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“hua la la ——”

On the flame ocean of swallowing heaven covering sun, a young man dressed as a long robe in flames, looks like cruel and untamed, and is tamed, and his eyes are filled with flames.

Not to mention this extremely hot imposing manner, Realm cultivation base, this person is a Star Saint Realm!

Behind him, there are more than 100 Fierce Dragon Continent, Flame Dragon Race genius! “It contains 2 Star King Realm geniuses! The rest, all Star Lord Realm! It is really, an unimaginable force that is enough to sweep the audience. In Dragon Abyss Secret Realm, there is no Dragon Race Tribe to contend. Yes, this batch of Flame Dragon Race geniuses. “

Qin Tian secretly considers “The situation is not small, Snow Dragon Race is really similar to this Flame Dragon Race.”

To put it bluntly, all Dragon Race Tribe genius team composition coming to Dragon Abyss Secret Realm is that Snow Dragon Race is the weakest.

“Ha ha ha.”

Flame Dragon Race Young Patriarch, laughing on his back, “thou, come to Dragon Abyss Secret Realm to join in the fun?”

The chance in Dragon Abyss Secret Realm is not something you are entitled to take for a cent.

Here is a warning to you, stepping into Dragon Abyss Secret Realm, but whoever dared to compete with my Flame Dragon Race, even if it is moving, I will turn him into ashes.

“It’s really overbearing!”

Many Dragon Race geniuses are uncomfortable and worried. “Who makes him Flame Dragon Race strong! With Flame Dragon Race, it is also one of the Four Great Imperial Families Dragon Race Tribe on Divine Dragon Continent, the bloodline branch of World Destroying Flame Dragon Race, this bloodline inadvertently, than on the scene Everyone, Dragon Race bloodline, is noble! “

“Hmph, what a cow!” Long Xue spat spat.


Flame Dragon Race Young Master based on the monstrous flame, glanced at “little sister, you are the person of Snow Dragon Tribe.”

1st Revolution Star Lord Realm 1st Step cultivation base, not bad! Are you interested, following this Young Master, I will not treat you badly.

With the support of Flame Dragon Race, you Snow Dragon Race, dominate Soaring Dragon Continent, the remote place, is not a problem.

“You … you talk nonsense.” Long Xue little girl, but simple and thin-skinned, when I heard this, my face was red and red, and the cute and beautiful face looked even more attractive and delicious. “Shameless, yuck!”


“There is character! This Young Master likes it.” Flame Dragon Race Young Patriarch licked his lips. “Maybe! Not a little sister, you’re in charge!”

Immediately, 2 Flame Dragon Race genius, grasping the power, flew out from left to right. “The aura displayed is 5th Revolution Star Lord Realm 99 Step Peak! Aura is hot, burning the heaven and boiling the sea!”

There is a head behind it, roar towards the sky, giant dragon creatures bathing in the blazing fire, baring fangs and brandishing claws, giving a great impact.

Snow Dragon Race members, each complexion pale, heavy.

Long Xue Little Girl, more subconsciously, pulled up the arm of the white clothed youth beside him and hid behind his back.

Qin Tian was speechless and sighed “Flame Dragon Young Master, what do you mean?”

What kind of dog are you?

2 Flame Dragon Race genius, sneer, to disdain as beneath contempt “trifling 3rd Revolution Heaven Immortal Star Monarch Realm! It ’s so bold, Dragon Abyss Secret Realm dare to come, is Snow Dragon Race, is there really no one?”

These Little Lady, following my Young Master, is to add luster to your Snow Dragon Race, don’t you understand? Get away immediately, otherwise you brat, you must taste the taste of dragon flame.

“Things … became interesting! Flame Dragon Race, I don’t know yet, that Snow Dragon Race monster is amazing.”

But the monster is so powerful, what use is it, Flame Dragon Race team composition is unmatched and fierce, Flame Dragon Race Young Patriarch, or Star Saint Realm powerhouse.

“Ha ha ha! Snow Dragon Race, no need to sacrifice a Little Girl to add luster.” Qin Tian sneered a long smile.

Courting death.

2 5th Revolution Star Lord Realm Peak cultivation base’s Flame Dragon Race genius, within the body spewed out a ragging big fire, the temperature was violent and destroyed.

“Supreme Secret Realm; A Word Command The Law! Fire!” Qin Tian completely motionless, protecting Long Xue Little Girl behind him, coldly snorted.

Incredible things are born.

2 Flame Dragon Race The violent flames of destruction released by the genius, under the power of the A Word Command The Law of nothingness, even extinguished in an instant, disappeared completely, and a ray of flame could not be seen.

“How is it possible …” This scene made all the talents of Flame Dragon Race unbelievable and wiped their eyes.

Flame Dragon Race Young Patriarch, frowning, “You brat, what means did you use?”

“Hu.” Long Xue Little Girl relaxed, raised her fist shouted “hmph, don’t understood! Big Brother Qin Tian is the most powerful, yuck.”

little girl, shall we say less? Can’t see the situation right now?

Qin Tian is speechless.

“Fun! I’m going to grab you and torture me.” Flame Dragon Race Young Master shakes his bones. “Flame, you shot.”

Well, Young Master is at ease.

More than 100 Flame Dragon Race geniuses, one of the 2 Star King Realm geniuses, stepped out.

“Outside, layer upon layer, the stormy sea-like flames boiled and sprang up! Let Heaven and Earth of the million li of the circle burn.

9th Revolution Star King Realm!

“Qin Tian rubbed the temples” is easy to retreat, but the Monster System’s mission, or my own wishes, can’t miss Dragon Abyss Secret Realm.

“Seeing the decadence of the youth, the genius of Flame Dragon Race 9th Revolution Star King Realm, I thought Qin Tian was afraid and shouted right away” brat! Surrender that woman, you also give me obediently surrender, to save a life is more important than anything.

go fuck yourself.

Qin Tian was a bit dry and blurted out, “Let me obediently surrender, you can try it as a Paradise Realm powerhouse to try!”

“You …” Flame Dragon Race 9th Revolution Star King Realm stunned genius, violently “courting death!”

peng long! peng long!

Reluctantly, Qin Tian mobilized his will, behind Ruler Dharma Idol illusory shadow, rising slowly.

“Ruler Dharma Idol, which is 100 zhang tall, is not so magnificent at first glance, but it is enough to override All Heavens God’s head, looking over the common people, and eyes clearly understood Nine Nether Yellow Springs.”

What the hell ?

In the unfathomable Ruler Dharma Idol illusory shadow overlooking, let alone other people, Flame Dragon Race Young Master, are extremely quiet and throbbing.

“Shameful things, I don’t believe it! You Immortal Star Monarch Realm, turned upside down.” The Flame Dragon Race genius of 9th Revolution Star King Realm, great hand protruded, the endless blazing flames turned into a dragon claw.

This sharp extreme, flamboyant destruction of dragon claw, erased, ordinary Star King Realm is easy, and it is just his tentative attack.

“Supreme Secret Realm; A Word Command The Law! Ruler Dharma Idol, Who Dares To Compete!”

Qin Tian recites silently a series of solemn and magnificent voices that shake Nine Heavens Great Desolate. “Behind, Ruler Dharma Idol, great hand wave.”

“Hua la la.” The violent and destructive flame dragon claw, which broke apart inch by inch, became a bubble.

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