of thing often happens, the meteorite in the starry sky, the stars fall, it is not strange.

On the ground, a big pit was smashed, and a piece of coke appeared on the edge.

“Huh-roar.” Flying birds beast of myriad oddities, all directions came around.

The center of the big pit is not a meteorite, but a person!

It was a human race wearing white clothed, bloody flesh and aura.

This is a beautiful meal, immediately with a colorful centipede pounced on, 100 zhang huge body, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, enough to eat that Human Race.

“At the crucial moment, the dying Human Race did not know whether it was last ditch effort or coma, but also had conditioned reflex.”

Actually opened his eyes and trampled on the Ruler Dharma Idol illusory shadow of the Great Desolate Universe and appeared.

At once, all Ominous Beast, extremely quiet, and shiver coldly were present.

“The body’s condition is terrible … unprecedented tragic.” Qin Tian open mouth and laughed, no strength to lift a finger.

bang weng.

Ruler Dharma Idol illusory shadow, looking dark and light, wanting to drift with the wind.

Consciously lethargic, Qin Tian bit his tongue, “Once I fell asleep, I was afraid I would be buried in these beasts.”

“Torment! One minute and one second, this moment looks long.”

ang! ang!

Suddenly, there were 2 high-pitched sounds, and the roar of pierce gold and split stone went from far to near.

The flying bird beasts outside the edge of the big pit were even more frightened, creeping on the ground.

clang Clang’s powerful roar shattered Qin Tian’s final consciousness “… Dragon … dragon roar, is there a dragon?”


I don’t know how long it took, Qin Tian opened his eyes, “Where is this?”

I seem to remember that I heard the sound of dragon roar! Won’t it be in the dragon belly? It’s still Nine Nether Ghost World.

It’s best to be at 18 Layers Hell, Karma Clone happens to be in Nine Nether Ghost World.

“I said, what are you talking about whispering?” A crisp, listening, sounded with a natural pride.

Qin Tian’s pupils opened round, and when he looked sideways, “a girl wearing a white long skirt, untainted by even a speck of dust, a girl with impeccable face and double ponytails, standing beside the bed, she was lying on a big bed, exuding a fragrance The air … will not be, this girl’s couch. “

“You … me.” Qin Tian was a little incoherent. “The body’s condition is still quite bad, but the vitality has recovered, bursting 10-15 days, you can jump around alive.”

Human Race, what is your name?

Young girl with tender skin and beautiful face, asks.

Qin Tian.

Then you are not Dragon Race?

No … wait, you mean, you are Dragon Race?

“Yes.” Long Xue small head lightly nods “This is Dragon World’s Soaring Dragon Continent, I’m Long Xue, with the body flowing snow dragon blood veins.”

All Heavens and Myriad Realms, including Sword World, Buddha World, Spirit World, Divine World, Demon World, Beast World …

There is also Dragon World, the power is terrifying, and the people of Dragon World, each proud and arrogant, the sense of overriding in the bone.

After all, Dragon World, the birth of a Young Dragon, is a great power beyond the reach of other World Plane creatures.

“gu lu.”

Swallowing and spitting foam, Qin Tian cupped the hands “many thanks Sister Long Xue for the grace of salvation, otherwise I will let the flying bird beast eaten.”

“I’m not saving you, this little fellow.” Long Xue shook the head, answered.

little fellow?

Qin Heavenly Fox doubts.

Your within the body has a golden scales Divine Dragon, don’t you know? “Long Xue reminded” and the golden scales Divine Dragon, with the body bloodline and the purity is scary, it came out when I happened to meet you.

“Golden Scales Giant Dragon.” Qin Tian remembered “… That was what he had conquered at the time of the 9th Layer. He had n’t used it in battle for a long time, just slept deep in his body within the body, do n’t want to This time, saved my life. “


“What about the little Golden Dragon?” Why is it not within my body? Young Lady Long Xue, where did it go?

“I have given my clansman to Dragon World Core Land, Divine Dragon Continent.”

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